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Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 89

"Believe in yourself. Do NOT allow anyone to disrespect you or make you feel less than you know you are! If they do, they are not worthy of having you in their life!"

Where were these words 2 years ago. My life would be so different, though I would not be the same person. I think I needed to feel someone disrespect me so that i understand what it feels like and ensure I do not do it to others. I have been reminded lately, that I have been a little bratty. Sometimes you get so wrapped up in you, that you do not see that you might not be treating others as you would like to be treated. And i am all about treating others the way i want to be treated. So I needed that attitude check. I also needed this quote today. NO ONE deserves to be constantly disrespected. Do not take it. It is hard sometimes to walk away, especially when it is someone you love that is doing the disrespecting. But you are better than that. You will feel like a weight has been lifted when you stand up for you. You become a better version of you, when you surround yourself with people who lift you up. You should seek out those people.

I have this friend A. Every time I see her she makes me smile, just by being in the room. I get an email from her and I smile. She is an amazing person with this magnificent aura. Something just happens when she is around. She lights up a room. I strive to be her. I know her life is not perfect, but I love her for her faults and all. I strive to be that person who people want around. Who people say "she lights up a room". This is why I love having her in my life. I find the older I get the more I seek out these types of people. We can have fun doing anything. That is the person I want to be. Some say I am there, I say I still have lots of work to go. (and I do.. I really really do) but each day, I get closer to my goal!.

So get out there today. Believe in YOU and do not take crap from anyone!!!!

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