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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Life.. its a funny little thing

As a time of year rolls around that most people look forward too. A once found memory for me has now been reduced to sadness, and a memory of failure. Where did the wrong turn happen? Or was it the right turn that will bring something better and more fabulous along? How do I know I can take a jump again. Into that black whole if uncertainty... how does anyone just jump after their heart has been broken? How do you recover from that? When do you know when the person who will never make you cry has come along?

It is scary to jump. It is scary to let people in. But is one's life not complete without a partner? Does one need to be apart of a twosome to be one?

I would like to think that we live well as one and another can only make us better. I feel complete and I am single. I was happy but really do the good times out weigh the bad, when the bad times are so bad. I loved him.. but he didn't love himself. I love myself. I am proud of myself. I try to be a good person, I work hard, I am a good friend.. and I have wonderful family, friends and furbabies. What more could a girl ask for? All happens when it should. No need to rush, no need to regret. Each step makes us who we are. If we took a wrong turn, there is still time to take the right one. Just have to be patient. Have to be happy with you. Once you are good. Then great things will happen!