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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 28 - 2012

WOW it is already the last day of the first month of the new year!  Crazy how time flies.  in 2 days I will be on my first cruise.  SUPER excited about that!  Woke up this am sick, but still worked out and am getting through the day.  Now if my body would cooperate I would get sooooo much more done.

I just realized my streak of blogging will wane during my cruise. So sorry peeps, but hopefully I will have loads to write about about.  Maybe I will just keep a journal then do posts for each day when I get back.  Would  make me feel like less of a slacker that is for sure.

I think the Beatles had it right "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da life goes on....ah la la life goes on"  Life does go on with or without you. You can complain, you can say nothing or you can do something to change your life, either way, life will go on.  Will you be along for the ride?  I know I will be!


Day 27- 2012

Okay so I created this yesterday, so I am going to write like it was yesterday.

Monday is always crazy.  It never fails that my clients are a mess, and I am  a hot mess.  I started the day off right by a kickboxing work out.  Had time to straighten up a bit and ensure no poop laid in hidden places.  So far so good.  My day during the day was super slammed, finally went to lunch late.  But for some reason my mood stayed good. (I think I am getting good at this)  Got home packed in between visits from friends.  Got in lots of laughs (How can you not love laughing???)

I am so super ready to go on my cruise. EYEYEYEYEYEYE :)

This quote seems to be my mantra lately


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 26 -2012

Last night my two very bad dogs slept outside. And seemed to like it. At least they wanted directly back outside after breakfast. Hmmmm. Who knew they would like it. This excites me.

I am exhausted I cleaned the entire house. I scrubbed the bathroom and kitchen floors on my knees. I felt like Cinderella slaving away while the masses enjoyed the day. Laughter filled my house from the streets while I slaved away. I rearranged, washed all the linens. Let's be real I washed all dirty laundry except one load of clothes, bathed both dogs. This went on for well over 8 hours. Then I take a shower come out to crap in the living room. Urge George!!!!!!!!'. There was almost a dead husky. He was smart and steered clear of me most of the night. I rewarded myself with my free papa johns pizza. Thank you papa johns rewards program. I of course kept cleaning as it seems like a never ending chore I even noticed I washed the same rug and towel twice. Why you ask! Because my lovely cat was pissed I partially blocked the litter box so he decided to go on the freshly laundered bathroom mat and my libel youngest dog ate this crap. Oh yeah! I'm one lucky girl! You know you are jealous of my life! I am now cuddling with the mad kitty. Looking at two clean doggies cuddling on the floor, which makes me smile.

Tomorrow it all starts over again with working out, work, laundry, packing , sleep. But that is okay. In 4 days I will be on a cruise ship :-)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 25- 2012

Wow today was been slammed packed and when I say down at 8:30. I was done.
Super excited that I found the secret Marshall's by my house. Found cute clothes then found some bikinis that fit nicely at target. Ran home to get ready for a fun get together. Then babysat the B girls who are amazing as always. Lots of giggles and I got an awesome back rub.

Came home to the can that held old cooking grease was on the floor along with oily poop and throw up that had things like socks and wash rags in it. Apparently the dogs had some fun while I was gone as well as tummy aches. Needless to say my inside dogs are outside dogs tonight as I am tired of cleaning up because the are being dumb. The worst part was they knew it. They both knew they were in trouble. They haven't even whined to get back in the house hahaha. That's how bad it was. I didn't yell or anything. They knew. I didn't have to say a word lol

I did find out that my Facebook page is missed and I was advised to reactivate it for my mom since she misses seeing my face. Since I have proven I. An go with out it. I guess I can activate it again.

Ok time for sleep

Hope this good mood in spite of bad things happening stays around!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 24 - 2012

Yes I know I am cheating again.. it is still day 23.. but new blog post  deal with it :)

I just had lunch with one of my fave people MM.  She is amazing, sweet, fun and a great friend. We laughed over my burning my lip with cheese tortellini. Oh yes my lip looks like I have a cold sore not so pretty at all.

Had an amazing night with 3 sweet little boys.

