Last night and today I have been playing Nurse to my lovely in so much pain fiance. I feel horrible for him. He is such a hard worker and cannot stand to call in sick or go to the hospital. The last time for both was in 2003. But last night he did something to his back and could not walk, could barely crawl. It was not a pretty sight at all. Poor thing has had tears in his eyes for every turn, move, cough, or laugh that he has made. There is nothing I can do but help him dress, make him food and bring him meds oh and take him to and from the doctor.
Today is supposedly the last day on earth LOL, guess we will see, as of now Australia is still here, so hmmmmmmmmmm maybe it is CST we shall see.
Until then Nurse J at your service!
This blog has changed over the years. Growth is good. Growth is what I preach. Be a better person. I can help. I’m here to spread love, kindness, and some hard truths to help you and me be better people.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Day 224- 2012 Life is full of bruises
Just because you get bruised, does not mean that you are broken!
Life is full of bruises. They happen. You bump into things, people push you down, you fall down. Life happens.
Do not feel the bruise breaks you. You are not broken, just a little banged up and can totally recover from that. Put on some adult panties and move forward. Do not let a few bruises stop you from trying to be the best version of you!
Life is full of bruises. They happen. You bump into things, people push you down, you fall down. Life happens.
Do not feel the bruise breaks you. You are not broken, just a little banged up and can totally recover from that. Put on some adult panties and move forward. Do not let a few bruises stop you from trying to be the best version of you!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Day 223 - 2012 Life is a journey
A good cry is sometimes essential, but a smile is an every day must! There are always stressful times when you just want to cry. Do it! let yourself, then smile because there are amazing things awaiting you.
Do not be afraid to find the humor in mistakes and embarrassing moments. I am the first who will laugh at myself when I trip, run into a wall or just totally mess up a sentence. Laughing is good. You really should never take life too seriously.
Live in the moment and appreciate the journey. Like is totally a journey, ups, downs, sideways turns. Do not worry about what may come and focus on today. Focus on what you can get done and how to overcome today's issues. You can think about the future, but do not fret about it, as many things can change before then. Your life could take a turn and that thing you worried about is taken out of the equation. Enjoy today and smile!
Do not be afraid to find the humor in mistakes and embarrassing moments. I am the first who will laugh at myself when I trip, run into a wall or just totally mess up a sentence. Laughing is good. You really should never take life too seriously.
Live in the moment and appreciate the journey. Like is totally a journey, ups, downs, sideways turns. Do not worry about what may come and focus on today. Focus on what you can get done and how to overcome today's issues. You can think about the future, but do not fret about it, as many things can change before then. Your life could take a turn and that thing you worried about is taken out of the equation. Enjoy today and smile!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Day 222 - 2012 love yourself
To be happy you must know who are you are and love yourself. Need to know who you are? Be your own lover for life. Create a never-ending romance with yourself by caring and nurturing your mind, body and soul. You are who you think you it, breathe it, own it.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
day 221-2012 Words hurt
Once you say something, you cannot take it back. You can say you are sorry but you cannot take it back. If you talk about someone, then make sure you are speaking the truth and not just your version of the truth as, again you cannot take it back. We live in a society where the culture of negativity is every day life. Even people with the best intentions sometimes do not realize when they speak, they speak with negativity in their hearts. Think about your words before you speak them, as you cannot take them back once they are said.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Day 220 - Trust
Living without trust is like living in constant torment. Without trust there is no love (with yourself or with others). You must be able to trust in order to be in a relationship with someone, whether it is at work, with friends or in love. Trust is the foundation of ALL relationships, even the one you have with yourself.
I see so many people who say they forgive someone for a past mistake, yet they do not let go (see yesterdays post) so they do not trust the person. If you do not trust someone, you cannot truly love them. You are always looking over your shoulder and trying to control them. They are miserable, because really who wants to live like that? Being condemned over and over again for your past mistake. You must learn to trust them or let them go.
Trust also applies to you. trust yourself and your intuition. That feeling you get when something bad is going to happen... trust it.. learn to see the signs. Trust is important in all aspects of live.
I have a friend who is amazing at this. Her husband cheated on her. It was a bad bad break up. They both tried to move on and they realized they loved each other too much to be with others. She forgave him, truly forgave him and they were eventually re-married. The trust is back, as she forgave him and looked to their future together instead of reliving the past. Truly remarkable and an inspiration to many!
Trust or let go.. but without trust there cannot be love. Trust is truly the foundation of relationships!!!
I see so many people who say they forgive someone for a past mistake, yet they do not let go (see yesterdays post) so they do not trust the person. If you do not trust someone, you cannot truly love them. You are always looking over your shoulder and trying to control them. They are miserable, because really who wants to live like that? Being condemned over and over again for your past mistake. You must learn to trust them or let them go.
Trust also applies to you. trust yourself and your intuition. That feeling you get when something bad is going to happen... trust it.. learn to see the signs. Trust is important in all aspects of live.
I have a friend who is amazing at this. Her husband cheated on her. It was a bad bad break up. They both tried to move on and they realized they loved each other too much to be with others. She forgave him, truly forgave him and they were eventually re-married. The trust is back, as she forgave him and looked to their future together instead of reliving the past. Truly remarkable and an inspiration to many!
Trust or let go.. but without trust there cannot be love. Trust is truly the foundation of relationships!!!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Day 219-2012 Let Go....
Holding on to past hurts and bad memories is like holding on to a heavy weight. Reliving the past, hurts only you and holds you down. Others may not even realize you were hurt or have the same outlook on the same situation. Unless you truly forgive yourself, the other party and/or the situation, you continue to hurt yourself over and over again. Let go of that weight. Truly let go of the past and move forward.
I have learned that you cannot hold on to things. It really does only hurt you. You are the only one who cares about the action or whatever. You are the one that lets the anger build up and invest you like a virus that just eats away at your positive thoughts and happiness. It truly only hurts you.
So you have been wronged? Ok, well we all have.
Had to deal with people who talk about you? Yep welcome to life.
Had your heart broken? Join the club, only a FEW people are lucky enough to never experience a heart break.
Felt like you are always passed over and never get what you want or think you deserve? Most of us have been there and gotten the t-shirt.
Had someone you love betray you, steal from you, hurt you in some way? Again join the club.. most people go through this.
Fight with your parents or spouse? Who hasn't?
Want to beat your child? Again who hasn't?
I could go on and on.
Life is funny, it is not all roses and rainbows. The bad times, make you appreciate the good. You are never going to have a perfect life. But you can learn to live with life's imperfections but dealing with a situation, them moving on. Not leaving it, but dealing with it. My ex he just ignored a situation, and still is. It used to get to me and make me really angry that I have to pay his loan I am co-signed on because he cannot be bothered. But that made me a bitter person. I let go and wow the bitterness left me. I cannot change what happened but I can control me now. Every situation is like that. You can be mad over something that happened to you 20 years ago or you can realize that moment helped define who you are today and smile because you can. Life is a roller coaster, but every action, every contact with others, helps define you. It is up to you how it defines you. you can let that jerk who hurt you continue to hurt you by getting mad everything you think about it, or you can feel the anger rise and choose to push it back down. That hurt helped you to appreciate the next person.
Sometimes it is hard to do that, as it really takes looking at yourself and admitting when you are in the wrong. But we are all wrong at times. We have been the cause for others pain. Admit it, forgive yourself and move forward. Life may be a hell of a ride, but the times you do not get bucked off, it is hellava good time as well! take the bad with the good and laugh it up when the good times hit. When the bad hits, admit your mistakes, forgive yourself and others and look forward to the next ride.
Let go and happiness fills your heart and soul!!!
I have learned that you cannot hold on to things. It really does only hurt you. You are the only one who cares about the action or whatever. You are the one that lets the anger build up and invest you like a virus that just eats away at your positive thoughts and happiness. It truly only hurts you.
