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Saturday, December 31, 2011

day 124

Apparently I started this but never posted

Yay for getting through another year and yay for finding me again. So many people look for others to be happy. But that never works. Others will always disappoint. So learn to make you happy and other stuff will fall it place! Bye bye 2011 hello 2012

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day 123

"You are not alone. Everyone has problems. Some people are just better at hiding them than others!"

Some weeks I am awesome and do not tell one thing that is happening bad in my life. I keep it all inside and do other things to help relieve the stress.  If I talk about it, the situation increases size in my mind.  It can get out of control quickly.    Some weeks I vent out loud, quickly and to the point but still I vent. Venting is a habit that is bad for me and hard to break. I think I have it under control but alas.. it sneaks up.  I try to remember my issues are small in comparison to others. In all honestly, I have a good life.  I have my own house, car, 4 fabulous animals, friends and family who are just well AH-MAZ-ING!  Literally amazing!  I am such a lucky girl. I am an equal sharer. I share the good and the bad.. but I share none the less.  SO i have to work EXTRA hard to ensure my bad doesn't sneak into the conversation.  Doesn't mean it is not there, just means I keep it hidden a bit.  

So my moral of my blog post is that you really are not alone.  You may think you are but I promise you, that you are not. Someone out there is going through EXACTLY what you are, and the right person will come along to show you that, if you keep your eyes open

Have a fabulous day!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day 122

Today, since it is the holidays and i am love love love giving gifts (much better than getting them). I asked everyone to share a fave gift they gave someone.  There were a lot of good responses. There are some truly kind people out there.    My fave gift that I gave this year is chalkboard wine glasses. I sprayed the bottoms of wine glasses with chalkboard paint and put a piece of chalk and gave to my fave wine drinking friends.  So stinking cute!  I had fun doing them and picking out the glasses for each person.

Oh and as I was writing I came across this and just thought, wow so true!

Great advice on this site:

If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away.
If he doesn’t want you, nothing can make him stay.
Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior.
Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.
Stop trying to change yourselves for a relationship that’s not meant to be.
Slower is better.
Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy.
If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve; then heck no, you can’t "be friends." A friend wouldn’t mistreat a friend.
Don’t settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is.
Don’t stay because you think "it will get better." You’ll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better.
The only person you can control in a relationship is you.
Avoid men who’ve got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn’t marry them when he got them pregnant, Why would he treat you any differently?
Always have your own set of friends separate from his.
Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you.
If something bothers you, speak up.
Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later.
You cannot change a man’s behavior. Change comes from within.
Don’t EVER make him feel he is more important than you are...even if he has more education or in a better job. Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less.
Never let a man define who you are.
Never borrow someone else’s man. Oh Lord!  If he cheated with you, he’ll cheat on you. 
A man will only treat you the way you allow him to treat you.
All men are not dogs.
You should not be the one doing all the bending...compromise is a two-way street.
You need time to heal between relationships...There is nothing cute about baggage. Deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship.
You should never look for someone to complete you. A relationship consists of two whole individuals. Look for someone complimentary, not supplementary.
Dating is fun; even if he doesn’t turn out to be Mr. Right.
Make him miss you sometimes. When a man always know where you are, and you’re always readily available to him—he takes it for granted.
Don’t fully commit to a man who doesn’t give you everything that you need.
Keep him in your radar but get to know others.

Share this with other ladies.
You’ll make someone smile, another rethink her choices, and another woman prepare.
They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate
them, a day to love them, and an entire lifetime to forget them.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 121

"Accept others for who they are as well as where they are in life.   Sometimes there is a back story you do not know about. Try to respect them for who they are and get to know them.  You may just find a friend for life!"

This one gets me sometimes.  You see that girl walk in where tight tight clothes fat rolls hanging out, looking like she just walked out of People of Wal-Mart photos.  I want to judge.  I do.  I know it is wrong. I totally do!  But I really really really want to judge.  I want to make fun of them.  Which is WRONG.   I want to walk up and say "really do you not have a mirror or friends?"  But before i act and judge tooo much, I remember, I have NO idea what is going on in their life.  They could be homeless or just lost everything in a fire.  You just never know.  It is best to not judge a book by it's cover. This person could have an amazing story and touch your life for the better. Why is it so hard to just be nice?    I know this is one I will always struggle with (as i really do not like most people)  but am happy to say I am slowly winning the battle with myself!  Some days that is.  At the moment not so much!  One day at a time..............................................................

Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 120

"A hero is someone who makes a positive difference in someone else’s life.  Why not strive to be someone's hero today?"

How awesome would the world be if everyone tried to make a positive difference in others lives?  So many people are so selfish they cannot see past "what is in it for me?" way of thinking. Close your eyes (well after reading this) and imagine a world where others are helpful, less impatient, say nice things and are dependable.

If people were nicer, then I would want to get out of my nice comfy bed and warm snuggly animals to face the world.  As it stands now, my faith in humanity decreases a little every day.  Then some days my faith is restored by my amazing friends.   I was just sent a text that said  that i was a beautiful person that my daily posts makes this one friend smile and sometimes cry and to never change who I am. That I am beautiful inside and out.   I will admit that made me a little teary. I try to be a good person I really do.  Sometimes I fail but I never stop trying.  So thanks to that special friend who made my morning.  You know who you are ;)

When you think kind thoughts about someone.  Share it with them. I promise you will make their day!  And really what is better than making someone's day?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Day 119

"Sooner or later, you just want to be around the people who make you smile. Cannot wait for all the smiles that I will see this weekend! Have a great one Ya'll :D"

I love making people smile and I love to smile.  Someone asked me if I was ok today, that my FB posts seemed down.  I am like I am fabulous.  My posts are to help others see things in a good positive light.   I love it when I can make a difference  in one persons life. ONE.. that is all I need to know that i helped someone else.  It makes me happy to help others and if random thoughts help, then YAY!!!!  that is a win in my book!.. 

Get out there and smile.  Your smile is contagious!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 118

"Living a life of honesty creates  a sense of peace.  Feeling that peace is priceless.
Don’t be dishonest and don’t put up with people who are."

I will be fairly blunt... I have no use for people who lie to me.  Why bother?  I am not a weak girl who cannot handle the truth.  I would rather hear the truth than have someone lie to me.  The dishonesty and lack of trust in me, is what hurts.  Liars think they can get away with things, that the truth will not be known, or that at least when the truth is known they will be far away from the fall out.  They are immature cowards and are not worth your time or energy.  Cut these energy leaches out of your life.   It will make you a much happier person.  Let them hang out with other liars and cowards.  Let them have friends who let them down as much as they let their friends down.  Me?  I would much rather have friends I can count on and I do.  I have managed to weed out the bad eggs to leave room for people who care as much as I do.  Wouldn't the world be a much better place if we all just treated others the way we want to be treated?  I think it would. I would love to live in that kind of world :)

Have a great day peeps!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

day 117

"If you live your life consumed by the past, you waste the amazing moments you still have left to live!"

