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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 53 - 2012

Today I am amazed at how some people treat others.  I am amazed that I was that girl at one point in my life. How did I not see it?  How was I so selfish and blind?  How could I not use my words to communicate with the intended party, instead of vent to others aka gossip and be negative?  I get that as you grow up, you learn things and you improve on  you.  That is what I started doing. I stopped letting others control my mood and attitude and started being more grateful and showing gratitude. life can always be worse. I am in a good place. I wish I could help others get there too, but I know it is a personal journey.  I can keep smiling and just try to help them through or at least stay out of their way :)  I get frustrated, when they call me out on things that I have worked really hard to change, and haven't done in a while.  I feel like they want to push my buttons and try to make me go back to being that person.  It is like they cannot accept that people can change apart of who they are with a little effort. Makes me sad.  I do not like being sad, so I tend to shy away from those making me feel that way.  I like being happy, I do not like talking about things that irritate me or  make me sad. I like changing the subject and laughing.. Oh do I love laughing.  I love the feeling I get with a big loud belly laugh.  Some people do not like my laugh and others cannot get enough.  I like the ones that cannot get enough. :)  I like to laugh.  I do not care if you are laughing at me or with me, as long as you are laughing. I love to pretend I am "Special Jamie" and clap my hands at everything.   People either look at me really strange, laugh or are REALLY nice because they really think something is wrong with me  BWAHAHA  so much fun!

Try having a little fun today, act silly, make someone laugh, crack yourself up, just have fun.  Life is hard enough, minus well try to lighten up a bit!

I love Audrey Hepburn:


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