So you have been wronged? Ok, well we all have.
Had to deal with people who talk about you? Yep welcome to life.
Had your heart broken? Join the club, only a FEW people are lucky enough to never experience a heart break.
Felt like you are always passed over and never get what you want or think you deserve? Most of us have been there and gotten the t-shirt.
Had someone you love betray you, steal from you, hurt you in some way? Again join the club.. most people go through this.
Fight with your parents or spouse? Who hasn't?
Want to beat your child? Again who hasn't?
I could go on and on.
Life is funny, it is not all roses and rainbows. The bad times, make you appreciate the good. You are never going to have a perfect life. But you can learn to live with life's imperfections but dealing with a situation, them moving on. Not leaving it, but dealing with it. My ex he just ignored a situation, and still is. It used to get to me and make me really angry that I have to pay his loan I am co-signed on because he cannot be bothered. But that made me a bitter person. I let go and wow the bitterness left me. I cannot change what happened but I can control me now. Every situation is like that. You can be mad over something that happened to you 20 years ago or you can realize that moment helped define who you are today and smile because you can. Life is a roller coaster, but every action, every contact with others, helps define you. It is up to you how it defines you. you can let that jerk who hurt you continue to hurt you by getting mad everything you think about it, or you can feel the anger rise and choose to push it back down. That hurt helped you to appreciate the next person.
Sometimes it is hard to do that, as it really takes looking at yourself and admitting when you are in the wrong. But we are all wrong at times. We have been the cause for others pain. Admit it, forgive yourself and move forward. Life may be a hell of a ride, but the times you do not get bucked off, it is hellava good time as well! take the bad with the good and laugh it up when the good times hit. When the bad hits, admit your mistakes, forgive yourself and others and look forward to the next ride.
Let go and happiness fills your heart and soul!!!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Day 218 2012- déjà vu
Ever have those moments of déjà vu? You know where you think you lived them or something comes to mind and you think hmmmmm. Over the years whenever I thought about getting married march 13th always came to mind. Today it did again but the funny thing is, I am getting married March 2, 2013. Apparently I always knew when, it just now is coming to light. I was once told by a fortune teller that I would meet my love on October. But she was wrong. I would fall I love with someone's whose birthday was in October. Similar but a little off. Though she still saw October and I saw march 13. When you stop trying and just live life has a funny way of working out the way it should. Something's you may have foresaw but didn't make sense until after the fact. Some pull to certain people, times or places. When you stop looking into meanings and just go with the flow. What's meant to be happens when it should.
Ah life. It's a funny thing. But oh what a ride!
Ah life. It's a funny thing. But oh what a ride!
Monday, November 26, 2012
Day 217 - 2012 Can't we all get along
I have had to deal with lots of family drama this past week. I do not get it. Put on your adult pants and play along. You are not going to agree with everything or every one but try to just get along. It really is not that bad, and you may even have fun. I am not the only one. Lots of friends seemed to be going through the same thing. Moms upset because they did not go black friday shopping, siblings throwing fits, divorced parents fighting.. and more..
I had my reservations this weekend but ended up having a great time. Lots of laughs were involved. I loved how well B and I fit into each others families. I do love him so. It was nice seeing the land that will be ours and how similar our parents have things set up.
You may not always want to go do something, but as an adult sometimes you have to just do it. Most of the time you end up having fun or at least not having a bad time.
So my advice.. put on those big girl panties/big boy underoos and try to have fun. Optimism wins out in the end.
I had my reservations this weekend but ended up having a great time. Lots of laughs were involved. I loved how well B and I fit into each others families. I do love him so. It was nice seeing the land that will be ours and how similar our parents have things set up.
You may not always want to go do something, but as an adult sometimes you have to just do it. Most of the time you end up having fun or at least not having a bad time.
So my advice.. put on those big girl panties/big boy underoos and try to have fun. Optimism wins out in the end.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Day 216-2012 wedding venue found
Whoo hoo wedding venue found. It's perfect!!! Soooo excited!!!!!!!!
Day 215-2012 thanksgiving
Thanksgiving started off with me running a 5k with my big sis and her family. Then I went to my fiancés parents for lunch. I got to see where our future house will be built. We had a great time joking with his parents. Then we went to my Aunts and had another meal with my dads side of the family. It was Bs first time meeting most everyone but he fit in perfectly.
Then we went to my little sisters house to hang out with them and play with the girls.
It was a great day. A first thanksgiving of many thanksgivings where we divide and conquer the families. We both fit in so well with each others families. We really do match up well. We ended the day with kisses hugs. I miss you's and 'today was a great day'. I love hearing him say that with a smile on his face. We both get to spend time with our families. Feels like we are back in high school again or college. Though if it were college I'd be sneaking out to meet him in the cop car so we could make out :-).. Sometimes I miss those days.
Today was a great day! Tomorrow wedding planning :-)
Then we went to my little sisters house to hang out with them and play with the girls.
It was a great day. A first thanksgiving of many thanksgivings where we divide and conquer the families. We both fit in so well with each others families. We really do match up well. We ended the day with kisses hugs. I miss you's and 'today was a great day'. I love hearing him say that with a smile on his face. We both get to spend time with our families. Feels like we are back in high school again or college. Though if it were college I'd be sneaking out to meet him in the cop car so we could make out :-).
Today was a great day! Tomorrow wedding planning :-)
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Day 214 - 2012 Best Partner
I have the best life partner a girl could ask for. He gets me.. he just does. ANNNNND he loves me regardless of me. Take Sunday am. I was hungry.. and needing food and coffee. He tells me if he gave up dipping I could give up coffee. I reminded him I did give up coffee and the world is a better place with em drinking coffee and that my attitude was due to me being HUNGRY!!!! Once I had food all was right with the world again. He just giggles at me. He also surprises me with Caramel cake for dessert and homemade red velvet cake after a long night of babysitting. He surprises me with little things all the time. He loves to see me smile and loves to drive me crazy. He is proud of me for accomplishing even small tasks. He loves to be seen with me and loves me even when I do not love me so much. He pushes me to be a better person. He supports me in my volunteer life, all the while teasing me it is the 'Justice league' instead of the 'Junior league'. He helps me hang up flyers in local businesses to support our newest fundraiser. He takes care of me when I am sick or hurt. Cooks me dinner, lets me sleep in, takes care of the animals. Buys the dog he says he does not like his own bed. Is dealing with me and all this wedding craziness. He is just happy I am happy. The list goes on and on. I really do have the best partner a girl could ask for. He may not be perfect but he is a perfect fit for me!!!!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Day 213 2012 surprises
My daddy is surprising me lately. He is super excited about my upcoming nuptials and even is helping think of venues and putting nosy nellies in their place :D
B and I still just want something simple and not expensive. We want the day to be about us and our families but mainly about us. We have been through so much and are so thankful to be together. I cannot wait for him to see me in my wedding dress. I keep telling him he is going to cry (well at least tear up). We both have gone through so much in life to get to this point. I cannot imagine myself with anyone other than him. He gets me and all my quirkiness. He is loving and supportive. He has big dreams for us and isn't afraid to work hard to make them happen. He fits in perfectly with my family and I love that! He is full of surprises just like my daddy is. They both love me so much and I could not ask for two better men to be in my life!
B and I still just want something simple and not expensive. We want the day to be about us and our families but mainly about us. We have been through so much and are so thankful to be together. I cannot wait for him to see me in my wedding dress. I keep telling him he is going to cry (well at least tear up). We both have gone through so much in life to get to this point. I cannot imagine myself with anyone other than him. He gets me and all my quirkiness. He is loving and supportive. He has big dreams for us and isn't afraid to work hard to make them happen. He fits in perfectly with my family and I love that! He is full of surprises just like my daddy is. They both love me so much and I could not ask for two better men to be in my life!
