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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Things could ALWAYS be worse

Today I am reminded, that things could ALWAYS be worse. I mean we ALL have bad days. When we have those days we have choices. We can wallow in the bad, horrible, no good things that have happened to us.  Or... we can rise above and realize that there is someone out there that has it worse than we do!

Now some of you are like, yep, you are right!  Some of you are like, uh she is crazy my day was so bad. She just hasn't heard about my day.  You are right. I haven't.  You could be that person that has it worse than I do. If you are, I am so sorry! I hate that you are going through this and more. It sucks!  But I am sure, you have someone that has it worse that you do!

I will not go into my day, as I do not want to vent, but let's just say it was a bad, horrific, no good day. But the upside is I get to spend time with my sister as we go to the infusion center today. I get to see my sweet babies in a few hours and get their hugs, kisses and smiles. I get to come home to cook in a house I own. I get to sleep in a warm bed in a cool house. So even though I had a few bad things happening, so many more and better good things are happening too. I just have to shift my brain from rehashing the bad things, to rehashing all the good things.  It takes some work, and time, as we are a society that likes gossip and bad things. We focus, our attention to so much bad, we tend to forget all the good.

We all need to slow down, look at the good, smell the flowers,  give out peace and love to others by treating them how we would want to be treated. Too much anger and hostility. Not enough peace, acceptance and love!

If you have a bad day, try to look for some good. I promise it will turn your day around!  You are pretty awesome, and it could ALWAYS be worse!

#fightinglikeagirl #wegotthis

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