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Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 219-2012 Let Go....

Holding on to past hurts and bad memories is like holding on to a heavy weight. Reliving the past, hurts only you and holds you down. Others may not even realize you were hurt or have the same outlook on the same situation. Unless you truly forgive yourself, the other party and/or the situation, you continue to hurt yourself over and over again. Let go of that weight. Truly let go of the past and move forward.

I have learned that you cannot hold on to things. It really does only hurt you. You are the only one who cares about the action or whatever.  You are the one that lets the anger build up and invest you like a virus that just eats away at your positive thoughts and happiness. It truly only hurts you.  

So you have been wronged?  Ok, well we all have. 
Had to deal with people who talk about you?  Yep welcome to life.  
Had your heart broken?  Join the club, only a FEW people are lucky enough to never experience a heart break.  
Felt like you are always passed over and never get what you want or think you deserve?  Most of us have been there and gotten the t-shirt. 
Had someone you love betray you, steal from you, hurt you in some way?  Again join the club.. most people go through this. 
Fight with your parents or spouse?  Who hasn't?
Want to beat your child? Again who hasn't?
I could go on and on. 

Life is funny, it is not all roses and rainbows.  The bad times, make you appreciate the good. You are never going to have a perfect life.  But you can learn to live with life's imperfections but dealing with a situation, them moving on.  Not leaving it, but dealing with it. My ex he just ignored a situation, and still is.  It used to get to me and make me really angry that I have to pay his loan I am co-signed on because he cannot be bothered. But that made me a bitter person.  I let go and wow the bitterness left me.  I cannot change what happened but I can control me now.   Every situation is like that.  You can be mad over something that happened to you 20 years ago or you can realize that moment helped define who you are today and smile because you can.  Life is a roller coaster, but every action, every contact with others, helps define you.  It is up to you how it defines you.  you can let that jerk who hurt you continue to hurt you by getting mad everything you think about it, or you can feel the anger rise and choose to push it back down.  That hurt helped you to appreciate the next person.  

Sometimes it is hard to do that, as it really takes looking at yourself and admitting when you are in the wrong.  But we are all wrong at times.  We have been the cause for others pain.  Admit it, forgive yourself and move forward.   Life may be a hell of a ride, but the times you do not get bucked off, it is hellava good time as well!  take the bad with the good and laugh  it up when the good times hit.  When the bad hits,  admit your mistakes, forgive yourself and others and look forward to the next ride. 

Let go and happiness fills your heart and soul!!!

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