Monday, November 12, 2012
Day 212 - 2012 Nosy people
I will never understand nosy people. You know the kind, that sticks their nose into everyone else's business even if it has NOTHING to do with them. The nosy nellies who have to know what is going on, when and where. Who have an opinion to your plans, and how you plan on doing things. If I want to change my plans, I can. If I want to cancel my plans, I can. If i want to run for president, I can. My life does not effect yours. If I want to do something, then I will. If you are invited and can come, then come, if you cannot make it, I am sorry but I am not changing for you. This goes from me having a small get together to planning a wedding. If the dates work for the parties throwing the party, then mind your own business and graciously decline if you cannot make it.
I am a fairly private person. Yes I have this blog, but I really do not share anything that cannot be found out easily or that I care if it gets out. My life is mine. If I want to share things with you, I will. If I do not want to share I will not. If I can make it to your get together, I will be happy to come. If I cannot, I am okay with that as well. Life will go on. If you have an issue with me or what I do, plan etc, then take it up with me. But please for the love of pete, stop being so nosy and sticking your nose where it does not belong.
Yes I have made mistakes, but no those mistakes do not define me. Yes I will make many more mistakes, but again the mistakes do not define me. I am my own person. I live my life the best I can. I fall down, and I pick myself back up. The last thing I need is people who are not involved in my day to day life judging me and my decisions. They are mine.. not yours. Please clean up your house before messing with mine. Thanks!
So if you are a nosy nellie.. just know someone out there wants to say these things to you. Try focusing on you and leave others alone!
I am a fairly private person. Yes I have this blog, but I really do not share anything that cannot be found out easily or that I care if it gets out. My life is mine. If I want to share things with you, I will. If I do not want to share I will not. If I can make it to your get together, I will be happy to come. If I cannot, I am okay with that as well. Life will go on. If you have an issue with me or what I do, plan etc, then take it up with me. But please for the love of pete, stop being so nosy and sticking your nose where it does not belong.
Yes I have made mistakes, but no those mistakes do not define me. Yes I will make many more mistakes, but again the mistakes do not define me. I am my own person. I live my life the best I can. I fall down, and I pick myself back up. The last thing I need is people who are not involved in my day to day life judging me and my decisions. They are mine.. not yours. Please clean up your house before messing with mine. Thanks!
So if you are a nosy nellie.. just know someone out there wants to say these things to you. Try focusing on you and leave others alone!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Day 211 - 2012 Sad news
Today I received some sad news. Nothing I care to discuss, but sad none the less. I am handling it better than my love is. Hope he can pull through as I need him too. I am a firm believer in what is meant to be will happen. At this time it was not meant to be. I have hope that the future holds amazing things for us. We have a wedding to look forward too, (if I can get him to agree to a date). I already have an amazing wedding dress which is perfect for me! I have amazing friends who have shown their love and support through this sad time. All in all I am a lucky girl. I know we can pull through this disappointment. I know our love will get us through and we will continue on this amazing journey we have are on.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Day 210 - 2012 thankful for my love
Today I am thankful for my love. He puts up with a lot and is good about going with the punches. He makes me laugh daily. He constantly keeps me on my toes. His love for me I feel even when he's mad at me. He loves my friends and they love him. I'm a lucky girl!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Day 209 - 2012. Thanks day 2 and love
Today I'm thankful for my little and big sisters. They are always there for me and love be unconditionally.
Today I also was surprised by my boyfriend. We do our usually Friday night dinner. He keeps talking wedding (no engagement ring). He keeps teasing me he keeps looking for the perfect Cracker Jack ring. We watch a movie. I say good night as I go to crawl into bed there sitting on my pillow was a pretty ring box with a pretty engagement ring. I start giggling and ask him if he's going to ask me. He asked 'will you marry me?' When I responded 'yes' he said 'I know'. Such a brat. Apparently he had planned to ask me on his birthday oct 17th which is why he was so upset that day. Poor guy has been sitting on this ring and my little sis has been sitting on the news as well! We are looking at a quick engagement. We should be tying the knot by dec. 8th :-). Super l excited!
Today I also was surprised by my boyfriend. We do our usually Friday night dinner. He keeps talking wedding (no engagement ring). He keeps teasing me he keeps looking for the perfect Cracker Jack ring. We watch a movie. I say good night as I go to crawl into bed there sitting on my pillow was a pretty ring box with a pretty engagement ring. I start giggling and ask him if he's going to ask me. He asked 'will you marry me?' When I responded 'yes' he said 'I know'. Such a brat. Apparently he had planned to ask me on his birthday oct 17th which is why he was so upset that day. Poor guy has been sitting on this ring and my little sis has been sitting on the news as well! We are looking at a quick engagement. We should be tying the knot by dec. 8th :-). Super l excited!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Day 208 - 2012 Halloween Fun and thankful thoughts
Yesterday was a fun day. I decided to go against the normal girl costume. You know, the I can dress like a slut because it is Halloween and get away with it costume. I have for some time now strayed away from that, but still wanted to look pretty. This year, I was not pretty at all. I was pretty scary but got SOOOOOOO many compliments. I decided I would go as a Bridesmaid Zombie, as I have tons of bridesmaid dresses, so why not, right? I made my own blood from cornstarch, water and food dye. I made my own scabs from gelatin and food dye. It was awesome!

Lots of fun!!!
Today is the first day of a very thankful month.
I am thankful for an amazing mom who loves me despite my flaws and mistakes. Who is a great role model. She is always my biggest cheerleader and always there for me. Love you bunches Mommy!!!
Lots of fun!!!
Today is the first day of a very thankful month.
I am thankful for an amazing mom who loves me despite my flaws and mistakes. Who is a great role model. She is always my biggest cheerleader and always there for me. Love you bunches Mommy!!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Day 207, 2012 - Intution
Train yourself to trust the small voice inside you which tells you exactly what to say, what to decide, as your intuition is rarely wrong. You just have to listen to it!
I have fallen prey to not listening to mine and it always leads me into trouble or the wrong decision is made. But when I listen to it, oh wow the good decisions and the good that comes from listening. Had I listened years ago, I would have saved myself years of heart breaks and really bad dates.
I am sure each of you can say that you have fallen prey to not listening as well. Just learn from your mistake and do a better job of listening in the future. I still have to work on that.... a lot! Some days I need someone to smack me :D
I have fallen prey to not listening to mine and it always leads me into trouble or the wrong decision is made. But when I listen to it, oh wow the good decisions and the good that comes from listening. Had I listened years ago, I would have saved myself years of heart breaks and really bad dates.
I am sure each of you can say that you have fallen prey to not listening as well. Just learn from your mistake and do a better job of listening in the future. I still have to work on that.... a lot! Some days I need someone to smack me :D
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Day 206 - 2012 Mistakes
We are all make mistakes sometimes; sometimes we do/say the wrong things, things that have consequences. But it does not mean we are evil, or that we cannot be trusted ever again, just means we screwed up. What you do afterwards is what matters. Try to make amends and never repeat that mistake again. All you can do is try.
Today I asked a question that hurt someones feelings. Totally not intentional, a simple, "After dinner and cake, do you care if I babysit tonight, feel free to say no" yes it is his birthday, but I know us, we are home early and extra money never hurts, plus I love the girls. I love their giggles and laughter. But I hurt his feelings. I apologized immediately, was able to have the mom get someone else to babysit. Still did not help. I go on to get his cookie cake that I ordered last week, to find out as I am walking through the mall I despise, that the cookie company, that I placed an online order from, closed on Sunday for good. So hurt his feelings, which made him mad, now I do not have a cookie cake for him. Find out his day was really really bad, which is part of why he was so mad at me. Then I get a text, from a friend trying to higher him telling me, they cannot. Thankfully the friend is waiting until tomorrow to give that news.
I made a mistake, I tried to make amends there will be no cookie cake but I will have a chocolate ganache cake and me with kisses waiting at home, which may appease him. At least I hope it does.
