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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 77

"Keep your focus steadily on what you want. You can focus on your problems, dwell in suffering and have a victim mentality. Or you can focus on the positive in situation, you can learn from that situation or just focus your mind on something entirely else. Thinking negatively is a habit, you can learn to control and put your focus elsewere until a new habit is formed. It is hard.. but can be done (at least I think it can), why not at least try?"

It may be “normal” to dwell on problems and swim around in a sea of negativity. But that is a choice. And a thought habit. You may reflexively start to dwell on problems instead of refocusing your mind on something more useful. But you can also start to build a habit of learning to gain more and more control of where you put your focus.

“Drag your thoughts away from your troubles… by the ears, by the heels, or any other way you can manage it.”

And some days you have to drag yourself kicking and screaming in another direction. That was me yesterday. I let a client get to me. I let her effect my mood, to the point where i was so stressed, i almost cried and ended up with a migraine. Today while I was driving to work, I went reflected on why did I let her get to me? I have been doing so well and managing the stress, as my job can get a little hairy at times. And I realized I never sang "I feel pretty" Which is what I do when I feel stressed. Does this make me look like an idiot? YES! Does it make me happy? YES! Does it de-stress me? YES! You see a theme don't you? So yesterday I failed in my choice. I allowed myself to let those negative thoughts overwhelm me, I shared them ( big NO-NO) which only made the thoughts fester more. So today's message speaks VOLUMES to me. I know better than anyone how hard it is. But really no one likes a negative neely and no one wants to be around that attitude. So today, "I feel pretty oh so pretty" and I will work my hardest to keep my thoughts in a good light, no matter how hard that might be. I hope all of you have a FABULOUS day and are able to do the same! Ciao!

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