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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Hello Aunt Flo..

Hello Aunt Flo, please go away!  After not seeing you since June of 2015, I had hoped you were gone for good. You being back, means I am not in menopause, which means estrogen in flowing through me, which means my cancer could come back.. please go away before I have to do an injection of Zoladex to keep you away.

That is all.


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Herceptin only is a breeze

My last Herceptin infusion was a week ago. These are a breeze! 30 mins once I am hooked up. I am there a few hours. then I can come home and work out then nap. I have been trying to do a 30 min work out to keep my heart flowing and then I am so exhausted I need a nap. If I do not get one (like last friday) I am falling asleep trying to get the kids ready for bed. Poor husband has found me asleep more than once.

Still Herceptin only is a breeze! I will gladly take that over regular chemo any day!

I am super sad, one of my friends has been diagnosed with BC and will have to follow a similar treatment plan. I hope I can help her get through this with the same fight I had and those before us have had!  I know those who reached out to me helped a lot even if I didn't know I needed them at the time!

I am looking forward to her being on Herceptin only so it will be a breeze for her too!

#Fightinglikeagirl #wegotthis #byebyecancer