We all make mistakes, some of ours follow us for years, some are quickly forgotten, but we all make mistakes regardless. We all do things that we wish we had not done. Hind sight is 20/20
Today I asked a question that hurt someones feelings. Totally not intentional, a simple, "After dinner and cake, do you care if I babysit tonight, feel free to say no" yes it is his birthday, but I know us, we are home early and extra money never hurts, plus I love the girls. I love their giggles and laughter. But I hurt his feelings. I apologized immediately, was able to have the mom get someone else to babysit. Still did not help. I go on to get his cookie cake that I ordered last week, to find out as I am walking through the mall I despise, that the cookie company, that I placed an online order from, closed on Sunday for good. So hurt his feelings, which made him mad, now I do not have a cookie cake for him. Find out his day was really really bad, which is part of why he was so mad at me. Then I get a text, from a friend trying to higher him telling me, they cannot. Thankfully the friend is waiting until tomorrow to give that news.
I made a mistake, I tried to make amends there will be no cookie cake but I will have a chocolate ganache cake and me with kisses waiting at home, which may appease him. At least I hope it does.
We all make mistakes, some of ours follow us for years, some are quickly forgotten, but we all make mistakes regardless. We all do things that we wish we had not done. Hind sight is 20/20
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Day 205 - 2012 Expectations
"Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person,
is a little like expecting the bull not to attack you because you are a vegetarian"....Dennis Wholey
I love that quote. It is so true. You hear people say all the time, " I am a good person why does this happen to me." Well it is not just happening to you, we all go through things. We all have our ups and downs. Most people have that moment of 'why me?', but we know that it is not just us. Everyone goes through trials. It is called life. Life is not fair. Life can be down right mean. But life makes us who we are. Life makes us see, the beauty through the pain. Life can make us shining brightly in the darkest moment. Life teaches us that we are stronger than we believe we are.
Do not go through life expecting that because you life a good life and are a good person that bad things will not happen. Without the bad, you do not know that you are truly a good person. A good person rises above because of the bad, not for the lack of the bad. A good person, sees the good even through trying times. A good person, helps others even if they are hurting inside. A good person is selfless through the bad, and expects to over come the bad, but does not expect the bad to come along.
Rise above the bad, reset your expectations and prove over and over how good you are. Help others see the light at the end of the tunnel. As there is always a light, you just have to look for it really hard sometimes.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Day 204 - 2012 Push yourself
Our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable unhappy, or unfulfilled. In those such moments, we are motivated, by our discomfort, we should step out of our ruts and start searching for ways to make changes. Things that are good, usually are hard to get. Things that are bad are usually super easy to get. Whining and not doing anything about it, being lazy, cheating, and being mediocre are easy. Stay away from easy and push through being uncomfortable, the unhappiness and fulfill your own destiny by becoming a better version of you!
So many people, complain and do nothing; want others to do things for them. Do not take responsibility for themselves it is sad to see what our society is coming too. I fear for our future. Today's youth expect things and expect them NOW, they do not want to work for things or learn to do for themselves. No seems to take responsibility for their own actions. It is easier to blame others and do nothing about it. Me, I want to always continue working on me. I want to do things myself, learn new things, take on challenges. Because when I accomplish my goals, I feel like queen of the world, and that is a darn good feeling!
Have a splendid day!
So many people, complain and do nothing; want others to do things for them. Do not take responsibility for themselves it is sad to see what our society is coming too. I fear for our future. Today's youth expect things and expect them NOW, they do not want to work for things or learn to do for themselves. No seems to take responsibility for their own actions. It is easier to blame others and do nothing about it. Me, I want to always continue working on me. I want to do things myself, learn new things, take on challenges. Because when I accomplish my goals, I feel like queen of the world, and that is a darn good feeling!
Have a splendid day!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Day 203 Helping others
Sometimes, I really do not feel like helping others (gasp). I know it is selfish, but some days I feel like people take advantage of others good deeds. Whether it is conscious or not, still some people would rather have others do everything for them, so they do not have to do anything. I see this from day to day activities like work or volunteering, even into friendships. Now I do take the higher road and help. I help because I would want someone to help me. I help to teach them that they can do it, by showing them how I did something. Plus I like helping and think that helping comes back around.
Take the higher road, even if someone annoys you. You will feel better about yourself :)
Take the higher road, even if someone annoys you. You will feel better about yourself :)
Monday, October 1, 2012
Day 202 - 2012 Give to others
A pessimist sees a glass of water as being half empty; an optimist sees the same glass as half full; a giving person sees that same glass and starts looking for someone who might be thirsty. Be a giving person and volunteer. You will make a difference in someone else's life as well as your own!
It can be as simple is holding the door for someone, going to visit at a retirement home, or asking if a homeless person is thirsty and giving them water. Just do something selfless and your will reap the benefits, as well as the receiving party!
It can be as simple is holding the door for someone, going to visit at a retirement home, or asking if a homeless person is thirsty and giving them water. Just do something selfless and your will reap the benefits, as well as the receiving party!
Friday, September 28, 2012
Day 201- 2012 Happy Happy Happy
People spend a lifetime searching for peace and happiness in other things and other people, hoping to fill the emptiness they feel. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within! When you are content to be simply yourself you find the happiness you were seeking!
I was one of those people at one point in my life. I was always looking for things that would make me happy. I have learned over the years that they more I simplify my life and look inward, the happier I am. The more I stopped looking at what Mrs. Jones has and comparing myself to someone that I am nothing alike, the happier I am. That person who has it all, may not. They may be up to their eyeballs in credit card debit, they may have had a rich family member leave them money, they may be barely making it and are just keeping up appearances. Never compare yourself to others. You are you, you are unique, you are the only person that can make you happy. Not a spouse, not taking the quick way to lose weight, not having new clothes, car, house etc. You have the ability within to make you happy. A little overweight? that is ok.. love yourself and prove to yourself you love you but working out and eating right. Want a new car, save up the money and buy one. Want to go on vacation, work a 2nd job to make the money to do it. Want to stop being negative, consciously stop yourself when you have a negative thought. replace the negative with a positive Keep it up until you automatically look at the glass as half full. It is hard. but I promise it and you are worth the effort!
I was one of those people at one point in my life. I was always looking for things that would make me happy. I have learned over the years that they more I simplify my life and look inward, the happier I am. The more I stopped looking at what Mrs. Jones has and comparing myself to someone that I am nothing alike, the happier I am. That person who has it all, may not. They may be up to their eyeballs in credit card debit, they may have had a rich family member leave them money, they may be barely making it and are just keeping up appearances. Never compare yourself to others. You are you, you are unique, you are the only person that can make you happy. Not a spouse, not taking the quick way to lose weight, not having new clothes, car, house etc. You have the ability within to make you happy. A little overweight? that is ok.. love yourself and prove to yourself you love you but working out and eating right. Want a new car, save up the money and buy one. Want to go on vacation, work a 2nd job to make the money to do it. Want to stop being negative, consciously stop yourself when you have a negative thought. replace the negative with a positive Keep it up until you automatically look at the glass as half full. It is hard. but I promise it and you are worth the effort!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Day 201 - Reaching for the stars
Within you, there is patience, strength, love, determination and passion (as well as many more attributes). Utilize what is within you, reach for the stars and your dreams will come true!
Nothing is out of reach, if you try. so many people give up before trying. Those people will never know what it feels to accomplish something. They feel the world owes them. They are not good people to hang out with/ Those types of people use you, and abuse you and pull you down to their level. You want to be around people who pull you up and make you a better person.
Hang out with people who make you smile; laugh often and from the belly; Love truly and deeply; Do what makes you happy. If you do not know what that is.. figure it out! Life is way too short to go through it being miserable!