Forgot to finish this post so finished it today so technically it was day 24

Day 23 -2012

Yesterday got away from me. It started off amazing. Got really really bumpy. Then ended with those sweet B girls who make everything bad just fade away. They make me smile. Such sweet good girls. C has done an amazing job as a mother. She inspires me in so many ways. I am lucky to have her as a mentor and friend.

Today I awoke to rain. But still got my butt out of bed for a good work out. I love it when I kick my own butt! Papi gave me props last night. Apparently he uses me as an example on getting fit the right way by making lifestyle changes not dieting.

Never put off tomorrow what you can do today. If you want to run in a race. Start training. You want to learn to horseback ride. Go find a stable and learn. Life is too short not to try new things and be happy with you. No matter who you are or where you are in life. It is never too late to make a change in your life. Only you can change you! Think it. Become it!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 22 -2012

Oy I forgot to blog yesterday. It was a very busy day. Jam packed, I finally stopped at like 9:30 and crashed soon after. Tonight is just as filled. I hope today is better than yesterday. Yesterday was filled with attitudes (not mine for a change). Seemed like everyone was mad about something so of course I was in a fabulous mood. And why shouldn't I be? Hello I'm going to Mexico in a week. I am killing two bucket list items at once. Whoo hoo hoo. Ok watching a beautiful sunrise and will do a new blog post later today :-$

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 21 - 2012

I realize today that as much as I love my straight haired friends, I am more comfy and have more in common with curly haired friends.  I know you are thinking "crazy" but seriously.  The straight haired girls are way more prim and proper.  They always look put together and are way more by the book than my curly haired friends, who are more fly by the seat of your pants, who cares if your hair is a mess, through it in a bun, let's see what happens if we try this.  Maybe this is because I am a curly haired girl.  When I straighten my hair I feel more prim and proper, but that is not me. I will never be the prim and proper girl who marries the doctor or lawyer. I can play that part sure, but that is not who I am. It is fake and not me.  I love my curly hair.  I love not having to wash it but once a week and still get compliments.  I laugh at my straight hair friends who are shackled to washing their hair every day because they are too afraid to take that chance and see how their hair looks a couple days without wet shampoo.  Hello they make dry shampoo for a reason.  Use it.. love it.. it will free you! I use less products in my hair because the natural oils keep my hair looking  fabulously curly.   I look like I spent hours doing my hair, when in reality, I woke up unrolled it from the bun it was in and called it a day!  I know I sound horrible, like I am hating against the straight hair race, but really I am just realizing we are different.  We see things differently, react differently, even rebel differently.  Not bad different just different.  We all are a little weird and all want to find someone who appreciates us as us, weirdness and all. I like being wild and ruly. I like

By the way today is National Compliment day.. so thank you for reading my nonsense!  You ROCK!

I love my friends.. even the straight haired ones.. like K.. She just emailed to say "Today is National Compliment Day-Jamie you are a wonderful friend and a fabulous person"

How can you not love someone as sweet as her?  Which reminds me:

I love that my friends get my stupidness and weirdness and love me for it.  So in honor of that I will leave you with a Dr. Seuss quote (which I may have used before but let's face it. .he is good)

 Dr Seuss

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 20 - 2012

And that's how it's done

Today I am all about fitness and being healthy!  I am so tired of girls coming up to me with cookies, candies and whatever other bad food they can put in their mouths saying "I wish I was skinny"  No you do not, well maybe you wish it, but you have no desire to make it happen.   It is one thing to eat a cookie.. a piece of candy a small slice of cake, IFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF  you are also working out and eating healthy.  French Fries, though they taste amazing, are not healthy.   It is another to always "wish" and never "do".  You did not get fat by accident. It happened over the years, from eating yummy tasting BAD for you food and not exercising.  That is right by being a gluttonous lazy pig you got fat.  Now you have two choices.. bitch and complain and do nothing but stay on your gluttonous course and post quotes about how being fat is being happy.  Or you can make a lifestyle change, that is right a "lifestyle change", not a diet.. change, say it with me "lifestyle change".  You will keep off the weight if you make a lifestyle change, you will not keep it off if you just diet.   I laugh at these people who think dieting for a few months will keep their weight off even if they stop the diet and revert back to their bad eating and not exercising habits. It is not easy, it is work, that is why they call it a 'work out', not an 'easy out'.   it takes dedication and determination.  