So many people look back and wonder, "what if?"  Or what could I have done differently.  NOTHING!  Whatever happened, happened because you made a choice, and that choice lead you off a beaten path.  Not the wrong one necessarily, but an off path that has brought you to where you are today.  If you do not like where you are, then keep walking.  You will get to your path by not giving up.  Even if giving up seems like the right choice, it never is.  You may need to move directions, but just doing nothing is never the right answer. Even if it is something you really want to do.  But if you are always looking back, how can you look forward?  How can you enjoy the possibilities that are in front of you?  Enjoy the new experiences that may come.   Will there be bumps?  YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!  But you can over come them, knowing you will be looking down the road for some less bumpiness!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 116

"Not getting what you want (even if it doesn't feel like it at the time) is sometimes an amazing stroke of good luck."

Lately I have been thinking about life.   Thinking about things i wanted but that did not actually work out so well.  I always thought I would be married by 23, starting kids by 27.  Well luckily that did not happen.  I would have not married the right person  and would not have been mature enough to handle kids.  I am finally to the point where I know I could handle it but yet again life throws me curve balls.  I am a firm believer in things happen for a reason. Keep your eyes, ears and heart open and good things will come.  I may never get the chance to be a mom, but I can be the best Aunt my nieces have ever seen!  Sometimes things you really want, are just not meant to be.  It is okay, and it is okay to grieve, just remember there  is something way better waiting for you out there.  You just have to be open to it!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Day 115

"Good memories help make bad ones seem very insignificant! I hope everyone makes some amazing memories this weekend!"

This morning as I drove to work, I had a flash back of a very good and let's say private memory.  The memory had J in it and made me smile a HUGE smile.  I could smell and feel him by closing my eyes. I cannot wait to make more memories with him.  Those small memories become bigger as they erase the bad ones that try to come to mind.  I am getting really good and bringing forth good memories when bad ones try to creep in.  The bad ones no longer in my fore thoughts. I can push them back, by remembering good ones.  Don't think it is possible?  Try it.  Next time a bad one creeps up, close your eyes and fight for a good memory.  Remember the way you felt, smelled, looked, drink it all in.  After a while, you will be able to summon those  thoughts without much effort at all. 

Go make some amazing memories!  Much love to all!  

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 114

"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."

I am a big believer in karma and the universe.  I know it is not what I am "supposed to " believe in.  I was raised in a good christian home. But  went to school and did not eat the books. I opened up myself to learn to listen to be aware.  I see karma happen daily.  I see things happen that cannot be explained (hence the universe).  Whether it be losing keys, to find them to breaking up with a love to be able to have a bigger love.  Every thing happens for a reason.  Whether that reason was a bad choice that you needed to learn from or an amazingly good choice that you made.  I am working on making those good choices.  But one thing i have learned is sometimes things you thought were good dissolve and there is always something better to come along at least that happens for me.  But it also comes with making right choices and just trying to be a good person.

I had an amazing time with my bestie last night.  Made her a yummy  birthday dinner which made her happy.  It was nice to see her smile!  I miss her smile!  She has not been smiling so much lately, so to see her smile was good.  She is the first roommate that after a year I have not wanted to kill :) YAY for that!  Plus it has been fun to feel like we were back in college.  I decorated her door full of fun happy birthday and feel good stuff.  Had Grumpy and I not ended, I would not have had this time with her.  I would be unhappily married without my bestie around.  I would not trade a minute of this past year!  It has been amazing and has helped me grow so  much as a person!  I love who we both have become and how we keep growing together!  No regrets!  Something better always comes along.. this past year proved that :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 113

"I like believing by making one person smile, that it may just change the world!"

I am all smiles lately, not sure if this is due to J or me just being in a really good place.  I think it is just me.  I mean I like J, but he needs to work on communicating.  Though it does make me smile when he texts unexpectedly.  But even without a text i am a happy girl.  I am smiling and enjoying meeting new people and all the possibilities that life has to offer.   They all may not be happy times but i can make the best out of the situation.  I have no plan for my life, which is a little scary, but at the same time, refreshing.  it is nice just to live and not plan or think ahead.  What happens, happens.  I have opened my life to the universe and all that it has to offer me.   Life is a journey.  Minus well make the most of it!  Plus I have some really good  people in my life!   Smile often, smiles are contagious!  

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 112

"Laughter is the best medicine for stress & life in general. Find humor in whatever situation you are in, laugh at yourself and with friends often!"

I know I have said this before and in different ways, but laughter is really the best medicine.  If you feel yucky, laughing helps, down?  Laugh!  Sad? Laugh!  Stressed?  Laugh!  Your endorphin's kick in, your body belts with noise, a shake moves through your body and you smile.  Smile big and real.  When you are laughing  you are happy. Really who does not want to be happy?  I mean I know there are some who just like being angry and having something to talk about whether it is good or bad.  But they have issues i cannot fix.  I do know I love a good laugh.  Any person who can make me laugh is alright in my book!

on a very big side note.  Pandora is making me super happy this morning with my mix!  Helping me wake up!

Ok so today, tell a joke or laugh for no reason!  I promise you will feel better, if  you just relax and LAUGH!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 111

"Take time to get to know others before judging them.  Too often we judge people on too little information. Instead of judging someone based on what they do or where they are in their life, figure out why they do what they do and how they got to where they are.  More than likely your orginal assumption was wrong."

This is one that gets me time and time again.  I hear people making assumptions about others without any basis other than "they think they are right", rather than get to know someone.  Just because someone is dressed a certain way, doesn't make them a bad person.  I have a friend that by looking at him, you would think he did not shower, had bad poor hygiene, was not so smart and maybe even a little slow. In reality, he has hormone issues, which cause some of the hygiene issues.. he actually does shower, he is one of the smartest people  I know and has a heart the size of Texas  But if you just looked at him.  You would get none of that.

Sometimes people are too close to situation to take a step back and look at the situation objectively.  They get defensive when no defense needs to be taken.  Someone once told me that,  "a  sign of a good leader was a person who could keep a stone face in the worst of times and never show weakness by letting others know they were hurt".  That is hard.  It is hard to be called names or told you cannot do something without feeling hurt, anger and a variety of other emotions.  I become more and more like stone faced for lack of better words, every day.  I try to not judge those who are giving me feedback, and listen.  Learn, grow become a better me.  I like that I am slowly letting go of the judgmental, defensive Jamie and am opening my mind to a whole new world and a whole new me.   It is hard to be objective and not take things personally.  But unless it is in my personal life, I really try to leave my ego at the door.  I definitely like my life better when I do that.

I struggle on this one.  If i am around others who do not judge, i tend to not judge, if I am around those who do, it is a struggle not too follow the herd.  Looks like it may be time to clean house again and purge out some negative folks.   I have such a want to help and assist other in any aspect of life they need help in.  Makes me sad, when I cannot help. If everyone just gave others a chance, were more open less judgmental, we all would be happier.      perfect world... does not exist ;(  that makes me sad.  But I will not give up the dream.  At least one day I hope to be surrounded by others who want the same!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 110

"Being open-minded is the key to gain more knowledge. With knowledge comes acceptance and happiness. If you want to know more about the world and others, you have to keep an open mind; give people and things a chance! Once you open your mind, you open your world to a WHOLE bunch of possibilities! Happy Friday Ya'll"

So many people are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO closed minded.  Why can we not all just get along.  Why does it have to be one way or the other?  Why can we just not respect others and their point of view?  Why can we just not see where things take us, instead of running before they start? 