Nothing is out of reach, if you try. so many people give up before trying. Those people will never know what it feels to accomplish something. They feel the world owes them. They are not good people to hang out with/ Those types of people use you, and abuse you and pull you down to their level. You want to be around people who pull you up and make you a better person.
Hang out with people who make you smile; laugh often and from the belly; Love truly and deeply; Do what makes you happy. If you do not know what that is.. figure it out! Life is way too short to go through it being miserable!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Day 200 - 2012 Man PMS
So funny, the more I talk to friends about their husbands, it becomes more and more apparent, men go through PMS once a month as well. Though instead of bleeding like a stuck pig, they go back to being happy creatures, with no recollection of their PMS symptoms. It is just a few days of moodiness that is completely unbearable. Things are said that they do not mean. Then like nothing happened, poof, they are back to the normal loving men that we love.
B was back to being his sweet loving self. So funny how a day changes an attitude. So glad his PMS time is over with for this month. Just wish it did not coincide with mine :D
Researchers have found that men really do suffer from a condition they have dubbed Irritable Male Syndrome. They experience anger, anxiety, irritability, hypersensitivity. So the slightest thing you do can set them off (sound familiar?). They can even experience, lack of sexual arousal, headaches, stomach cramps, hot flashes, back aches and sexual dysfunction (which i am sure leads to more of the anger and irritability).
So the moral of today's post. Love your man, even when he goes through his time of month. Be patient and in a few days, it will all be over and he will forget that he even went through "his time of the month"
Have a great day!
B was back to being his sweet loving self. So funny how a day changes an attitude. So glad his PMS time is over with for this month. Just wish it did not coincide with mine :D
Researchers have found that men really do suffer from a condition they have dubbed Irritable Male Syndrome. They experience anger, anxiety, irritability, hypersensitivity. So the slightest thing you do can set them off (sound familiar?). They can even experience, lack of sexual arousal, headaches, stomach cramps, hot flashes, back aches and sexual dysfunction (which i am sure leads to more of the anger and irritability).
So the moral of today's post. Love your man, even when he goes through his time of month. Be patient and in a few days, it will all be over and he will forget that he even went through "his time of the month"
Have a great day!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Day 199-2012 love
Love is a condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. When you love someone (friend/family/partner), you want to do things to make them happy, as in return it makes you happy. You do not do them because you have too, you do it because you want too.
This was cause for an argument this weekend. I did B's laundry, cooked him dinner (that he didn't eat) and a whole bunch of other stuff, because he was dog dead tired and I knew it needed to be done. I did not get a thank you, I got a "I could have done it myself, it was my responsibility" okay.. you are right, but i wanted too, because I wanted to make you happy, like you bought stuff to make me my fave dessert.
He doesn't get it, he is so independent, he is having a hard time, letting someone in. I know he loves me, I never had any doubts about us, until this week. This week he told me he has doubts (first I heard of this) then he leaves for work out of town for a week. YAY! That helps me feel loved. I guess the honeymoon phase is over. life is not all peaches and rainbows, people fight when they care about someone else, and that sometimes people do nice things just because they love the other person. Life is never easy, but I would not enjoy life if it were easy and all rainbows and such.
I will continue to be happy, and to try to make others happy. As someone else's mood does not effect mine. I control me. Either you want to be around me or you do not. Either way, my life goes on.. and it goes on in a very happy way :)
Today I challenge you to do something just to make someone else happy!
This was cause for an argument this weekend. I did B's laundry, cooked him dinner (that he didn't eat) and a whole bunch of other stuff, because he was dog dead tired and I knew it needed to be done. I did not get a thank you, I got a "I could have done it myself, it was my responsibility" okay.. you are right, but i wanted too, because I wanted to make you happy, like you bought stuff to make me my fave dessert.
He doesn't get it, he is so independent, he is having a hard time, letting someone in. I know he loves me, I never had any doubts about us, until this week. This week he told me he has doubts (first I heard of this) then he leaves for work out of town for a week. YAY! That helps me feel loved. I guess the honeymoon phase is over. life is not all peaches and rainbows, people fight when they care about someone else, and that sometimes people do nice things just because they love the other person. Life is never easy, but I would not enjoy life if it were easy and all rainbows and such.
I will continue to be happy, and to try to make others happy. As someone else's mood does not effect mine. I control me. Either you want to be around me or you do not. Either way, my life goes on.. and it goes on in a very happy way :)
Today I challenge you to do something just to make someone else happy!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Day 198 - 2012 already tired tuesday
I am already tired and it is only Tuesday. I think it is because so many people do not think for themselves anymore. Today it seems that people lack common sense and are just trained monkeys.
"Common sense is the knack of seeing things as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done"... Harriet Beecher Stowe
I cannot tell you how many times someone asks a question that they have the same exact resources as I do, to find out the answer, yet I am the one giving it to them. I try to show them where it is, but they do not care. Are they a trained monkey, or selfish and think their time is more important than mine, or just really that dumb/lazy? It seems more and more, like parents do so much for their kids, that the kids are never taught to figure things out for themselves. Sure you can cook dinner faster/shop/pick up the house/pay bills/etc. without the kids, but teaching them makes them productive adults. They grow up being trained monkeys. Instead of realizing they can do things themselves, they like to be told what to do. These of course are the same people who bring only complaints and no solutions. We are raising a bunch of trained monkeys. It is sad, very sad. I hope if I have kids one day that I will not raise trained monkeys but productive members of society!
Today try, figuring out something yourself, even if it is diffcult, as the answer, is probably right in front of your face, you just have to look for it.
"Common sense is the knack of seeing things as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done"... Harriet Beecher Stowe
I cannot tell you how many times someone asks a question that they have the same exact resources as I do, to find out the answer, yet I am the one giving it to them. I try to show them where it is, but they do not care. Are they a trained monkey, or selfish and think their time is more important than mine, or just really that dumb/lazy? It seems more and more, like parents do so much for their kids, that the kids are never taught to figure things out for themselves. Sure you can cook dinner faster/shop/pick up the house/pay bills/etc. without the kids, but teaching them makes them productive adults. They grow up being trained monkeys. Instead of realizing they can do things themselves, they like to be told what to do. These of course are the same people who bring only complaints and no solutions. We are raising a bunch of trained monkeys. It is sad, very sad. I hope if I have kids one day that I will not raise trained monkeys but productive members of society!
Today try, figuring out something yourself, even if it is diffcult, as the answer, is probably right in front of your face, you just have to look for it.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Day 197 - 2012 who the #€+=* did I marry?
Wow so today I decided to watch "Who the $&*# did I marry?". I feel like I lived that but wasn't married. I felt that way about my ex when we broke and so many things came to light. These men loved their wives but all (so far) they all are so selfish and such liars. Their lies and the stress of it all, catch up to them. But totally remind me women's intuition is so strong and usually right. I am so thankful I got out of that relationship before he dragged me down that hole he went down.
I know B gets irritated when I am so focused on communication but I feel like it is key to a relationship. Key for you to know what the other is thinking. And key that both tell the truth even if it hurts a bit. I never want to go down that rabbits hole again! I never want to ignore my instinct again and I always want to trust my partner and e able to communicate even if the conversation is hard or uncomfortable.
Here's to communication in all aspects of life!
I know B gets irritated when I am so focused on communication but I feel like it is key to a relationship. Key for you to know what the other is thinking. And key that both tell the truth even if it hurts a bit. I never want to go down that rabbits hole again! I never want to ignore my instinct again and I always want to trust my partner and e able to communicate even if the conversation is hard or uncomfortable.
Here's to communication in all aspects of life!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Day 196-2012 Evil J
Some days I have a very evil side. She is fun to play with, as long as you are not on her bad side. She toys with people like a cat toys with a mouse. Some days she makes people cry, not on purpose, but she just has no filter whatsoever. She tells lots of jokes, is a little hyper and likes to call people out when they lie, act stupid or are just in general not nice or ethical. She is a ball of fun.. as long as you do not take things personally :)
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Day 195 - 2012 setbacks
Life is full of many setbacks. Your success is determined by how you handle those setbacks!
