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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 88

"People conform because there is strength in numbers, but true strength comes from the person brave enough to stand alone. Find your strength and stand apart from the crowd!"

It is funny, when I was younger I always wanted to be in the 'cool crowd'. I wanted to fit in and belong. Even when I was younger though I did things to make people want to be like me without realizing it. As I became older, i continued on the stand apart from the crowd frame of mind. I like being my own person who walks to my own beat. I love the friends I have, because most of them too, stand apart from the crowd. If you had in a room my 5 closest friends. They each are from different crowds, yet they fit into my life perfectly. Because each bring a trait that helps me be a better person. Find people who want you to be the best you, that you can be. Stay away from those who want you to conform or be someone who is less than you are. Never look back, always push forward and stand apart and show everyone how strong you can be and what strength you can offer them. All relationships are give an take. You should always give, as giving is receiving and sharing is caring!

Stand apart today and be the strong person I know you can be!

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