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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Post 12, 2014 Giggles

I will say my fave thing so far about being a mom is those sweet giggles my child gives me so freely. It used to be his smiles, which he gave me from almost the beginning, now it is those giggles. I love how when he sees me he smiles. It is like it is his way of telling me he loves me so. His smile melts me, and his giggles are so contagious. As I write this, I can feel my milk letting down, even though I just pumped. The thought of him affects me in ways I could have never imagined. This love that I have for this little being, is immeasurable. It is amazing how he makes me react. Even when we are running late, I have been pooed on, spit up on, almost tripped on the wet floor because someone grabbed my cup of water and threw it down, none of it matters, when he looks at me and smiles. Which is every time he sees me. His little arms wrap around my neck and his hands twist my hair, it hurts, I do not care. He smiles, and giggles when I say "ow" and I melt all over again. I hope these feelings never end. I want to cherish every moment of these early months and years. Before long I will be hearing "I hate you" "You hate me" and much more. For now I will take the sleepless nights and the rest of the obstacles for a smiles and giggles!