Wow this statement hits home. I have had tons of setbacks, from changing careers, credit card debit, to being engaged to a complete loser and not realizing it. Love is blind right? To being passed over for promotions or recognition's even if multiple people recommend me for recognition. I always seem one step behind. I do not let this get to me, well not always. I understand things happen. I like to think the trials I go through make me a better person. I know dealing with a loser fiance, has gotten me ready for having a rebellious teenager, as that is how he acted. Credit card debit has taught me how to better manage my money. Changing careers has gotten me into a career i enjoy even if I continually get passed over for things. I have learned skills that will help me in the future.
I can choose to look at things negatively, or look at the setbacks and learn from them, so I can do things better or differently in the future. Life will not always go your way, but you can let ti get to you, or can make the most of it. Today I am making the most of it!
Wow this statement hits home. I have had tons of setbacks, from changing careers, credit card debit, to being engaged to a complete loser and not realizing it. Love is blind right? To being passed over for promotions or recognition's even if multiple people recommend me for recognition. I always seem one step behind. I do not let this get to me, well not always. I understand things happen. I like to think the trials I go through make me a better person. I know dealing with a loser fiance, has gotten me ready for having a rebellious teenager, as that is how he acted. Credit card debit has taught me how to better manage my money. Changing careers has gotten me into a career i enjoy even if I continually get passed over for things. I have learned skills that will help me in the future.
I can choose to look at things negatively, or look at the setbacks and learn from them, so I can do things better or differently in the future. Life will not always go your way, but you can let ti get to you, or can make the most of it. Today I am making the most of it!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Day 194-2012 9-11
Wow today marks the anniversary of a terrible tragedy that will haunt my generation for years to come. Like our parents generation who can remember exactly where they were during the Kennedy assassination, or those 10 years old who know exactly where they were when the shuttle blew up, my generation will always remember exactly where we were when we heard the twin towers were hit and crumbled down. I am getting chills just writing this. I remember the fear for friends who worked in the towers. Not knowing if I would ever see them again. Watching in horror as news reporters made it to the scene and the towers started crumbling down. The dust, the blood, the tears, the chaos. I remember, I was in the car, heading home to Coral Gables from a friends house in South Miami. I was driving on the interstate and could not believe the news I was hearing on the radio. It had to be a joke right?, wrong. I got home to find my roommate in front of the tv glued. We both frantically trying to call friends, to make sure they were okay, but got busy tones, as the cell towers were full of others doing the same thing. We sat there most of the day watching in horror, dialing our phones, until we reached people slowly. That day marks a day, where a great tragedy happened, yet the american people came together as one, against one common enemy. We sent out good thoughts to the rescuers, hoping that they would find many alive. Thoughts to the families of the ones that were lost/missing. Thoughts to the brave men, women and animals that spent countless hours doing search and rescue and search and recover.
We will never forget the bravery and the loss!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Day 193 -2012 Let Happiness win
“For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson..... Choose to let go of the anger, and let happiness win, it may take some work, but it is oh so worth it!
This one I think everyone struggles with. People want to vent or share, others want to hear and commiserate. If I vent, it makes me relive the anger and it festers. I prefer to let go. If not, the anger just keeps rising. I choose to hold on to that happy thought, then to relish in the angry thought. Some days I fail, but I am only human. I forgive myself and move on.
Today do not let the anger win. Choose to be happy and let go over anger!
This one I think everyone struggles with. People want to vent or share, others want to hear and commiserate. If I vent, it makes me relive the anger and it festers. I prefer to let go. If not, the anger just keeps rising. I choose to hold on to that happy thought, then to relish in the angry thought. Some days I fail, but I am only human. I forgive myself and move on.
Today do not let the anger win. Choose to be happy and let go over anger!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Day 192-2012. Love my porch
I love my front porch. It's screened in with a wicker love seat and a spot for the dogs to hang out and see over the brick to the street. Our street is always busy with people walking to and fro. I love living in a city. I love seeing people but not having to talk to them. Just a wave hello or a nod. I love seeing people walk instead of drive. I love the fresh air, the birds tweeting and watching the occasional people and cars whiz by. I love the old houses and all the history that surrounds me. Stories untold, life's that were lived.
The sky is full of turmoil and mist. The breeze is light but cool. Fall is in the air and I am sipping on my pumpkin spice coffee B was so sweet to bring me this morning. Mmmmm I do one pumpkin spice. We did not do our normal Sunday brunch date. But the letting me sleep in. pumpkin spice and my porch, more than make up for it!
Enjoy your day and surroundings.
The sky is full of turmoil and mist. The breeze is light but cool. Fall is in the air and I am sipping on my pumpkin spice coffee B was so sweet to bring me this morning. Mmmmm I do one pumpkin spice. We did not do our normal Sunday brunch date. But the letting me sleep in. pumpkin spice and my porch, more than make up for it!
Enjoy your day and surroundings.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Day 191 - 2012 Be yourself
Try to be happy to be yourself.. Do not compare yourself to others. Do not try to keep up with the Jones'. Everyone walks a different path. Just be the best you, that you can be! That is all anyone can ask of you and you will be a very happy person by being just you!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Day 190 - 2012 Laughing
Laughing is contagious, laughs makes your heart and others hearts smile, laughing picks you up on a bad day, belly laughs count as exercise, laughing is amazing medicine and is over all just good for you. Take some time and laugh.. really laugh.. I promise it will make you really happy!
Last night, two friends and I made another tables night, from us laughing continually and just having a good time together. It was the best medicine I could have gotten for a long stressful week. I love my friends and how much fun we have even if we do nothing!
Feeling down? grab a friend and laugh. You can find humor in anything even the bad stuff!
Last night, two friends and I made another tables night, from us laughing continually and just having a good time together. It was the best medicine I could have gotten for a long stressful week. I love my friends and how much fun we have even if we do nothing!
Feeling down? grab a friend and laugh. You can find humor in anything even the bad stuff!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Day 189 - 2012 I do not speak idiot
Wow some days people make things so much harder on themselves. Not sure if we are all so busy now that we cannot slow down and think for ourselves, expect others to keep us organized or are just plain dumb. Today I realize, that even though sometimes it seems like I do, I do not speak idiot. I do not like my time wasted and do not have time for people who cannot think for themselves.
I also do not like rude people... I like nice people, and puppies and rainbows and sunshine ooh and pretty things! I definitely do not speak idiot most days.. but occasionally will figure out what they need.
Ahhhh if only like were idiot, rude people free.... ahhh utopia.. a girl can dream :)
I also do not like rude people... I like nice people, and puppies and rainbows and sunshine ooh and pretty things! I definitely do not speak idiot most days.. but occasionally will figure out what they need.
Ahhhh if only like were idiot, rude people free.... ahhh utopia.. a girl can dream :)
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Day 188 - 2012 Smiling
Smiling is good for you and good for others
According to some reports, there are 10 benefits of smiling. There might well be others, but these 10 often are quoted and are worth remembering:
1. Smiling makes us attractive. We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good.
2. Smiling changes our mood. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.
3. Smiling is contagious. A smiling person brings happiness with them, changes the moods of others and makes things happier.
4. Smiling relieves stress. Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down and overwhelmed.
5. Smiling boosts the immune system. When you smile, immune function improves, possibly because you are more relaxed.
6. Smiling can lower blood pressure. When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure.
7. Smiling releases endorphins, natural painkillers and serotonin. Together, these three make us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug.
8. Smiling can make you look younger and give you a natural facelift. The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger.
9. Smiling can make you seem successful. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments, and people will react differently to you.