As I was doing my morning pinterest while getting ready this am.  I came acorss a pin.. and had issues pinning it.. and then lost it L  it said soemthing like “ don’t say you want to be skinny to me, when you have a cookie in your mouth:”  Hahahaha I wanted to pin it very badly ( I am evil yes I know this) as I am really tired of the haters when I work effing hard to keep this body in shape.  I am tired of haters and people who say " I just can't"  You can.. you just chose not too.  There is a difference.

I guess the reason why it strikes a nerve is that, I am proof it works.  I started out in June 2010 at 175 lbs.  By  March 13, 2011 I hit my goal weight of 135 lbs.  I was so proud of myself.  It took 9 months of hard work, lots  of sweating, lots of tears, lots of pushing myself past points of comfort, lots of sore days.  I still feel like I have not worked out enough if I am not sore somewhere on a daily basis.  It is now Jan 2012 and I am happy to say I am still within my goal weight for myself.  Sure I have slipped past that 140 mark only to buckle back to basics. to get back to as of this am 136.  I am happy as long as i sty under 140.   What did I do?  I started with something simple, working out twice a day and no alcohol.  I made myself work out in the morning for at least 25 mins and again in the evening.  In the beginning I chose Pilates, yoga and running.  Once that became easy and I lost 2oish pounds I chose high cardio exercises like running, kickboxing and boxing along with weights.. weights was the key, I was always worried about bulking up, without realizing that weights helps me burn more calories when I am doing nothing.  This helped get more weight off.  I also started calories counting.  I use and their app which works FABULOUSLY. I can track EVERY thing that goes in my mouth and all my exercises down to cleaning the house ( yes that is a work out too).  Once I realized I was eating WAYYY more than I needed too, the rest of the weight just fell off.  So on March 2011 I hit my goal weight, but not size.  When I started this venture I was wearing most days size12 pants and a 10 or large/XL dress.  Today I am in size 4 pants and 2/4 or small dresses.  CRAZY!!!  But I am constantly toning my body. I feel healthy, I look healthy and I get tons of compliments.  I feel like I am 22 again.  I am the same size I was without the bloatiness I once carried due to too much alcohol consumption.  

So when you think you cannot do something.  Remember you can!  You are your own worst enemy.  Tell that lazy bitch inside you to go back to sleep so you can work her out of you!  I still constantly fight with mine, but I also win the battle daily and that is all that matters!


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 19-2012

I am getting better at this blogging thing :-)

Today is beautiful. It is January and I am I shorts with the windows open enjoying some fresh air. I am waiting on my bestie C so we can go to brunch or maybe I'll make brunch today. Either way a good gab session always does the body good. Which is needed after watching 'the notebook' this morning. Are there any Noah's left out there? I know I am like Allie. I love whole heartily and without worrying about what others think. Is my love story out there being written without me knowing? At any given moment we all have the power to say this is or isn't how our story ends. I like to believe my story is long from over and the love part is an ever growing series of books. Some people are lucky in that they find the love of their life early. They get to spend their lives together loving, fighting, making up, laughing, crying, raising a family, going through life's trials and tribulation with a partner who loves them for their imperfect self. Others like me are also lucky. We have choices that we and only we get to choose. Different paths to follow, which are our choices without compromising. We get to go through life learning to love ourself, depend only on ourselves, do what we want to do when we want to do it, never compromising on our beliefs or wants, loving more than one person, learning to learn from our mistakes and create a better life for ourselves without having someone to lean on or depend on. Writing the stories of our lives that change from chapter to chapter and sometimes book to book. We may or may not find our one true love and that is also okay. We may eventually find our true love depending on the path we decide and if/when we do. We can say we have lived our lives, sown our wild oats. Partied with some amazing characters, visited amazing places. Loved many and finally are ready to spend our lives compromising with someone else unselfishly.

While some people have an amazing love story. Others have an amazing life story. Neither diminishes the other. Some people are extra lucky and get to have both. They don't give up one for the other, they instead intertwine both lives to have an amazingly entertaining story with twists and turns, love and hate, crying and laughing, bumps and bruises as well as amazing memories and experiences.