Everyone says I am well rounded.  I used to not be.  I used to be close minded.  Once I opened up my mind, soo many possibilities came through.  I found that i had things in common with people from all walks of life.  I found that just because someone looks a certain way, does not mean they act a certain way.  I have learned that no love comes to you without putting yourself out there.  You cannot let the possibilities of getting hurt stop you from at least trying.  I would rather have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.  I have been hurt.  Very badly.  But I also do not think you can truly love someone, without knowing that hurt or loss.  I think (and maybe I am wrong) but I think that you love more deeply and appreciate the other person more, when you know how it feels to be completely crushed.  I am sometimes envious of those who have never been hurt, until I remember that without that hurt, I would not be as giving as i am now.  I would not realize what it means to treat someone the way I want to be treated.  I know that if I find that true love. I will give them everything, even if it means they may hurt me.   I would rather believe they will not and that we can make each other extremely happy, then dwell on the what if's.  I would rather keep my mind open to the possibility that they will never hurt me the way I have been hurt in the past.  I would rather show them that I am their #1 fan and will always be even if we disagree.  I want that.  I will  next except less than that.  

Life would be soo much better, if everyone just opened their minds, gave a little more to others and just be nice!  I hope everyone has a great day and keeps their minds open to what may and could come!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 109

"Mistakes teach you important lessons. Each time you make one, you are closer to your goal. The only mistake that can truly hurt you is choosing to do nothing simply because you are too scared to make a mistake."

I see so many people say they do not want to do something because they are afraid.  Afraid of hurting others, afraid to hurt themselves, afraid to fail.   But if you do nothing, you will never grow and never growing is boring.  Try new things, talk to random people. 

If you are single,  date people you never would have normally just to see.  Worst case you get a psycho that makes for fun stories, best you get a life long partner.   Whenever someone says "I do not want to hurt you" I think, I am a big girl.  Who is to say I will not hurt you?  but if it feels right, why not try?  Why not hang out with someone that makes you laugh and feel good?"  Sure you could get hurt, but you could also wind up with a best friend for life. 

  For those that are married.  Never stop trying.  never give up and take your love for granted.  You made it through the hard part of meeting that special someone.  Now keep it up!  Go out of your safe zone and do things your partner wants to try. You might love it and it will only strengthen your bond.  One of my fave couples.  He is not a runner, but his wife loves doing 5k's so he trains with her every day and runs slowly because she wants too and it is his way of supporting her.   It is amazing to see them together and just as much in love as they were 20 years ago. 

In work, ask for new projects, come up with new ideas.  Get out of your comfort zone.  It will make you more marketable and teach you things.  I take on more and more new tasks, because I get bored with monotony.  I like challenging myself even when I fail.  I learn why I failed and try to do it better next time.  As I never see failing as a bad thing.

Get out there make mistakes.. take a chance.. grow into an amazing you! 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 108

"Never regret. If it’s good, it’s amazing. If it’s bad, it’s experience."

Every experience, every choice, everything that you do makes you who you are.  Did you make a bad choice?  no worries.. it made you who you are and hopefully you learned your lesson.  Did you smile back at that cute person who smiled at you?  That is amazing!  Why not smile back?  Doesn't matter if it goes  further. It made you feel good.  Life is nothing but a bunch of choices and experiences.  You can make the most and learn from everything you do and experience, good or bad.  Or you can dwell and be negative and regret everything, run though every choices and wonder what if?  What if... is that your life would be COMPLETELY different.  You would not be you. You would not be where you are.  Now if you look and say, " I am a sucky person I regret  xyz"  Ok then go ahead regret, but then  move forward.  Know that you can become a better person if you want.  You just have to want it.

I recently had an old friend say,"I sometimes wonder what would have happened had I waited for you"  My response was simple.  " You and I would never have worked back then.  We were different people.  I am who i am today because we took different paths.  And never regret, you have two amazing children due to your path."  I meant that.  I am a completely different person than I was at 15, 20, 25 and even 30.  (Now I am aging myself)  But truly, I have learned from each experience.  I have experienced so much and seen so much. I am such a better person because of my experiences. People ask me if I regretted getting engaged to Goober.  And no I do not.  He taught me to realize how strong I am.  I am so much stronger than I ever thought I was.  He taught me communication is sooooo important in any relationship.  He taught me that I know I can make it through the teen years through dealing with him.  He helped make me the happy person I am today, because I did not want to be that grumpy person he was.  I did not want that life.  So no I do not regret that.  Every long relationship I have had, has taught me something.  I am a better because of them.  I know who I am and what I want.  So do not regret, learn, embrace and become the best you because of those experiences!

Love this!

Advice For Young Girls

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 107

"Embrace change. As uncomfortable as it is sometimes, change allows us to grow. New things feel awkward and sometimes really scary, but those feelings go away, and you are left with something bigger and amazing in your life."

As scary as change is.. it almost always brings me peace and happiness.  Even if that happiness does not last, it happened.  It changed who I am.  It made me a different and hopefully better person.  I had a conversation with a friend last night about being scared after being hurt so badly by a spouse.  Just because the past person was not so nice, does not mean the next person will be the same way. Sometimes you just need to go with the flow and see where it takes you.  Sometimes just opening up yourself to new things, brings amazing things.  Am I scared of getting hurt in new relationships? yes of course.  There is one in particular that if I think about I tear up.  Not because I do not like this person, but because I do and I think about the possibilities  of getting hurt.  But if I dwell on it, I will never know if amazing things could happen. Remembering to take each day and just enjoy it helps me not dwell on the what if's.  No one likes to hurt others.  Well most people do not.  Sometimes it happens. But sometimes.. sometimes.. it does not.  So do not go through life scared and afraid to try.  But instead open yourself up and see what may come!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 106

"People who are meant to be together will find their way back to each other. They may take detours, but they’re never lost."

I see this over and over again. People meet, go on about their life, then meet up again later, fall in love, and live happily ever after. It has been amazing watching this happen to friends. One of my friends, his wife and he dated, did not see each other for 12 years and now have been married for 25. Another friend just started dating her high school crush. Another got back with her husband after being apart a year. They just could not live without each other.

Sometimes I wonder will that happen to me. Especially after the weekend I just had. I met back up with my first real crush, the boy who gave me my first real kiss. He has lived an entire life. Married, kids that are basically grown and is now figuring out him and where he wants to be in life. It was nice seeing him. Those butterflies are still there. His touch still sends shock waves through my system. He makes me forget that any other boys exist, even SB. We talked and talked and flirted and talked. The end of the night, he kissed me and I felt 12 again. I could not stop smiling. We met up the next night and again it was just fun, comfy like we never missed a beat. Our personalities fit, we laughed and kissed and talked and just had fun. Where will it take me? Who knows. I am just enjoying the slowness, we both seem to want to take and enjoying having a crush on someone who is crushing back. One day at a time. Still lots to figure out, but I am not thinking of that now. I think for now I will enjoy whatever may come. He is very kissable, a nice pillow and not too bad on the eyes.