10. Smiling helps you stay positive. When we smile, our body is sending the rest of us a message that life is good.
And, of course, smiling doesn’t cost a thing. If smiling is a natural drug, I think just about everyone should become addicted.
Have a smiley day!
According to some reports, there are 10 benefits of smiling. There might well be others, but these 10 often are quoted and are worth remembering:
1. Smiling makes us attractive. We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good.
2. Smiling changes our mood. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.
3. Smiling is contagious. A smiling person brings happiness with them, changes the moods of others and makes things happier.
4. Smiling relieves stress. Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down and overwhelmed.
5. Smiling boosts the immune system. When you smile, immune function improves, possibly because you are more relaxed.
6. Smiling can lower blood pressure. When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure.
7. Smiling releases endorphins, natural painkillers and serotonin. Together, these three make us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug.
8. Smiling can make you look younger and give you a natural facelift. The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger.
9. Smiling can make you seem successful. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments, and people will react differently to you.
10. Smiling helps you stay positive. When we smile, our body is sending the rest of us a message that life is good.
And, of course, smiling doesn’t cost a thing. If smiling is a natural drug, I think just about everyone should become addicted.
Have a smiley day!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Day 187-2012 Busy weekend
For a 3 day weekend, this weekend has been slam packed. I have had multiple dates (with the same guy, I am not a floozie), I have hosted a dinner party, We have cleaned off the front porch, as well as cleaned the house twice. The backyard is looking amazing even if it is empty.. better than all weedy like it was. Finally, I am able to sit in front of the tv, with my computer and blog (YAY!) and it is a NCIS marathon double YAY! not a bad weekend at all, even if I did not make it to the beach. :(
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Day 186 - 2012 Going out on limbs
Some times you need to take a chance and go out on a limb. If you never try new things, your life with never change. Sometimes the best things are a little out of your reach. Sometimes you need to climb out on that limb to reach the best fruit/experience out there. You cannot continue doing the same actions over and over and expect that a different result will happen. Life is all about chances and changes. Take a chance, change, better yourself. Now will you fail sometimes going out on that limb? Yes of course.. life is all roses, rainbows and sunshine.. you will fail and often.. but the upside to HUMONGOUS failures, is that they make AMAZINGLY FABULOUSLY entertaining stories! Let me tell you, I have some funny stories. They were not so funny at the time, but given some distance, you can learn from the failure and laugh at yourself! Get out there and take a chance!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Day 185 - 2012 Grass is greener....
If you think the grass is greener on the other side.. water your side..... Simple if you think about it. Sure the new and bright looks nice but so does seeing hard work pay off. Nothing in life comes easy that is worth anything. If you want it, you have to work for it. Working for something makes you appreciate it more. Otherwise you will always go through life looking for something better and never being satisfied with what you have. You will look for the easy route instead of the direct route. The direct route may be more difficult but the rewards will be greater!
Water your grass.. fertilize it and watch it grow into something amazing!
Water your grass.. fertilize it and watch it grow into something amazing!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Day 184 -2012 Every thought is a seed
"Every thought is a seed. If you plant crab apples, don't count on harvesting Golden Delicious" ..... Dan Zadra
Every thought leads to an action. Whether it just effects your mood, or the next move you make. I have been struggling with this. I have been wishing.. thinking.. whatever, bad thoughts about Goober. He still is not paying his loan we are co-signed on and is not responding, and is lying to his mom that he has paid it. I am not angry but I am thinking ill things toward him.. or was. Last night it literally slapped me in the face that I need to change my thoughts and plant new seeds. He has become a very scummy person, worse than I have seen ever. He just keeps spiraling down this dark dark hole. I definitely do not want to be dragged down the hole. So last night I am talking with my roomie A.... saying I wish bad things upon him (not nice I know) and crash cat food went everywhere. She said, "uh oh.. stop saying bad things.. karma bit you immediately." I was lke I know, but he "blah blah blah more bad thoughts." and bammmm crash, something I put up on a shelf fell and hit me and made another mess. So during this conversation I must have dropped multiple things each time a bad thought came to mind. So my lesson was, stop thinking bad thoughts and bad things will stop happening to you. So I changed my attitude, looked deep within me and as much as I hate rewarding his bad behavior by paying his student loan, I would rather pay it and cease contact with him until the loan is paid and I can sue him, than to continue contacting him on a daily basis. He was bringing bad juju my way and I cannot let that happen at all. I have an amazing man in my life who is willing to help pick up the slack or a loser ex. I am not going to let Goober spoil what I have, so this morning I sent an email letting him know I was done dealing with his immature irresponsible self and good luck in life. I cannot make him be a better person and he definitely does not want to be a better person or even a decent person. Not sure why he fell so far down a hole but wow what a hole he has fallen in.
I would rather plant good seeds and have amazing things grow, then continue watering bad seeds that a bad apple planted. I have finally let go completely. As much as I really do not want to spend extra cash that could be going to my savings, it is much better than dealing with a black hole on a daily basis. I no longer have to answer the phone when he calls, to ensure I speak with him, as now I do not care. Actions speak louder than words. Either i will get a notice one day telling me the loan is paid in full, or I will continue paying until I pay it off. either way, he will no longer effect my credit, my mood or my current relationship. I will continue to plant good seeds and leave the bad ones for people like him.
Plant good seeds, water them, tend to them and see your entire outlook on life change!
Every thought leads to an action. Whether it just effects your mood, or the next move you make. I have been struggling with this. I have been wishing.. thinking.. whatever, bad thoughts about Goober. He still is not paying his loan we are co-signed on and is not responding, and is lying to his mom that he has paid it. I am not angry but I am thinking ill things toward him.. or was. Last night it literally slapped me in the face that I need to change my thoughts and plant new seeds. He has become a very scummy person, worse than I have seen ever. He just keeps spiraling down this dark dark hole. I definitely do not want to be dragged down the hole. So last night I am talking with my roomie A.... saying I wish bad things upon him (not nice I know) and crash cat food went everywhere. She said, "uh oh.. stop saying bad things.. karma bit you immediately." I was lke I know, but he "blah blah blah more bad thoughts." and bammmm crash, something I put up on a shelf fell and hit me and made another mess. So during this conversation I must have dropped multiple things each time a bad thought came to mind. So my lesson was, stop thinking bad thoughts and bad things will stop happening to you. So I changed my attitude, looked deep within me and as much as I hate rewarding his bad behavior by paying his student loan, I would rather pay it and cease contact with him until the loan is paid and I can sue him, than to continue contacting him on a daily basis. He was bringing bad juju my way and I cannot let that happen at all. I have an amazing man in my life who is willing to help pick up the slack or a loser ex. I am not going to let Goober spoil what I have, so this morning I sent an email letting him know I was done dealing with his immature irresponsible self and good luck in life. I cannot make him be a better person and he definitely does not want to be a better person or even a decent person. Not sure why he fell so far down a hole but wow what a hole he has fallen in.
I would rather plant good seeds and have amazing things grow, then continue watering bad seeds that a bad apple planted. I have finally let go completely. As much as I really do not want to spend extra cash that could be going to my savings, it is much better than dealing with a black hole on a daily basis. I no longer have to answer the phone when he calls, to ensure I speak with him, as now I do not care. Actions speak louder than words. Either i will get a notice one day telling me the loan is paid in full, or I will continue paying until I pay it off. either way, he will no longer effect my credit, my mood or my current relationship. I will continue to plant good seeds and leave the bad ones for people like him.
Plant good seeds, water them, tend to them and see your entire outlook on life change!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Day 183- 2012 Quotes are back by popular demand
My sweet friend A.. petitioned to have back her "quotes of the day" from me. Apparently she was not the only one that missed them. I have to admit, I kind of did too. They help start me out the day in a positive light and keep me positive throughout the day as people comment on them.
