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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Little Fletcher

Heard some devastating news last night that I really hope turns into good news!

The sweet lady who gave me 230 oz of her frozen breast milk stash, is currently waiting for her 6 month old to undergo brain surgery for a brain tumor.  This all stemmed from one of his eyes twitching the drs thinking he will probably have to wear glasses but let's get a MRI to make sure nothing else is going on, to oh there is a tumor go straight to the hospital and get checked in, to a 2nd MRI and now brain surgery.

Now I know how she is feeling as a mom and as a person who has heard the words, "you have cancer"  I know the emotions I would be feeling if the words were"you child has a tumor and we need to do brain surgery" I know  where her mind is going and where it is fighting to go, more than likely. I hated seeing my child have a GASH in his head from the fan at the zoo. I remember breast feeding him was blood is coming out, with me holding his head as tight as i could with one hand, and his body with the other, as i am running through the Jax Zoo as no one seemed to be able to get us on their cart, and me not knowing how bad it was and if I would see brain if i let go, so I held on. I sad holding my baby tight in the backseat of the car as his daddy drove carefully to the pedi ER. I watched as they poured saline over and over trying to clean it with my poor kid screaming. I watched as they put staples and stitches in his head, and i watched as he passed out from exhaustion. I stayed strong until i got alone and then broke down. My baby.... thankfully he was very resilient and a little tylenol helped. Now i imagine her situation and oh wow.. i know F will be a strong little boy and be as resilient as J was. I know that because she is breastfeeding and as long as he has her, he is good. I imagined my sweet pumpkin that is not nursing going through this and I tell you what, I would quit chemo asap just to be able to produce milk again to help him through this. There is no way I wouldn't.   F will be resilient and has Joanna to hold him tight. I am sending her huge hugs to wrap her in the strength she needs to make it through all of this, so that she can hold him tight!  No mother should have to go through this! Yet they do.

Many hugs Joanna!  I can never thank you enough for helping out my little guy!  I will send tons of love your way!  I can at least do that!

***UPDATE*** I am just going to update this post as i hear new things. They were unable to operate. They were able to get a biopsy, which from the looks, looks like cancer.  They are meeting with a Ped Oncologist today to discuss options, one of which is Chemo :(  I so wish they had been able to operate. The thought of that sweet pumpkin going through what I am make me so sad!

2nd UPDATE** the surgeon accidentally got some brain tissue so they had to go in twice to get the tumor. They think 18 months of Chemo will at least halt, if not shrink and/or get rid of the tumor. The tumor is entangled with the optic nerve and major blood vessels. Poor little thing is in  pain from surgery and being intubated 3 times but has been able to nurse, which I know would make me a happy mama and I know it made him a happy baby! very thankful Joanna is able to nurse!  Will make the next 18 months of his life much easier! He had to have a blood transfusion from losing so much blood. That makes me cry!  I just keep thinking "what if that was me"  Which makes me hold my boys even tighter!

To keep following along this sweet boys fight, please go to:


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