Keep your mind and heart open. Who knows what or who might come into your life when you least expect it. Just be you.. be happy and good things will come!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 105

Wow. Today was like Christmas FSU beat the gators and my crush likes me back. Great day and dreams do come true. oh and I have proof I ran the 5k

Go me!

Okay time for sleep

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 104

"Develop an attitude of gratitude. Count all of your blessings, even the things that seem trivial. Be grateful for your home, your work and most importantly (at least to me) your family and friends. Take the time to tell them that you are happy they are in your life! ♥ you guys!"

I love love love love my friends and family. I know I know I say this often but to me, you can never say it enough. Who does not love hearing they are awesome and appreciated? Not me! I love hearing my friends say they love me and i love telling them I love them. AS for work yes some days I let the stress get to me. But I work with some pretty fabulous people who love me despite of me. I have a cute little house that is mine and well the banks. Some fairly awesome pets who make me feel like I am the sun in their world. Do not believe what people say. Life is good! You just have to open your eyes and look around!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 103

"Either you’re going to take action and seize new opportunities or someone else will. You can’t change anything or make any sort of progress by sitting back and thinking about it."

It is funny some days I just wish my only worry was how fast it will take to straighten up my house and what I am cooking for my family for dinner. When did that dream life go away? When did my wanting to be an independent hard working woman happen? I must have wanted it right? That is where I ended up. I was not the sit at home kind of girl nor would I have appreciated what all it had I gotten what I wanted. I seized opportunities to be successful. It feels good knowing I can. I will always know I did not settle. I am glad that every day I think about being happy and do my best to make sure i am. I wake up smiling and go to sleep smiling. During the day I falter, but I at least go to sleep with a smile on my face, which is better than most people. I do know sitting and doing nothing will ensure you definitely do not move forward. I would much rather do than do nothing :)

And lately with dating, i feel the same way. I feel like boys have become complacent. That girls can come to them. But is that really the girls you want? The easy girls.. maybe.. but I am not easy nor will i ever be. I like a challenge so i give a challenge. I feel like nothing is worth keeping if it did not have a little work involved. I love feeling special and i love making someone feel special.

So make your decision and work for it. I know I will be!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 102

"Good looks attracts the eyes. Personality attracts the heart. If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you won't give up. If you give up, you're not worthy."

So lately I have heard lots of people complain about boys who say they like them but they just do not put forth the effort. No one is a mind reader. if you want her, let her know. Make the effort. A girl should not be the one asking the boy out. Woo her show her she is special. Make her feel like she is the only one and she will treat you that way in return. Do not just say things, do things. Ask her out, make time to spend with her, especially when she tells you she wants to see you. Make it happen. If you need guidance watch Millionaire matchmaker. She will totally school you in the ways of making girls feel special. And really if you have a happy girl who knows you care and feels how special you think she is, the right one will make you feel that same way back. But if you do not put forth the effort. She knows you are not worthy of hers!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 101

"There are few joys in life that equal a good conversation, a good read, a good walk, a good hug, a good smile, or an amazingly good friend."

Good conversation makes for lots of laughs. I love love love good converstation.

A good read.. the one where you just cannot put it down even know you know you will be SOOOOOOOO tired in the morning. MMMM amazing.

I love walking around my neighborhood. Seeing kids laughing and playing. Exploring new things. And the feeling that comes with knowing you were active.

A good hug warms you inside and out. Makes you feel safe and secure.

A good smile warms your heart and you cannot help but smile back and we all look prettier when we smile. WIN WIN

A good friend. Ahh i am a lucky girl. I have some amazing friends. Friends who would go to the end of the earth with me. Who make me laugh when I am sad. Who tell me when I am being silly and in need of an attitude change. Who tell me like it is and love me for my faults. I cannot ask for more in life. I am happy because of my friends and who they let me be! Appreciate the simple things!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 100

100 bottles of beer on the wall. HAHAHA That is what just came to mind. Awesome!

"Complaining is like slapping yourself for slapping yourself. It doesn’t solve the problem, it just hurts you more."

Laugh i know you want too. It is ok. Because if you think about it, it is true. Our instincts are to say I had a bad day.. then the other person asks "what happened?" And we say "Blah blah blah" Do we feel better? No, at least i do not. I feel more agitated, and aggravated because I am re-living that experience ALL over again. So I have started saying, "it doesn't matter, it is over, just a bad day, let's laugh" I feel better, I am no longer slapping myself over and over again explaining why I am in such a foul mood, I just get out of the foul mood so no explanation is necessary. Is it easy? No. but totally worth the extra effort, unless you just like the bruises you keep getting. Some may. Some people thrive on that pain. Not me, at least not anymore. I like the easy peasy road in life. The ones with a few bumps but nothing too harry! And nothing that stresses me out. I stress enough at work. Once home I life to just enjoy life. Enjoy my friends and life!

ps great time with my girls last night! My two faves always know how to make me laugh! and boy did we laugh!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 99

"Laugh at silly jokes. Apologize. Tell someone how much they mean to you. It’s the small moments that make life amazing!"

Life is too short. Laugh.. even when you may not want too. Laughing soothes the soul and makes you whole.

Say You are sorry. It is not hard and it doesn't matter if you are right or wrong. Just say it. Make the other person know that you love them, never let them doubt it! if you do you may never get the chance to tell them. Every choice we make determines the next steps in life. Enjoy each.

Lately I have been reminded how you must tell people you love them. I have been making an extra effort to make sure others know how I feel about them. Because not knowing is not fun. Stop making people guess. Be honest, communicate and love :)

Have a very happy day!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 98

Admit to yourself what you don't know, and you begin to evolve.

No one knows everything. You are a fool if you think you do. Yes i said it a FOOL. Embrace the unknown. Seek out something new to learn. You cannot evolve without learning new things and you should always be evolving! Without evolving you cannot be the best you that you can be!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 97

Consider today the opportunity of a lifetime. Start fresh. Happy Monday!

Every day is a new day. We hear it, but we do not always believe it. I am definitely one that needs to remember this daily. Today, a co-worker is waiting for his wife to have their baby. A new life will be born, a new beginning. Life happens when you are not looking. It is almost the end of the year and it feels like it is the beginning. The world spins, the days turn into nights, which turn into days. Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into years. Live today like it is your first and last. Tell those around you how much they mean. Never waste a second of your precious time!

This weekend one of my besties and I resurrected Brunch Sundays. The end of the weekend and the beginning of the next week. We talk about all the fun we had, the challenges we faced and how we can get through ONE MORE WEEK! You can always get through one more day, one more week. Keep focused on the good and the bad find it's way out of your life!