Never think your story is already written, because it is not. It is an ever evolving story that has yet to be completely told.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 18-2012

Today was amazing I woke up worked out got my bike back with new tires. Went for a ride. Hung out with friends and am now babysitting. I love how good these girls are. Today is a good day. Cannot wait to go ride tomorrow even though I should be cleaning and decluttering. If only I had more time in a day. I wish I just worked a rotation of 3 days on 3 days off over and over again. It would give me enough time to get things done and enough time to relax. Decluttering my life is going well. Lots of thinking about me I am stubborn, a little bitchy, I push myself and others. I never take life for granted. I live a little love with all I have. I believe in me and will always fight for me. My standards are high. But I'm worth it! Out with the old. In with the new; keep my head high and put one forward in front of the other!

Came across this quote. I work to be this girl daily. Maybe one day I'll succeed! Ta ta for now!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 17 - 2012

 I realize, life is life, some days are better than others, yet it is still complicated and messy at times,  mistakes  will inevitably be made, which brings, lessons to be learned;  there will be successes and failures; happy times and sad times;  Life is not all about a party or having fun, but getting by with what life hands you to the best of your ability. The best thing about your life, is it is yours, it belongs to you.  You make up things as you go. You change courses when  needed;  you have the ability to steer  your life in a direction you want to go.  Yes there will be detours and bumps and bruises, but this real life.. is your real life. Make the most of it.  Do not dwell on the bad, and always look for the good.   If you live through something bad.. then it made you stronger and was worth it.  You never know what lies ahead but you cannot run from it. Life happens whether you want it to or not. Do not sit and just dream about the person you wish you could be, but take steps toward becoming that person. Laugh when you can, cry when you need too, love fully and openly even if there is a risk of  being hurt.  If you get hurt, take that hurt and turn it into  love and kindness. Get rid of things/people that harm you or drag you down. Breathe deeply when angry before reacting and remember

Have a fabulous day exploring your life!  I know I will be having fun  exploring mine!

ps. (I just saw this and it reiterates what I have already said)

and of course you know I love Dr. Seuss

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 16 -2012

Today I am all about reorganizing. Reorganizing what? Life. Which begins with every room in my house! I am I a decluttering mission. The more I reorganize and throw away. The more I want to reorganize and throw away. Each room is looking more and more pretty and less filled with things. I am getting rid of clothes and well crap. Lots and lots of crap. When the spaces I live in are clean and not cluttered I feel calm, at peace. I need this feeling. Plus it is easier to paint when things are not in the way.  I was reading  my better homes and garden magazine on my kindle and realized that, after taking their quiz, I am a school teacher organizer.  I like things to be orderly but like to get to things quickly and efficiently, so baskets work well for me.  I can feel calm and tuck things away. I just have to remember to go through ALL of those baskets monthly and through things out.  I am almost to a point where I can start doing that (YAY ME)  See my issue is I live in a 1924 house and back then.. people did not have as much stuff as we do now. So I have  a SMALLLLLLLLLL closest in both bed rooms, a built in linen closet and a pantry and that is IT!  Well besides the attic which is never good for storing things you need on a regular basis.  Plus then the attic gets filled and puts strain on the plaster ceilings...... sooo I have to think outside the box and my BHG magazine works well for storage and organization  ideas  well that and pinterest .  So as i see ideas, I am able to implement.  With each implementation I feel accomplished an less stressed.  Which makes me super happy! And well, we all love a Happy Jamie :)

I am also applying this to people.  If you offer nothing but gloom and doom,  you do not participate in the relationship, you take and do not give 75% or more of the time.. you are getting thrown out with the clutter.  Life is too short to deal with people who are constantly their own worst enemy.  If you ask for my help I will of course help!  But if you do not ask for help and just complain about everything non stop or are a person who doesn't' think ahead ever and is always the person in need, then you are out of here.   I want people of value in my life.  I want people like L and A who are constantly helping out others unselfishly.  Who I know if I need them, will be there and I am happy to say I will be there in return.  I am a darn good friend, so I expect my friends to be darn good too.  Why else would I associate myself with you.  I laugh when i look at the people who constantly want to know why their life is sooo effed up.  Well look at the company you keep.  If you hang out with losers, you become one. I almost married one.  Thankful I dodged that bullet.  But it took him for me to realize that I can cut people out and that it is better for ME in the long run.  Yes someone may not like you, but I am not here to be liked. I am here to make a difference in this life and in the lives of my friends. I want to be a positive influence and want to make sure the mark I leave is one that my family and friends would be proud of.  I struggle as with anyone but at least I attempt it, which is more than most do.

