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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 109

"Mistakes teach you important lessons. Each time you make one, you are closer to your goal. The only mistake that can truly hurt you is choosing to do nothing simply because you are too scared to make a mistake."

I see so many people say they do not want to do something because they are afraid.  Afraid of hurting others, afraid to hurt themselves, afraid to fail.   But if you do nothing, you will never grow and never growing is boring.  Try new things, talk to random people. 

If you are single,  date people you never would have normally just to see.  Worst case you get a psycho that makes for fun stories, best you get a life long partner.   Whenever someone says "I do not want to hurt you" I think, I am a big girl.  Who is to say I will not hurt you?  but if it feels right, why not try?  Why not hang out with someone that makes you laugh and feel good?"  Sure you could get hurt, but you could also wind up with a best friend for life. 

  For those that are married.  Never stop trying.  never give up and take your love for granted.  You made it through the hard part of meeting that special someone.  Now keep it up!  Go out of your safe zone and do things your partner wants to try. You might love it and it will only strengthen your bond.  One of my fave couples.  He is not a runner, but his wife loves doing 5k's so he trains with her every day and runs slowly because she wants too and it is his way of supporting her.   It is amazing to see them together and just as much in love as they were 20 years ago. 

In work, ask for new projects, come up with new ideas.  Get out of your comfort zone.  It will make you more marketable and teach you things.  I take on more and more new tasks, because I get bored with monotony.  I like challenging myself even when I fail.  I learn why I failed and try to do it better next time.  As I never see failing as a bad thing.

Get out there make mistakes.. take a chance.. grow into an amazing you! 

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