To new beginnings and happiness! (Yeah I am that cheezy today)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 96

I have been sick sick sick all week. Sicker than I have been in YEARS! What have I learned from that? Even the cutest kids have germs and I probably shouldn't cuddle with cute sick kids and that your true friends will be there to help take care of you. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my friends. I had an outpouring of offers to bring me soup, medicine and anything else I needed. i slept more than I was awake and i was able to weed out a not so nice boy from the dating mix as he so jokingly said " sure you are not having morning sickness" Yeah I am sure dick! So I slept this this week, like I was my cat. I feel better, I look better and I got rid of a dick hehehe. Life could not be better even if I am still slightly snotty. And today is 11-11-11 A HUGE THANK YOU to all of those who serve in the US armed forces an to their families for living without them while they keep us safe. I am glad to know heroes still exist! Much love to you all!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 95

"Don’t carry everything on your shoulders; that’s what friends are for"

I love my friends, they never let me forget they are there to help me through happy and sad times. The friends that are around and the ones I want in my life never let me down. They just know what to do. They love me despite my faults, as I love them despite theirs. I have lots of people in my life, but the ones I can count on are small in numbers and I am ok with that. I like knowing we are there for each other, like a messed up family. They say you change your group of friends every 7 years. I think that is accurate for the most part, but out of all of those groups, at least one usually sticks around for life. I treasure those people. I love that I have friends dating back 30 years. I love that they knew me when and still love me, I am glad we continue to not lose touch and always try to find time for each other. Friends are a very important part of life. Never take them for granted and make sure they know how much you love them!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 94

"We all dance to the beat of a different drum. Stop caring about being right all the time. There are few absolute ‘rights’ and ‘wrongs’ in the world. What’s right for you may be wrong for me, and vice versa. Live the way that is right for YOU!"

When it comes to life choices/opinions, not much is worth being right about. Step back from arguments with others. When you feel anger rising up and you want to yell that nasty cutting remark on tip of your tongue (yep that is me.. i cut with my tongue), just close your mouth and walk away. Let your mind calm down. You don’t have to be right or win an argument. Sometimes walking away is the best thing you can do. Ok, let's face it. .it is always the right thing to do. No good ever comes out of discussing things when you are mad. Instead of opening your mouth to get the last word or even a word in, open your mind to new ideas and opinions. Don’t just concentrate on what others are doing, spend time figuring out why they are doing what they’re doing. There is a whole world of possibilities out there. You just have to look for them sometimes ;)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

day 93

"Always make sure your loved ones know you love them even in times of conflict. Make time for friends and family. Don’t break your promises to them. Always be supportive and love them inspite of their flaws! ♥ you guys!"

really this speaks for itself, but even if you do not like someone at the moment or are angry at them. Still let them know you love them. My fave line is "I love you but you are really making me mad and i really do not like you at the moment" Because you are not always going to get along. You are not always going to like them or their actions. Remember who they are and your love for them. Help them through times of strife and enjoy the happy times. Without conflict and grief, we do not appreciate the calmness and happy. You never know when you will get the chance to tell someone how you feel, so do not waste a minute. Before you hang up the phone, say goodbye/night, tell them you love them. Make sure the people who matter know! It will make them smile :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 92

"Never give up. Face each new challenge with the attitude that it will bring you one step closer to your goal. You will never fail, as long as you keep trying and never give up!"

Focus on what you want, learn the required skills, make a plan to succeed and take action. We are always happiest while pursuing something of value to us. Be persistent. Do not give up because it is hard. Figure out a way to make it happen. Use that brain that you have. Sure it may not be fun, when it is hard. By you definitely get an amazing feeling when you accomplish that goal. I will never forget when I fixed the washer myself. I was so darn proud. It was hard, it was beyond my skill set. But I did it! I pushed myself and did it. Even when I am running/working out, I constantly push myself beyond my limits. If it hurts or I think " i cannot" I push myself to run just a tad bit more.. to do just one more push up. And you know what? When I am done, I feel good. I feel good that I pushed past my limitations and proved that I could do it!

Push yourself today and do not accept defeat! Know that you can push through anything you set your mind to!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 91

"Want to be someone else? Today is your perfect chance. Be who you want to be, today.. it is Halloween after all :)"

I love today. Today, you can be anyone you want. You can be yourself or someone entirely different. (Like my friend's husband who dressed as a Geisha). I am a little Indian :)

My mom made this costume for her back when I was in preschool. Today I proudly wear it with FSU beading from my Grandma Sue who went to FSU back when it was a woman's college. I love that I get to wear a little bit of both of them today. Makes me smile :) Plus I have these cute red boots to wear when I am outside. I keep saying I scalped a cow girl for them. Maybe someone will play Cowboys and Indians with me later.. hehehe I do so love Halloween! Who are you today???

day 90

Ok so I forgot to come on and post my thought for the day yesterday. So here it is" "Dream big.. as sometimes.. dreams come true!"

I am still holding out for this one, but I do believe that this happens. I dreamed I would own a house, and I did. So maybe, I should create a vision board and put all the things i want on it. If I can envision it, then it may make my dreams easier to catch. What dreams do you want to come true??

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 89

"Believe in yourself. Do NOT allow anyone to disrespect you or make you feel less than you know you are! If they do, they are not worthy of having you in their life!"

Where were these words 2 years ago. My life would be so different, though I would not be the same person. I think I needed to feel someone disrespect me so that i understand what it feels like and ensure I do not do it to others. I have been reminded lately, that I have been a little bratty. Sometimes you get so wrapped up in you, that you do not see that you might not be treating others as you would like to be treated. And i am all about treating others the way i want to be treated. So I needed that attitude check. I also needed this quote today. NO ONE deserves to be constantly disrespected. Do not take it. It is hard sometimes to walk away, especially when it is someone you love that is doing the disrespecting. But you are better than that. You will feel like a weight has been lifted when you stand up for you. You become a better version of you, when you surround yourself with people who lift you up. You should seek out those people.

I have this friend A. Every time I see her she makes me smile, just by being in the room. I get an email from her and I smile. She is an amazing person with this magnificent aura. Something just happens when she is around. She lights up a room. I strive to be her. I know her life is not perfect, but I love her for her faults and all. I strive to be that person who people want around. Who people say "she lights up a room". This is why I love having her in my life. I find the older I get the more I seek out these types of people. We can have fun doing anything. That is the person I want to be. Some say I am there, I say I still have lots of work to go. (and I do.. I really really do) but each day, I get closer to my goal!.

So get out there today. Believe in YOU and do not take crap from anyone!!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 88

"People conform because there is strength in numbers, but true strength comes from the person brave enough to stand alone. Find your strength and stand apart from the crowd!"

It is funny, when I was younger I always wanted to be in the 'cool crowd'. I wanted to fit in and belong. Even when I was younger though I did things to make people want to be like me without realizing it. As I became older, i continued on the stand apart from the crowd frame of mind. I like being my own person who walks to my own beat. I love the friends I have, because most of them too, stand apart from the crowd. If you had in a room my 5 closest friends. They each are from different crowds, yet they fit into my life perfectly. Because each bring a trait that helps me be a better person. Find people who want you to be the best you, that you can be. Stay away from those who want you to conform or be someone who is less than you are. Never look back, always push forward and stand apart and show everyone how strong you can be and what strength you can offer them. All relationships are give an take. You should always give, as giving is receiving and sharing is caring!