I saw this and thought it was cute and very true.. it may not be easy to stay happy but it is just as easy to try to be happy as it is to try to be grouchy all the time:

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 15 - 2012

Today is a gloomy day, yet I am surprisingly very cheery.   So why not start today with a Dr. Seuss quote???

Every day is YOUR day!  It is what you make it.  You can have a very bad day and still turn it around.  That was my day yesterday.  It started off in the normal rings of hell, to drop to the depths of hell to the point where i was screaming in a room by myself just to get out my frustration, freaking the cat completely out, to answering  call from J, and having him calm me down (that is rare) or at least get me to a point where I was no longer stressing over things out of my control.  Love my gay BF for bringing me back to where I needed to be and for loving me faults and ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!  Left that convo to go to a meeting, which was not so bad, as I had adjusted MY attitude.  Then I got to go laugh at Papi for being is ridiculous self.  I swear for 50 years old that man gets himself into the funniest situations and I as the good daughter I am, laughed and laughed at him :)  and of course helped him come up with a better solution to get him out of hot water for the moment.

So never think just because a day starts off bad.. or goes to a bad place, that you cannot turn it around before bed. So remember, "You're off to great places, today is YOUR day, Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way"  get out there and move mountains (even if the mountain is yourself)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 14 - 2012

Today, I am obsessing over FB.  I know crazy!!!!!  But I think it is because everyone is realizing I am not there and starting to text or call.  It has been nice to see who has reached out to me.  So my obsessing is more on what I am missing, or pics people post of me that I cannot see. So I may be short lived on this sabbatical.

I just found an all women's mud run.  I may do this.  It looks like fun.
And YAY I have friends interested also.  Looks like April 28th is mud run day!  Super super excited

So my quote for the day in honor of me doing something I have wanted to do for years is: "Don't STOP dreaming  START doing!!

dream & do

Be open to new things. Never give up on your dreams and remember, your friends are there to help you through life!
thank goodness

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 13 - 2012

Hello MLK holiday morning!  How are you today?  I am just peachy.  I love morning with no traffic.  Even if that means I am working while others are sleeping.  I awoke before my alarm today.  I think it was due to a sweet kitty trying to cuddle.  I should be a little more motivated to work, but not so much today.  I made the mistake of closing my eyes back again.. should have just gotten up. but today my lazy side got the best of me.

I just stumbled across this today:

I love this:
Mad Hatter
This is so true.  We seem to stop ourselves from believing we can do things, that we really have the ability to do. We are our own worst enemies.  I go through this every time I go run or do a new work out or when i go to judge someone......but especially when ruining.. my brain and I fight.

Sample dialogue:
Wow my body doesn't seem to want to run
Come on Jamie.. just keep pushing.. you can do it.. get to publix
Wow this is ok.. I can keep going.  Make it to S street
Ok I should be tired, I have been running for like 15 mins.
Come on Jamie  4 more blocks.. you can do it
Ok come on.. just a few more.. make it to C street..
whew.. i can stop now
no yoiu can.. just a few  more blocks.. almost done
Run faster.. you can see A street.. come on.. you can do it.. i know your legs are screaming.. keep pushing..push push push.. DONE!!!  walk..

