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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Post 15 - 2014 Just say no to devices.

I read this article today:

It hit home, because my husband and I agree with the what it says. We have discussed numerous times that though it may be easier to hand over an electronic device, we do not want our child growing up addicted to one. We want him to understand sometimes you just have to wait. Sometimes you have to talk to others, even if you do not want too. We want him to understand the art of conversation. We want him to have skills that so many of his peers will be lacking. I want him to be a leader. To be a leader  you must understand, conversation; how to interact with people;  how to deal with different kinds of personalities and situations; to have manners; to work hard for things. So many kids expect these very very expensive devices that I will not even buy for myself.  You see adults and children at a dinner table with no conversation. Some of them are texting the other party or other people. It is rude. We are raising rude children and becoming rude adults. These devices are changing out society and not for the better. Instant gratification is taking over our society. I am guilty, I love my 2 days shipping on amazon. But i am also willing to wait those 2 days to get a cheaper price than drive to the store and get my item NOW.

We would rather live our lives through facebook, instragram, twitter (etc) than talk to someone face to face. If we see a "friend" in public, do we say hi, or try to dodge them so you don't have to talk?  It is funny because now after becoming a mom, I notice how much time even my husband and I spend on our phones. I make a conscious decision to put my phone down and spent uninterrupted time with my family.Facebook is not my life, my family is. So I put down my phone and spend time with them.  My husband is still working on this.  I want to be an example for him (both hubby and son). I do not want him to see me always on a device and think that is okay behavior. I want him to see me playing with him, talking to him and giving him my full attention. I want him to learn the art of a conversation, and not just texting. I want him to learn how to write a letter, not just text and email. I want him to be better than most of his peers and learn the lost art of things that are slowly going away, like how to change your own oil in your car, mow your own grass, clean a house. I want him to take classes in about being an electrician, plumber, mechanic, woodworking. I want him to know how it feels to work hard with his own hands to accomplish something, so one day he will appreciate that desk job even more. I want him to know there is a life outside and that tv, computer, playstation, ipad are all things that are wants but not necessities. I want him to pay for his friends gifts out of his allowance. I want him to learn at an early age the value of money and how to spend it and save it. I want more for him than the average kid. I want him to value conversation, hard work and people more than any thing I could buy him. If that makes me a bad mom, then a bad mom I will be. I hope that it will make him realize I am a good mom and love him enough to tell him no.

Wake up from your electronic induced comas and come out and play in the real world. You might be surprised at the fun you will have! i mean real life fun, not game, drama induced fun!. Just try it. Put the phone down and come play!