Stand apart today and be the strong person I know you can be!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 87

"I am made entirely of flaws stiched together with good intentions. I try to put my best foot forward while realizing imperfection is what I do best! Stop caring about the imaginary state of perfect. Perfect is the enemy of good. Strive to the best imperfect YOU!"

Many of us are perfectionists or strive for perfect. I know I am/do at times. We set high bars for ourselves and dedicate copious amounts of time and attention to our work to maintain our high personal standards. Our passion for excellence drives us to run the extra mile, never stopping, never relenting. And this dedication towards perfection undoubtedly helps us to achieve results… So long as we don’t get carried away. I have to realize my perfect is not going to be the same as someone else's perfect. I also realize that I am a perfectionist at times. I always strive to look nice without looking like I put forth the effort. I work hard, because I want people to have a high regard for me. It is all about appearances. Sometimes imperfections sneak out, and I laugh them off. Laughter is a great cure all for everything. But when i am alone, those imperfections come out and i embrace them. I learn from them, i try to recognize them and let them make me humble. Sometimes I laugh when I go to step over a piece of paper on the ground. the perfectionist wants to pick it up, the imperfect me just wants to leave it. I always laugh and always pick it up, because who else will if I do not?

We all struggle in life, it is a shame more people do not share their struggles. It is funny when I look at someone and think 'I want their life, they have a perfect life'. Then I find out, their life is not so perfect, they just hide it well. They do not let the imperfect flow through to the masses, only a close group of friends. Which is who should see the imperfect you. I love that my friends see me looking like a hot mess, saying inappropriate things, being an airhead, the list goes on, yet they still love me. They love me in spite of me and because of me. And really could I ask for anything more??? Nah.. I will take my imperfect friends who love the imperfect me any day over perfect friends who only love the perfect me!

Get out there and embrace the imperfect you!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 86

"Keep Your Word. Remember, honesty is the best policy. Every action and decision you make should be based on honesty. Be honest with yourself and with your loved ones."

I laugh as I type that. The one thing you expect from a loved one, especially a partner is honesty. For 3 plus years my last partner could not be honest about almost anything. It was like he was so trained to lie to his parents, that he could not see I was the one person he should have been honest with. I was not going to ground him or break up with him for honestly. In fact one of the reasons it was so easy to let go of him, is that he was not honest. If you lie over silly things like how many beers you drank or who was at a party, than you will lie to me about bigger more important things. How can I trust you at all? If I cannot trust you, then why should I be with you?

Honesty is extremely important to me. Without it, what is the basis of your relationship with anyone, including yourself? You must be honest with yourself about your wants and needs. You must be honest with others about your wants and needs. No one is a mind reader. If you do not express how you feel honestly, than the other person (no matter, friend, partner or parent) will know what you need or think. Honesty is the foundation of relationships, because with it comes trust.

Even if it is uncomfortable, try your best to be honest with you and others. Your life may just change for the better!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 85

"True love does not come by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly!"

Which brings up a good question. What is "true love"?

My guess is finding someone who loves you faults and all, who is there willing to help you be a better person, be your best friend, confidant, cheerleader through this roller coaster we call life! But what do I know.. I have yet to find it.. but there is always hope that it will come along! Am I seeking it out. No way, but if it happens to plop on my door i will not turn it away. All i can do is have fun, be happy with me and the rest I have to believe will work itself out. We all have our faults, our habits that annoy others, we chew to loud, snore, cannot stop talking. We also have that amazing traits like giving to others, always smiling. People fall in love with those good traits and over look the others (at least they will if they truly love you). Do not settle for mediocre. Wait for that person who loves you despite of you!

A friend just emailed with something I think is perfect for today:

I might not be someone's first choice, but I am a great choice..
I may not be rich but I am valuable..
I don't pretend to be someone I'm not, because I'm good at being me..
I might not be proud of some of the things I've done in the past, but I am proud of who I am today..
I may not be perfect but I don't need to be..
Take me as I am, or watch me as I walk away.. I am Me...

Be proud of you and know that someone loves you just for YOU!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Day 84

"In life you cannot change what happened in the past, but you can change how you react to it. If you awake every morning with the thought that something amazing will happen today, you’ll often find that you’re right. The opposite is also true. The choice is yours to make. Which did you chose this morning?"

So many things happen daily, some that are great, some sad, some frustrating and some down right piss you off. it is hard to stop when you are in the state to say "it is ok" . Sometimes it is even harder not to dwell on it. Memories creep in, thoughts you did not know you had come into mind. You can chose to dwell or choose to push them away. Choices.. choices choices.. It always comes down to a choice. What you wear, how you act, how you react. Some days are harder than others. Never stop making a choice. Do not get lazy and say "well if it is in my mind then i must play this thought out" NO DO NOT DO IT! Force those bad thoughts away. Remember the good, the fun, the amazing things that life has to offer. Watch a child or animal play, laugh with friends. Do anything you can until you are able to push out those negative bad thoughts and let in the good ones. The good ones are better anyway!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 83

"Take a chance! Either you succeed or you learn something. Win-Win. Remember, if you never act, you will never know for sure, and you will be left standing in the same spot forever."

Does not matter, what you do, who you are, where you are in life. Every day you have the chance to take a chance and do something new or different. Yeah it may be scary, yeah you may not really want to try it, but wow at what may happen if you do. There is no reason not to try something at least once, Well usually no reason, if you ask me to jump into a volcano and hit the lava.. I will tell you to have fun with that. But if you just want to go bungee jumping in the volcano.. well that might be possible :) But if you are afraid to go out with someone new because of being hurt, then you will never know if they are the one. If you do not talk to that person sitting alone, then you may not find out they are an amazing person. But if you never take a chance, you will never grow, never learn and never move forward with life. And whether you like it or not, life moves forward with or without you. So get up today and take a chance on something you have been wanting to do or try or see. Moving forward is way more fun than just sitting still!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 82

"Dancing makes me happy... Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room.. It will make you smile.... at least it has that effect on me! Why not give it a try? What do you have to lose?"

Last night, I got home and did not have time to do a proper work out before a friend came to visit, so i turned on some music and danced. I danced and danced, until the said friend showed. Then danced for another 2 hours once the friend left. I am not sure if it was my friend or the dancing or a combination of both, but I like to think the dancing had a lot to do with the smile on my face. It was nice to just let loose and feel the music run through my body. The way the music melted into me and helped all the negativity and bad mojo of the day fade away. I went to bed smiling and woke up smiling. So dance like no one is watching. Let loose and enjoy yourself. When you are dancing you cannot help but smile! Get out there and DANCE!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 81

"Stop caring about mistakes. Mistakes teach you important lessons. The biggest mistake you can make is doing nothing because you’re too scared to make a mistake. So don’t hesitate and definitely don’t doubt yourself. "

If you do not try, you will never know. Mistakes are how we figure out who we are and where we need to go. They happen as we push ourselves to be better people. If you stop making mistakes, then it means you have stopped trying new things. Never stop growing. Never stop trying. Mistakes teach us about who we are, what we can go through and where we never want to go back too. Remember them, learn from them and never repeat them! Be the best you can be everyday and do not be afraid of a little mistake!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 80

"This crazy world makes you feel like you should be like everyone else. But, YOU are one of a kind! Find the courage to stand apart from the crowd and keep being YOU, because YOU are awesome!"