I know you are laughing.. but your mind really does play tricks on you, but you are in charge YOU are.. you just sometimes have to talk yourself into things.  Keep pushing through even if you have a set back or fail.  Even if your lazy or evil brain wins.. remember there will be another fight sooner than you realize.  Just keep pushing until the lazy/evil brain is just a glimmer of sound and your not so lazy/evil brain wins.
Get out there and win your battle today, even if it is a small one.. Conquer your bad/negative/not so nice/i can't do it thoughts.  Each victory helps you realize that you really can do it (win or fail).. if you set your mind to it.  So set your mind to win and do it!  Do it all night long HAHAHAHAHA

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 12 -2012

What a nice relaxing fun weekend. Friday I got to hang out with old friends and dance dance dance. I laughed and smiled and danced. Saw two friends who both shared how much I mean to them and how I have helped them so much in the past. I loved hearing that after the week I have had. I love how life throws bad and good days. Ups and downs. You truly see how strong you are when you get through the downs. I still find it odd I am not on fb. But have enjoyed seeing who had noticed, not checking it every few minutes and not knowing about today's drama
Last night I was luck enough to hang out with C and J while S. had her PJ party. Omg. Soooo much fun. C out did herself yet again. Breakfast for dinner. Painting pillow cases. Watching movies. And lots of laughter. Oh how I love the laughter of little girls. Ooh and a delicious cake Layered yellow cake with this chocolate Carmel frosting. Wrapped in kitkats topped with m&ms and gum drops. Mmm good and I'm not a sweet girl but this. Reminds me of something my granny would make. Minus the candy of course. It's funny the girls love the candy. C and I love the cake :-). I am thankful they are in my life!

I also met a kid who as much as I hope I am wrong, will be a future psychopath. I felt bad for this kid. I. He seemed lonely and needing of attention. Seems like the kids run their household. When deciding what to draw. He took forever before drawing a bomb going off with the caption 'how to make a bomb'. I hope I am wrong and someone intervenes. But if I am not. I can at I remember when

I have enjoyed cuddle time with my babies and even cleaning the house. Yesterday's run was awesome. Need to go again. I may run to publix then walk home with groceries :-). Either way. I need to get motivated. Tv is sucking me in. I wonder if others get sucked in like me? But I do need to finish watching my dvrd shows so I can cut off cable. I think no cable will equal a more productive Jamie

On that note. Let me get motivated. Even though it's cold, make sure you move around. It will do you body good

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 11 - 2012

So technically I wrote two blog posts yesterday so this should probably be Day 10.2  but since i am only 2 days behind (much better than last year) I figured saying today was day 11 wasn't tooooo far of a stretch

Today is Friday the 13th.  I love this day.. It does not happen often.  People are afraid of it.  I think 13 is a lucky number not a bad one.  The sun is shining. .it is cold but the sun is out.  The day is fresh and anything could happen.  I get to go see friends play tonight, so that makes me happy.  I am still living even without FB YAY me!  Only one person so far has emailed me to say " what the heck?  Where are you on FB?"  LOL so at least I am kind of missed.  Tough some realized

I had to laugh at myself.  I talk out loud.  I do not care if others are around.  It is something I do.  I do it at home, work,  out in public, in a car.. whatever. I think out loud, that is how i think. I cannot help it. I try to control it, but it is just another thing to control.   I think sometimes that it isn't about growing up as much as just learning how to act appropriately in public. I still struggle with this.  I thought I had learned, but I started to slip back in my immature ways.  I followed the path (sort of) that my parents wanted for me, all except getting married and having kids.  I finished high school, I graduated college.  I started law school, to drop out and have enormous debt, which stresses me out, but I manage, I bought a house I am doing the things I should.  Yet I still do not feel like I am grown.  I feel an overwhelming about of stress that on some days suffocates me. Today is one of those days.  Even in the course of writing this one post the thought of all the stress is slowly over taking me.  Life changes about to happen.. I guess that means I am an adult after all :)

Hope everyone has a great day!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 10 -2012

I just deactivated my Facebook account. Not sure how I feel about that. My heart is racing and I am feeling a tad bit nervous. Not sure why. It is Facebook for the love of Pete not the end of the world. I just feel like all that drama that I ran so far from is back. People bitching, fighting and talking shit. Feelings getting hurt it's like the worst part of high school all over again. We shall see how long this will last or if anyone even notices. But for tonight I have to believe life will go on even if I'm not on Facebook

