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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 9 - 2012

Today I feel much more in control today. The full moon must be releasing it's grip on my hormones.  I feel less on edge, less wanting to snap people's heads off (though that still seems like it may be fun) and more giggly and talkative (which may not be a good thing at work) .  Running last night helped but the laughs shared with J and M are what really helped.  I laughed and laughed and laughed.  My cheeks hurt, my stomach hurt and I left their house tired, but without the negative energy.  I got home and A wanted to talk and I brushed her off.  Felt bad, but if I had relived my day, I would have been right back in that bad place.  I would much rather, just shower and go to bed then relive the bad. Some people feel the need to share and I was one of those people.  But soon I started to realize that sharing just made me more angry or hurt.  Just like sharing happy thoughts make you more happy, the same is true for the negative thoughts.  So I chose to push those away.  I choose to write instead of talk.  I chose to continue working on a better me.  I chose to try to control my mood even if the moon does want to mess with me once a month :) or my clients decide today is a good day to bother the crap out of me (this is usually daily but some weeks it is quiet.. SOME)  not today.  Today is a day from HELL  not as bad as yesterdays hell, but definitely still in the layers of hell.  Not as deep, more like along the top edges, but still hell nonetheless!

Silly things like people not checking work, or reporting things that are not actual issues (some are but most are not or are user error).

I love this quote "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so".. Douglas Adams

We should learn from mistakes.. even if they are not our own.  But most of us do not.  We would rather see how it turns out for us. LOL it usually turns out the same. Not so good.

So for the rest of today I will continue to try to chose the higher road.  Try to laugh off the stress and then I get to go play with my fun B girls.  Which always always brightens my day!

Remember, you are not alone (if you feel like I do)   Keep pushing through.   I am determined to get through this life with a smile on my face, even if it doesn't always stay there!

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