"I am made entirely of flaws stiched together with good intentions. I try to put my best foot forward while realizing imperfection is what I do best! Stop caring about the imaginary state of perfect. Perfect is the enemy of good. Strive to the best imperfect YOU!"
Many of us are perfectionists or strive for perfect. I know I am/do at times. We set high bars for ourselves and dedicate copious amounts of time and attention to our work to maintain our high personal standards. Our passion for excellence drives us to run the extra mile, never stopping, never relenting. And this dedication towards perfection undoubtedly helps us to achieve results… So long as we don’t get carried away. I have to realize my perfect is not going to be the same as someone else's perfect. I also realize that I am a perfectionist at times. I always strive to look nice without looking like I put forth the effort. I work hard, because I want people to have a high regard for me. It is all about appearances. Sometimes imperfections sneak out, and I laugh them off. Laughter is a great cure all for everything. But when i am alone, those imperfections come out and i embrace them. I learn from them, i try to recognize them and let them make me humble. Sometimes I laugh when I go to step over a piece of paper on the ground. the perfectionist wants to pick it up, the imperfect me just wants to leave it. I always laugh and always pick it up, because who else will if I do not?
We all struggle in life, it is a shame more people do not share their struggles. It is funny when I look at someone and think 'I want their life, they have a perfect life'. Then I find out, their life is not so perfect, they just hide it well. They do not let the imperfect flow through to the masses, only a close group of friends. Which is who should see the imperfect you. I love that my friends see me looking like a hot mess, saying inappropriate things, being an airhead, the list goes on, yet they still love me. They love me in spite of me and because of me. And really could I ask for anything more??? Nah.. I will take my imperfect friends who love the imperfect me any day over perfect friends who only love the perfect me!
Get out there and embrace the imperfect you!
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