Day 9 - 2012

Today I feel much more in control today. The full moon must be releasing it's grip on my hormones.  I feel less on edge, less wanting to snap people's heads off (though that still seems like it may be fun) and more giggly and talkative (which may not be a good thing at work) .  Running last night helped but the laughs shared with J and M are what really helped.  I laughed and laughed and laughed.  My cheeks hurt, my stomach hurt and I left their house tired, but without the negative energy.  I got home and A wanted to talk and I brushed her off.  Felt bad, but if I had relived my day, I would have been right back in that bad place.  I would much rather, just shower and go to bed then relive the bad. Some people feel the need to share and I was one of those people.  But soon I started to realize that sharing just made me more angry or hurt.  Just like sharing happy thoughts make you more happy, the same is true for the negative thoughts.  So I chose to push those away.  I choose to write instead of talk.  I chose to continue working on a better me.  I chose to try to control my mood even if the moon does want to mess with me once a month :) or my clients decide today is a good day to bother the crap out of me (this is usually daily but some weeks it is quiet.. SOME)  not today.  Today is a day from HELL  not as bad as yesterdays hell, but definitely still in the layers of hell.  Not as deep, more like along the top edges, but still hell nonetheless!

Silly things like people not checking work, or reporting things that are not actual issues (some are but most are not or are user error).

I love this quote "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so".. Douglas Adams

We should learn from mistakes.. even if they are not our own.  But most of us do not.  We would rather see how it turns out for us. LOL it usually turns out the same. Not so good.

So for the rest of today I will continue to try to chose the higher road.  Try to laugh off the stress and then I get to go play with my fun B girls.  Which always always brightens my day!

Remember, you are not alone (if you feel like I do)   Keep pushing through.   I am determined to get through this life with a smile on my face, even if it doesn't always stay there!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 8 - 2012

Hmmm ok so I didn't do a thought of the day yesterday or today.  Apparently people have decided to take my concept and apply it to themselves.  So lots of people are doing it. And let's face it. I like being original :)

Then I got a nasty little message on one of my thoughts that was my thought for the morning telling me to not be Paul Harvey come up with my own thoughts.. hmmmm well I am confused.. it was my own thought. I am sure I heard it somewhere at some point in time, but it was the thought that came to mind. I do not double check to see, I just write, as it makes me happy and well i like being happy.  So now I am discouraged and do not want to write any more. or at least post anything on facebook any more.  I actually may even deactivate my account.

My thought today is "haters will  hate no matter what"  People who are unhappy want others to be unhappy.  No one wants to be miserable alone.  What fun is that????  So ignore them, and move on. Do not let them drag you down.  Do not feed their misery by retaliating or arguing back. That will ignite the flames.

Don't worry be happy!  LOL  I keep singing that.. well that and " I feel pretty"

Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 7 - 2012

"Life is unbelievably brief. Stop long enough to appreciate each day and what that day may bring (good or bad)!"

In the past week, I have heard about many people passing away.  Makes you think about how short life is. Life is this roller coaster, we all know it.. and if you do not, then pay attention.  Each day, week, year you have highs and lows.  Some are LARGE is scale and some are a little less large.  Sometimes the roller coaster is fun, sometimes scary and sometimes you just want the EFF off!  But try not to jump off too soon!

Be thankful of those who are good to you and tell them how much they mean, every chance you get.  You never know when you might not get the chance to tell them again.

On a lighter note.. cannot wait to watch the two powerhouse teams go against each other tonight!  BAMA vs LSU WHOO HOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO  Southern football at it's finest!  Cannot wait to see who comes out as #1

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 6 -2012

Be open minded is my mantra lately. I think that everyone has a story and if I do not know that story then I have no right to judge. Now that doesn't mean I may not still make fun of you for my amusement. You may say this makes me a bad person. I say it's all in good fun. I make fun of myself just as much.

Tonight I had a fun date. Where we picked on each other ourselves and others. We went to multiple places and just laughed. And he kissed me at the perfect moment on the sidewalk with stars up above. It was a date out of an old movie. I felt like Audrey Hepburn His communication skills are superb. He is kind and fun and very handsome. And he made plans for tomorrow. Love it when someone knows what they want and goes after it. Dating in my 30's has not been fun. This was one of the better dates. So yay for a great day. The date was good. self defense class was fun and informative, and I go to see my H girls and some random girls and gay guy in tr bathroom said my outfit tonight was amazing. Hello I know I'm stylish! It was cute. Grey and white stripped shirt, scarf, jeans and Red boots. Love my boots

Ok. So sleepy night night!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

day 5 - 2012

"Choose quality over quantity in regards to friends. One AMAZING friend is worth ten million bad ones! Weed out the bad and cherish the good! Happy Thursday Y'all!"

