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Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 62 - 2012 Worker bee and Apocalypse

So yesterday I was a little worker bee at Chez Awesome.  Started the day with a visit to Lowe's and buying lots of things for the yard. Then the grocery store.  Once home I fixed fence, laid rocks, laid pavers, fixed stairs, fixed holes around porch, nailed up lattice, baked a 3 layered cake (cake and frosting, and filling all from scratch), got some things diced up for tonight, cleaned the house... bathed dogs, did laundry.. I am a tired girl!  I look like a wounded soldier.  I hammered my finger instead of the nail.

As I was walking through Lowe's and later on working out in the yard. I came to the realization that these movies of the zombie apocalypse or a plague, might happen.  Think about it for a second.  Look around you, now notice how many people are coughing, sneezing, or sniffling.  Quite a few huh?  All it takes is one strand of a nasty virus that we have no idea how to treat, or control and bam, it will spread like a wild fire.  We are all under the "must work until we die" pretense, that we come to work sick, we go to the store sick, we do not stay in bed and stay away from others.  We feel this  need to share the wealth.  That need will be the end of us.  I know I sound crazy.  But the more I watch this stuff, the more I am like OMG this could happen (not the zombie part, but the plague wiping us out part, I am not completely crazy).  But if you really think about it, we would be screwed.  We are so depended on luxuries, electronics and instant gratification.   Could we be repeating history?  I wonder about so much. So much that most of us think is far fetched, but if you look at history, it could happen. There were plagues that wiped out most of humanity, leaving the strong, weeding out the weak.  Weeding out the weak doesn't sound so bad, until you think you may be one of the weak.   Moscow, Marseilles, Rome, Athens, Milan, London, China,  America even,  How about the black death that spread from central and south Asia, to North Africa, Arabia and Europe through Denmark and even Ireland.  We have had plagues time and time again over history.  Why should this time be any different?  Why do we think we are immune to catastrophic diseases?  There has to be someone who thinks about these things right?  Are they as frightened at this idea as I am?  I need to not think about what if's....  At least these movies are giving me ideas on how to survive if something does go down.  Until then.. stay safe and stay away from the sick ones!

3 layered from scratch pineapple cake
Before frosting                                                             After frosting!

Super excited to eat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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