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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 59 - 2012

Yesterday a dear friend made my day.  She told me that she loved seeing me so happy all the time and asked why.  I said, "Well I let go of things that were out of my control, I stopped worry about my self imposed timeline and have been more open about things and life.  Less judgmental and am just over all in a really good place in life.  Plus I like smiling."  i said a lot more but that is the gist of it.  It feels good that others notice how happy I have been.  Kind of made my day.

Plus lunch with L was really good.  I love seeing him.  He makes me feel like the sexiest gal in all the world.  I wish we lived in  my fantasy world where we could flourish together. So sweet, so handsome, smart, good guy. We would make pretty babies. LOL  I know I am a hot mess. Some times I think he needs more confidence at times, then surprises me at other times with the surge of confidence.  He is oh so sexy when he is confident.  But still sweet. I just love how we can talk for hours and that we share so much with each other.  It is like we are a part of the others life, even when we are really just looking in from the outside.

I have been having crazy dreams.  Very vivid, life like. I awake and feel like I actually lived the dream.  It is crazy how I can feel the emotions I feel, smell the smells, remember the tastes I tasted. Even crazier when things happen in life that happened in a dream.  Sometimes I wonder, "Do I have a tad bit of clairvoyance in me?"  Then I think "that is crazy".   A friend of mine just got a 2nd job for the psychic hotline. It was fairly easy  She asked questions and gave advice based on her paying attention to the interviewers answers. I can do that!  I should really think about it.  Apparently it is really good money and fun.  Though I think I would feel sorry for people who called in.  I get wanting to know your future, but sometimes knowing is not always the best way to be.  I was once told my a fortune teller that I would meet the man I was supposed to marry in October.  Well that was MANY years and many Octobers ago, and nope nothing.  Now if I believed, I may have held on to that I "missed him" or it will be "next October" But really, I think she told me what I needed to hear at the time, which helped me move on and forward with life.

Sorry for my randomness lately, I seem to have no direction in my blog posts. But I am okay with that.  I hope that everyone has an amazing day!  I challenge you to make someone smile today.  I guarantee it will make you smile in return!

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