Okay so this is similar to yesterday's post, but really has been heavy on my mind.  We all are busy so it is extremely important that you choose who you spend your free time with wisely.  The wrong friends will send you down a bumpy path, where the right friends will either steer you to a smoother path or at least be there for the ride down the bumpy path.  The wrong friends will leave you in a heart beat.  They are only there for fun or because they are using you for something else and once those reasons are gone.. so are they.  Stick with the people who will love you when you are happy or sad.. rich or poor.  Stick with those people who love you unconditionally and who give just as much to you as you give to them.  Friendships are relationships that need to be tended too and cherished.  If one person is always giving more than the other, then the friendship will not last.  It has to be 50/50  sometimes it will be 20/80 or 80/20 but that is life.  Steer clear from those that are you always giving more too.  They are just using you and you need to cut them out of your life. 

Tell your friends how much you care..reach out to them let them know you love them.  Never take anyone for granted, if you do they may not be in your life for long.  Make sure you are not the one being weeded out by always treating others the way you want to be treated.

Today's post was easy!  I love my friends and am not shy to show it

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 4 - 2012

"Lot's of people will ride with you in the Limo but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the Limo breaks down." Oprah Winfrey

So my friend A sent that to me today.. which was amazing because I did not have to think and I LOVE that quote!

I am all about QUALITY and not QUANTITY.. now if you see how many FaceBook friends I have you may say "bullshit" under your breath, but really I do not put anything out there that shouldn't be seen so I am ok with having a lot of acquaintances. Plus I like the ease of getting a hold of people.  I do not have to track down their info.  However, the people I share my inner most thoughts and my normal self are few and far between. 
I would much rather have friends who are there for me then have a bunch who are not.  One loyal awesome friend is worth one million bad friends... I would take one good one any day over many. 

I  love knowing that if I need one of my real friends, I just have to call.  Sometimes I do not even have to do that, they just know I need help and help.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE That!  I love that I have some truly amazing people in my life and I hope you do too.  If you do not, start looking at the quality of your friends, weed out the bad and hang on tight to the good!  The good will outlast the bad  hands down!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 3 - 2012

Ok so i was trying to take a sabbatical from my thoughts of the day.. but that is not working out so well.  Apparently people do like them :)  and who am I to deny people what they want!

"If something is out of your control, why fret about it? Concentrate on things you can control so you can make good things happen!"

This one is hard for me.  I struggle with it daily.  Yes another one i struggle with (I struggle with a lot).  I know I am not perfect!  I never claimed to be.  I am just a girl trying to make the best of this crazy world.  This world seems to get crazier and crazier.  It is chaotic and hard to figure out what you should worry about or not.   I try to make choices to control my attitude as I should be able to control that right?  haha not so easy.  Most of the time I react.. then realize i am reacting and i should stop but I am already in mid thought so I do not.  I must work harder on this. As i can control me.. or I should be able too.  I feel like a hot mess daily.  I embrace that hot messiness, but some days wonder if anyone out there feels this way too or if it is just me.  I want to not talk about it, but what if others are suffering the same ailments I am?  One day at a time right?  

Well today ended with me still smiling so I will take that as a win!

Time to work out and get some good endorphin's going!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2 - 2012

Today has been a day of seeing my hard work pay off and realizing I do not like owning a house. It's expensive and a lot of work. I also realized that I have it pretty good and I really would not be a good blue collar worker. I would suck actually, my back hurts my muscles ache. I rock don't get me wrong but I feel like my house should be pretty and spotless and in reality I really need a weeks worth of only dedicating my time to cleaning this house. I have so much left to do. So much to throw away. But I am making progress. And progress matters!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 1 - 2012

First day of the year and guess what I did? I pulled up carpet in my room and went to Dave and busters with SB and the kids. Lots of fun even though everyone was tired.

Here's to an amazing 2012!!!!!