Stop caring about looking a certain way. Be you, just the way you are, in the unique way only you know how. Wear clothes and styles you feel comfortable wearing. Dress the way YOU dress. Just be YOU!. Be comfy in your own skin and your inner light will radiate through to others.

Never compromise who you are. Be proud of you, and if you are not, then take steps to become the YOU that you want to be!

Do not forget.. YOU ARE AWESOME!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 79

Za Za Zu" is a feeling I must feel for me to want to see a guy more than once. I love the "za za zu" feeling. That burst of energy that radiates from every fiber of your being. Your heart is pounding, blood racing through your body, as little shocks pound throughout you. That feeling of, “wow I want you”, not just sexually but just to be around you. It feels right and “WOW” , weak in the knees and so much desire. That feeling is amazing. that feeling gives you butterflies when you think of that certain someone. Za Za Zu is the best thing.. since...... well just the best thing :) That is all!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 78

"Appreciate Life! Be thankful that you woke up alive each morning. Make the most of each day. Don’t take anything for granted. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Focus on the beauty of every living thing instead and see if you do not smile :)"

We all struggle with this one. We wake up, we are tired, we think of the laundry list of things that have got to be done today. We then make a choice. We either dwell on it, and let it effect us negatively or we chose to smile, get up and face the day. Then throughout the day, we continue to come up to choices. This morning for example. My alarm went off to work out. I will admit, I hit the snooze button a couple.. er few times. Then I got up and did some kickboxing. Felt empowered and ready for the day. Got to work and all hell was breaking loose. I let it get to me for about 5 mins when I realized. I could A. stay grumpy due to circumstances out of my control and others attitudes or B. I could smile and just get stuff done that I could. I chose B and am super happy I did. I immediately felt a release of anger and frustration and am jsut a smiling.

So get out there today and be thankful you are alive and can chose what your mood will be!

Happy Friday!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 77

"Keep your focus steadily on what you want. You can focus on your problems, dwell in suffering and have a victim mentality. Or you can focus on the positive in situation, you can learn from that situation or just focus your mind on something entirely else. Thinking negatively is a habit, you can learn to control and put your focus elsewere until a new habit is formed. It is hard.. but can be done (at least I think it can), why not at least try?"

It may be “normal” to dwell on problems and swim around in a sea of negativity. But that is a choice. And a thought habit. You may reflexively start to dwell on problems instead of refocusing your mind on something more useful. But you can also start to build a habit of learning to gain more and more control of where you put your focus.

“Drag your thoughts away from your troubles… by the ears, by the heels, or any other way you can manage it.”

And some days you have to drag yourself kicking and screaming in another direction. That was me yesterday. I let a client get to me. I let her effect my mood, to the point where i was so stressed, i almost cried and ended up with a migraine. Today while I was driving to work, I went reflected on why did I let her get to me? I have been doing so well and managing the stress, as my job can get a little hairy at times. And I realized I never sang "I feel pretty" Which is what I do when I feel stressed. Does this make me look like an idiot? YES! Does it make me happy? YES! Does it de-stress me? YES! You see a theme don't you? So yesterday I failed in my choice. I allowed myself to let those negative thoughts overwhelm me, I shared them ( big NO-NO) which only made the thoughts fester more. So today's message speaks VOLUMES to me. I know better than anyone how hard it is. But really no one likes a negative neely and no one wants to be around that attitude. So today, "I feel pretty oh so pretty" and I will work my hardest to keep my thoughts in a good light, no matter how hard that might be. I hope all of you have a FABULOUS day and are able to do the same! Ciao!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 76

"Fear is a happiness-killer. Know when fear is driving your choices, and choose otherwise. Choose freedom over fear. Meet fear with love, then have the courage to act on what you really want."

So many people make choices based on being afraid they have made a wrong choice for something that may or may not happen in the future. This reminds me of hoarding. You hold on to something because you may use it in the future. Sure you are absolutely right, you may. But you also may not. So why hold on? Why not try something new and let go? Let go of the what-if? And live today. Make the choice that is right for you TODAY! As you may not be the same person in a year or 5. You may not want what you do at this exact moment. You may feel that a certain person is the one, or that cupcake is calling your name. But really think about, are they/it right for you RIGHT NOW! Chances are, they are not. So let go of that fear and live your life. Have the courage to move forward and embrace what may come! If you keep holding on or not doing something because you are afraid, than you are not really living either! Think about that :)


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 75

"Nothing kills happiness more quickly than old hurts, resentments, and grudges. Do not spend your valuable time stuck in the past. Realize that you are being affected way more than anyone else. Get rid of your old baggage by wrapping all of that pain in a huge ball of love (yeah yeah go ahead and laugh but you can envision that.. I know you can), then move on with clarity and grace."

This speaks volumes to me. It is hard to let go, and not relive those hurts or past decisions What if's?

Recently my ex has finally admitted after being caught in one to many lies that he is seeing his ex girlfriend. The one he called ugly, fat, a horrible person. Said "she didn't look like THAT, when we dated" The one that broke his heart and screwed him up about how relationships should be. It was funny, as I think he thought I was going to be mad. But instead relief hit me and I smiled. I always had a feeling that things were not done with them. Not so much on his side, but hers. The way she tensed when I was in the same room with her. They way she never could look me in the eyes. The constant texts to meet up. The list goes on. So when he said "yeah I am seeing her, apparently you have not moved on." All I could think is " I am not crazy.. I did not imagine things, it was there". That was a GREAT feeling! I was not crazy I was RIGHT! RIGHT! Awesome.. so i laughed. Then laughed more when I realized he didn't know that, I started dating 3 weeks after we broke up. I gave myself 3 weeks to mourn the 3 years we were together. Since then I have been dating anyone who I think deserves a date. But I have kept this from him due to not wanting to upset him (he gets a little irrational when upset and who knows what will set him off) So to keep from arguing I just have kept this a secret. So I laughed and laughed. He did not see what was so humorous. I said, I can tell you now, I have been dating, just didn't want to hurt you though your " I made a mistake, I miss you" speeches. I wanted to spare you. But now I can tell you that and be okay with it as I was right.. shocker he hung up :) As I kept smiling and laughing I am sure the people in the car next to me thought I was crazy. But I felt so free and so happy. I wish him the best. I wish them both the best. If they can be happy together, since they both are miserable alone, than YAY for them. Kudos!

