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Friday, May 15, 2015

Post 5 -2015 city life

Things I love about city life:
1. Walking 
2. People hanging out on porches/roofs/backyards 
3. Those in #2's voice and laughter!  It's like my own personal real life soap opera! 
4. Lots to do and in walking Distance!
5. The best restaurants ever!  I'm drooling thinking of the farm to table places And Gorgonzola chips!
6. Fun night life that I have sadly outgrown 
7. Architecture 
8. Museums 
9. Parks
10. Movie theater in walking distance 
11. Pharmacy in walking distance 
12. Grocery store in walking distance 
13. Great neighbors 
14. Food delivery
15. Grocery delivery 
16. Runs along the river
17. Yummy local coffee shops in walking distance 
18. Local breweries in biking/walking distance 
19. No bugs
20. Friends dropping by on their way home

There are so many more but those are the top 20 things that I love and miss about city life!