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Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 56 - 2012

So I watched all of season 1 of The Walking Dead.  Now I am not a zombie girl.  They gross me out. The thought that someone that was once alive, will look like they did, but grosser, and will try to eat me, skeeves me out a bit.  But the story line is really good. You root for the family and other survivors and revel in the fact that Zombies are everywhere and moving slowly, yet, the human race was unable to over come these things, to the point where there are more zombies than humans.  It is crazy to think about.  What would you do? Where would you barricade  yourself?  Could you survive? I know I would be sleeping in the attic.. that way I could close myself off to the crazies.

Speaking of crazies.. I am acting like one.  I have two friends who the rest of us think are dating.  They go to lunch every day together, they take vacations at the same time together.  It is really really a mystery and bothering me.  Though i know it should not bother me. It still does.  Crazy right?  I feel crazy.  Especially when I think things out loud.  I am like wow crazy girl, who really cares?  And really I do not give two rats asses if they are dating. I think it is the being lied too which is what gets me. I can take not being told.. but when I ask a question and get a non truthful or half truthful answer, that hurts and I do not like to be hurt so it is either stop being friends or out these people so they stop lying. I need to just stay the eff out of it.  I need to go home and be a good little girl. Stay out of peoples lives and just deal with mine.  Mine is going well.  Maybe that is the issue. No drama in my life so I am trying to figure out a mystery that is none of my business. I hope they are together. They seem to make each other happy if they are.  So this week I will work on staying out of others business unless they invite me, and just worry about me.. god knows i have enough to worry about.. my landscape (front and back) at my house needs help.  Who am I kidding I look like white trash lately.  I clean every day and every day the animals mess things up.  George is shedding and it is horrid.  The backyard looks horrid.. They dogs have torn a hole in the fence.. though I think Bailey was the main on for that as my dogs have NEVER dug out, only under the house not out of the yard.  I also had to put back up the lattice and block it from being torn down until i can nail it back in.  Lots and lots of work to do which should be my focus.. and is my focus when I am at home.  I guess I am just admitting none of us are perfect and I need to remind myself of that.  Plus I have been the girl who kept things hidden before, though I did a MUCH better job of keeping my secret. :)

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