I have learned a lot in the past few years and the one thing is you cannot look back. You must let go and to let go you must forgive. I wrap them in a huge ball of love and release them. I smile as I wrote this. (crazy I know) if you had asked me a year ago if i would be like "sure i wish you the best" I would tell you CRAZY! But today.. it feels good. It feels good to know he has no hold on me. That I had already released him and moved forward way before he realized I did. That news that would make most people curl into a ball, makes me smile. Smile because I am a better person for that relationship. Smile because I kept the lessons I needed too and released all the rest. LIfe may not be all roses, but it sure is never dull. Enjoy life, the good the bad and the ugly. Sometimes beautiful things come from ugly messes, you just have to be willing to work through it and be willing to let go and move up to bigger and better things!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 74

"Lighten up and have some fun. Laughter is an amazing tool. It can lighten the mood just about anywhere. So grab your friends, laugh and let the giggles melt your worries away!"

This was exactly what i did last night. I had a date with my gay boyfriend J. Then C called and we told her to join. Then A got home from work and was like " I will go too" Score 3 of my fave peeps all at once. So we venture on our walk to dinner which was comical. We pass power lines that are down. C keeps asking why we are in the ghetto and that maybe we should have drove. Hello it is 3 blocks.. walk.. it will be ok. So this started our laughing and it continued on through a yummy dinner through the walk home. We laughed and laughed an laughed. it was the best medicine i could have asked for. Love love love my friends!

So feel down? Call a friend. Don't have a friend? then read a comic or watch a funny movie.. let loose giggle like you were a child again. Their laughter is contagious, so laugh so your laughter will catch on to others!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 73

"Let go of anger as quickly as possible. Anger is most of the time pretty pointless and a lot of time only hurts you. Recognize the anger, then find a way to let go and move forward. Life is much more pleasurable that way!"

This is one I struggle with over and over again. I feel angry or hurt and instead of letting go, it festers until I stew and act out and try to hurt the other person, or until I tell them.. in which i usually do not get the reaction i am looking for. So I have to make the decision. Is it worth, feeling aggravated and pissy when the other person doesn't even notice or car? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO it is only making me a horrible person. So i work to let go. When those feelings creep up, I push them down, throw them out.. whatever i can do. Is it easy? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Do I always win the battler? Not at that moment.. but eventually I let go and breathe and realize that person or thing is small in my day to day life. I can choose to let them guide my attitude or I can choose to let ME guide my attitude.. I like it better when i do :) Plus it has been neat watching me transform and let go.. i feel better, i am happier and all in all life is a hell of a lot more pleasurable.. Being angry takes work.. I would much rather work on being happy :)

So let go and enjoy life!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 72

"Do not look for the approval from others. Give yourself approval and allow yourself to be who you want to be. Because you are pretty fabulous!"

This speaks volumes to me. For years I wanted what others had, I wanted to be someone else, I looked for approval from friends, from boys from my parents. I even looked at boys for what they could offer me instead of what I could offer them. I wanted the name brand jeans and not hand me downs. I wanted the boy with the cool truck. I thought I deserved these things, the world owed me. Since I was always wanting more, I never stopped to be happy with what I had or who was in my life. When I finally stopped and looked around, I realized I am fairly awesome.. I have an awesome house that is in a constant state of chaos (like me), I have awesome but crazy and fun and loving animals, I have amazingly awesome friends who keep me on my toes but are always there, I have me who is always trying to better herself and learn new things. I am a happy girl and I really do love my life. It feels amazing to feel this way. It took me until my 30's to be happy with me. To love who i am.. good and bad. I just wish I had learned this sooner.

So love you for you, and if you do not love the you,, that you are.. then do something to change it. bad attitude (that is me) then change it.. it is hard.. it is work.. it is constantly having to realize :oh crap i shouldn't have said that" or " I need to smile.. smile dammit.. i know you do not like her but SMILE" :) that is the hardest. Getting my point? To change takes work.. but if you are not happy with you.. then do it.. do what you need to in order to be the best you, so you can be proud of who you are and where you are in life

Have a happy day!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 71

"Feeling like you cannot do something? Your limitations may just be in your mind. Change your way of thinking and take down those limations. Beleive in yourself and know you can do what you put your mind too; you will be amazed at what you accomplish by just believing in yourself!" So many limitations are mostly in our minds. We may for instance think that people will disapprove because we are too loud, tall, too old or balding. But these things mostly matter when you think they matter. Because you become self-conscious and worried about what people may think. People pick up on that and may react in negative ways. Or you may interpret anything they do as a negative reaction because you are so fearful of a bad reaction and so focused inward on yourself. If you, on the other hand, don’t mind then people tend to not mind that much either. And if you don’t mind then you won’t let that part of yourself become a self-imposed roadblock in your life. Believe in yourself.. i know it is hard some days, but take one small step in the right direction and those others steps will become easier until believing in you becomes second nature!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 70

"Even the smallest gesture could make someone's day. Thanks Amy Marie for picking up breakfast.. you are saving my life and totally made my morning! ♥ you!"

so on my way to work this morning. I am thinking about what I have at the office to eat and what i want. I have ramen.. which does sound yummy but an Egg sandwich is calling my name. But I do not have time, when an angel named AM texts to say "want breakfast?" Yes please! and there that small moment happened that helped me have an amazing morning.. I got an egg sandwich hand delivered to me and it was PERFECT!

So go out there and make someone's day! Even saying " you look pretty today" would work

So that is your challenge.. make at least one person smile today by doing something for them!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 69

HAHAHA I know I am 14 again.. "69" hahaha I am not sure why I am in giggles at writing that. it is just a number. But I guess it is good that I did, because I had no idea what I am going to write. I just decided I should write.

I would give a lot for a heath bar at the moment. Alas.. I am not going to walk in the store and I am not going to drive, though it is a beautiful night. really it was a beautiful weekend. The beach was super windy but gorgeous. I should have stayed all day. Today walking around and eating outside for dinner was so refreshing. The cool crisp air makes me feel alive and happy. I was able to spend time with friends, meet some new friends and all in all had a pretty fabulous weekend :)

Ok I digress but maybe that is for the best. I will leave you to what your first reaction was when ou say "Day 69" Maybe you had no reaction or maybe you giggled like me.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 68

"Accept others for who they are. Don’t put limitations on those you love. Even though you may not always like the actions of your loved ones, continue to love them. They may need the extra love to turn things around ♥ ♥ ♥"

If you cannot accept others for who they are.. how can you expect anyone to accept you for you????

Think about that one!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 67

"Don’t try to be someone that you’re not. Determine who you are in the inside – your own personal likes and dislikes. Be confident in who you are. Do the best you can and don’t second guess yourself."

Trying to be someone you are not, does no good for anyone especially you. You will never be happy trying to be someone you are not. But you will be happy when you realize who you are and what you want out of life. Take some time.. stay single, go on dates by yourself. Learn to love you, imperfections and all. No one is perfect. We can strive for that, but that is exhausting. Love you for you. Do not settle for anyone who does not love you for you, and always realize when you are not being the best you, you can be. Wow that is a lot of "yous:" but without loving yourself.. how can you expect anyone else to love you?

So today.. be true to you and trust your instincts!