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Thursday, December 20, 2012

day 225 - 2012 Nurse J

Last night and today I have been playing Nurse to my lovely in so much pain fiance.  I feel horrible for him.  He is such a hard worker and cannot stand to call in sick or go to the hospital. The last time for both was in 2003.  But last night he did something to his back and could not walk, could barely crawl. It was not a pretty sight at all. Poor thing has had tears in his eyes for every turn, move, cough, or laugh that he has made. There is nothing I can do but help him dress, make him food and bring him meds oh and take him to and from the doctor.

Today is supposedly the last day on earth LOL, guess we will see, as of now Australia is still here, so hmmmmmmmmmm maybe it is CST we shall see.

Until then Nurse J at your service!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Day 224- 2012 Life is full of bruises

Just because you get bruised, does not mean that you are broken! 

Life is full of bruises. They happen.  You bump into things, people push you down, you fall down.  Life happens.

Do not feel the bruise breaks you. You are not broken, just a little banged up and can totally recover from that.  Put on some adult panties and move forward. Do not let a few bruises stop you from trying to be the best version of you!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Day 223 - 2012 Life is a journey

A good cry is sometimes essential, but a smile is an every day must! There are always stressful times when you just want to cry.  Do it!  let yourself, then smile because there are amazing things awaiting you. 

Do not be afraid to find the humor in mistakes and embarrassing moments.  I am the first who will laugh at myself when I trip, run into a wall or just totally mess up a sentence.  Laughing is good.  You really should never take life too seriously. 

Live in the moment and appreciate the journey.  Like is totally a journey, ups, downs, sideways turns.  Do not worry about what may come and focus on today.  Focus on what you can get done and how to overcome today's issues.  You can think about the future, but do not fret about it, as many things can change before then.  Your life could take a turn and that thing you worried about is taken out of the equation.  Enjoy today and smile!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 222 - 2012 love yourself

To be happy you must know who are you are and love yourself. Need to know who you are? Be your own lover for life. Create a never-ending romance with yourself by caring and nurturing your mind, body and soul. You are who you think you it, breathe it, own it.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

day 221-2012 Words hurt

Once you say something, you cannot take it back. You can say you are sorry but you cannot take it back.  If you talk about someone, then make sure you are speaking the truth and not just your version of the truth as, again you cannot take it back. We live in a society where the culture of negativity is every day life. Even people with the best intentions sometimes do not realize when they speak, they speak with negativity in their hearts. Think about your words before you speak them, as you cannot take them back once they are said.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 220 - Trust

Living without trust is like living in constant torment. Without trust there is no love (with yourself or with others). You must be able to trust in order to be in a relationship with someone, whether it is at work, with friends or in love. Trust is the foundation of ALL relationships, even the one you have with yourself. 

I see so many people who say they forgive someone for a past mistake, yet they do not let go (see yesterdays post) so they do not trust the person.  If you do not trust someone, you cannot truly love them.  You are always looking over your shoulder and trying to control them.  They are miserable, because really who wants to live like that?  Being condemned over and over again for your past mistake.   You must learn to trust them or let them go. 

Trust also applies to you.  trust yourself and your intuition.  That feeling you get when something bad is going to happen... trust it.. learn to see the signs.  Trust is important in all aspects of live. 

I have a friend who is amazing at this.  Her husband cheated on her.  It was a bad bad break up.  They both tried to move on and they realized they loved each other too much to be with others.   She forgave him, truly forgave him and they were eventually re-married.  The trust is back, as she forgave him and looked to their future together instead of reliving the past.  Truly remarkable and an inspiration to many!

Trust or let go.. but without trust there cannot be love.  Trust is truly the foundation of relationships!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 219-2012 Let Go....

Holding on to past hurts and bad memories is like holding on to a heavy weight. Reliving the past, hurts only you and holds you down. Others may not even realize you were hurt or have the same outlook on the same situation. Unless you truly forgive yourself, the other party and/or the situation, you continue to hurt yourself over and over again. Let go of that weight. Truly let go of the past and move forward.

I have learned that you cannot hold on to things. It really does only hurt you. You are the only one who cares about the action or whatever.  You are the one that lets the anger build up and invest you like a virus that just eats away at your positive thoughts and happiness. It truly only hurts you.  

So you have been wronged?  Ok, well we all have. 
Had to deal with people who talk about you?  Yep welcome to life.  
Had your heart broken?  Join the club, only a FEW people are lucky enough to never experience a heart break.  
Felt like you are always passed over and never get what you want or think you deserve?  Most of us have been there and gotten the t-shirt. 
Had someone you love betray you, steal from you, hurt you in some way?  Again join the club.. most people go through this. 
Fight with your parents or spouse?  Who hasn't?
Want to beat your child? Again who hasn't?
I could go on and on. 

Life is funny, it is not all roses and rainbows.  The bad times, make you appreciate the good. You are never going to have a perfect life.  But you can learn to live with life's imperfections but dealing with a situation, them moving on.  Not leaving it, but dealing with it. My ex he just ignored a situation, and still is.  It used to get to me and make me really angry that I have to pay his loan I am co-signed on because he cannot be bothered. But that made me a bitter person.  I let go and wow the bitterness left me.  I cannot change what happened but I can control me now.   Every situation is like that.  You can be mad over something that happened to you 20 years ago or you can realize that moment helped define who you are today and smile because you can.  Life is a roller coaster, but every action, every contact with others, helps define you.  It is up to you how it defines you.  you can let that jerk who hurt you continue to hurt you by getting mad everything you think about it, or you can feel the anger rise and choose to push it back down.  That hurt helped you to appreciate the next person.  

Sometimes it is hard to do that, as it really takes looking at yourself and admitting when you are in the wrong.  But we are all wrong at times.  We have been the cause for others pain.  Admit it, forgive yourself and move forward.   Life may be a hell of a ride, but the times you do not get bucked off, it is hellava good time as well!  take the bad with the good and laugh  it up when the good times hit.  When the bad hits,  admit your mistakes, forgive yourself and others and look forward to the next ride. 

Let go and happiness fills your heart and soul!!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Day 218 2012- déjà vu

Ever have those moments of déjà vu? You know where you think you lived them or something comes to mind and you think hmmmmm. Over the years whenever I thought about getting married march 13th always came to mind. Today it did again but the funny thing is, I am getting married March 2, 2013. Apparently I always knew when, it just now is coming to light. I was once told by a fortune teller that I would meet my love on October. But she was wrong. I would fall I love with someone's whose birthday was in October. Similar but a little off. Though she still saw October and I saw march 13. When you stop trying and just live life has a funny way of working out the way it should. Something's you may have foresaw but didn't make sense until after the fact. Some pull to certain people, times or places. When you stop looking into meanings and just go with the flow. What's meant to be happens when it should.

Ah life. It's a funny thing. But oh what a ride!