I realize, life is life, some days are better than others, yet it is still complicated and messy at times, mistakes will inevitably be made, which brings, lessons to be learned; there will be successes and failures; happy times and sad times; Life is not all about a party or having fun, but getting by with what life hands you to the best of your ability. The best thing about your life, is it is yours, it belongs to you. You make up things as you go. You change courses when needed; you have the ability to steer your life in a direction you want to go. Yes there will be detours and bumps and bruises, but this real life..
is your real life. Make the most of it. Do not dwell on the bad, and always look for the good. If you live through something bad.. then it made you stronger and was worth it. You never know what lies ahead but you cannot run from it. Life happens whether you want it to or not. Do not sit and just dream about the person you wish you could be, but take steps toward becoming that person. Laugh when you can, cry when you need too, love fully and openly even if there is a risk of being hurt. If you get hurt, take that hurt and turn it into love and kindness. Get rid of things/people that harm you or drag you down. Breathe deeply when angry before reacting and remember
Have a fabulous day exploring your life! I know I will be having fun exploring mine!
ps. (I just saw this and it reiterates what I have already said)
and of course you know I love Dr. Seuss
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