"Worry is a misuse of imagination".....Dan Zadra
There are so many things you could worry about, but most of them never happen. Worrying about what may come, brings you down. So focus on what is happening, devise a plan to work through that, instead of worrying about what may come or what you think is happening. Focus on you and what you can control. You will be happier and your life with be much more calm!
Yesterdays was "If, at the end of the day, life has been lived, it was a good day." yesterday was a good day! Today will be even better!
Enjoy your day as if it were your last!
"Worry is a misuse of imagination".....Dan Zadra
There are so many things you could worry about, but most of them never happen. Worrying about what may come, brings you down. So focus on what is happening, devise a plan to work through that, instead of worrying about what may come or what you think is happening. Focus on you and what you can control. You will be happier and your life with be much more calm!
Yesterdays was "If, at the end of the day, life has been lived, it was a good day." yesterday was a good day! Today will be even better!
Enjoy your day as if it were your last!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Day 182 - 2012 rainy day
I love rainy days when i can be home to enjoy them.. today is not that day. Toady I have to work and drive home in the rain :( But my grass is getting water and my AC is not kicking on as much.. SCORE!
Now if only I could curl up on my couch and watch a movie.... hmmmmmmmm
Now if only I could curl up on my couch and watch a movie.... hmmmmmmmm
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Day 181 - 2012 Happy Day
Wow this week is only Wed and it feels like Friday. I arrived home after work to find my sweet kitty in the same exact place I left him. He was weak and just looked so sad. It was breaking my heart to watch him. He kept wanting to hide. Well I was not letting that happen. So after I was able to get some Tuna fish juice in him, we crawled into bed. This made him and me very happy. He finally fell asleep so I was able to sneak off and shower, and crawl back into bed. This time for lights out. It was 7pm. We slept until around 5am. Well on and off slept. Every time he moved positions, I woke up to watch him. Poor B slept on the couch so he would not disturb us. He said "Chance was all stretched out, and looking comfy I just wanted him to sleep." (awe) So this morning at 5, I awake to a thump on the floor. Chance had decided he needed to potty. I knew he did, he had not gone in at least 24 hours. So we make our way into his small litter box I made for him, where B was sleeping. Well laying there. Chance used the litter box then sought out the cats milk that was out for him. Next thing I know, he is back in bed (like jumped up and was waiting for me) So I crawl in there with him. B teases him with his treats and Chance bites... and ate his treats.. YAY good sign. The good signs continued after some more snuggles this time with B and Chance (chance purring away), Chance ate more food, meowed for more.. drank water YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY he is feeling better. Head still titled but he is improving and that is all that matters. I love his meows. Even if they are loud as can be. Such a good sign! So I left for work feeling tired but relieved!
My dear friend C gave birth two her twins early and yesterday was the first day she was strong enough to go see them. so LOTS of good things happening! YAY for happy days!!!!!
My dear friend C gave birth two her twins early and yesterday was the first day she was strong enough to go see them. so LOTS of good things happening! YAY for happy days!!!!!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Day 180-2012 sad day
Wow what a night poor kitty. He seemed to be getting better night time came he was sleeping good then decided he wanted to be his independent self. Again good sign. I finally moved to the couch with him in the wee hours of the morning once he did not come back to bed. He was waiting on me and cuddled for hours. I really think he has been having mini strokes. Which makes me so sad. He still do strong and stubborn. He does not seem ready to go and I am certainly not ready for him to go. Hoping doc has better news when we go back in. He is eating tuna and tuna juice. But not his normal food that he screams for every morning and night. That makes me sad. And so sorry I ever denied him his snacks. I am so not ready to say goodbye and really hope I do not have too. At least not this week or month.
So many memories. He had been my one constant in my entire adult life. My heart is breaking. I wish good news. I know he has had a good life. I am just not ready to let go. I always thought I would lose George first. Not my sweet Chance.. Not my cuddle bunny. My tear wiper. The one thing that knows how to make me smile. I'm not ready. Just not :-(
So many memories. He had been my one constant in my entire adult life. My heart is breaking. I wish good news. I know he has had a good life. I am just not ready to let go. I always thought I would lose George first. Not my sweet Chance.. Not my cuddle bunny. My tear wiper. The one thing that knows how to make me smile. I'm not ready. Just not :-(
Monday, August 13, 2012
Day 179- 2012 Sick kitty and uber annoying people
Today I woke up to a kitty with his head titled. As the morning progressed his condition is getting worse and could barely keep his balance. So worried. Cannot get him into the vet until this afternoon.
Super stressed over him as he is my baby..... and dealing with such idiotic people today. It is like they let all the people who cannot think for themselves out of their cages. Some days I just wish people would try to do things themselves instead of asking others to do it for them. WOO SAAA WOOOO SAAAAA
I know I am just over loaded and my threshold for stress is crumbling. Trying not to let myself crumble, but it is really hard. Wish me luck!
Super stressed over him as he is my baby..... and dealing with such idiotic people today. It is like they let all the people who cannot think for themselves out of their cages. Some days I just wish people would try to do things themselves instead of asking others to do it for them. WOO SAAA WOOOO SAAAAA
I know I am just over loaded and my threshold for stress is crumbling. Trying not to let myself crumble, but it is really hard. Wish me luck!
Day 178 -2012 N and J day
Part 1 Super excited for today. I get to see one of my besties from high school and have a fun N and J day! I get to show her around my fave places in town. Super super excited.
Part 2 We had soo much fun. We talked, laughed, shopped, ate sushi, window shopped.. giggled more. It was a fabulous day with such a beautiful person. I have missed her so much!. Love that even time apart does not effect our friendship
oooh Part 3. C had the twins.. the little girl weighed 3.11 and the boy 3.3 but in ICU but mom and twins doing well. born 8/12 at 11:30pm
Part 2 We had soo much fun. We talked, laughed, shopped, ate sushi, window shopped.. giggled more. It was a fabulous day with such a beautiful person. I have missed her so much!. Love that even time apart does not effect our friendship
oooh Part 3. C had the twins.. the little girl weighed 3.11 and the boy 3.3 but in ICU but mom and twins doing well. born 8/12 at 11:30pm
Friday, August 10, 2012
Day 177 - 2012 Pushing past the impossible
The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke (1917 - )
I am of the mindset that nothing is impossible. It may be hard, difficult, not fun, but definitely not impossible. Sometimes you need to think outside the box in order to push past what you thought was impossible.
One point in our lives, people thought cars, flying, or space exploration impossible.. now it is possible. Someone pushed past their limits and made it possible.
These past two weeks with B, have been pretty good. I mean they could have been much worse. We have worked through some of the growing pains, we have communicated well and we both are growing. I fall more and more in love with him every day. We now have weekly "date nights" which I am thrilled about. He came up with it all on his own. He seems to know exactly what to do to make me happy. He supports me completely. I would have said 10 years ago that was impossible, yet I have proven that theory wrong.
With work and in life, things seem impossible. But they rarely are. Sometimes you need to step back, sometimes walk away, then return with fresh eyes in order to view the problem in a different light and come up with a solution. I was always taught not to go to my boss for a solution, but to bring them a solution. It astonishes me how so many people do not think the same way. They feel like their boss should tell them what to do, instead of them taking the initiative and showing their boss they are not a trained monkey. If something is wrong, do not go to your boss with the issue unless you can give them a solution. Otherwise you just appear to be the complainer in the group and well no one wants to be that person (at least I do not.. been there.. got the t-shirt, was not so fun).
I saw someone post this and it made me giggle and sad.. as it is so true. Our new generation asks "what do I get?" instead of "what can I give?" It is a sad state of affairs that we have such selfish people in the world now.
Get out there and make something you thought was impossible.. POSSIBLE! You have it in you, you just have to dig down and find it. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Day 176 - 2012 Shaking my head kinda day
Today has already been an interesting day and it is 9:49 am.. CRAZY!..
I started the day off with snuggles with my fave boys. Then day 2 of Insanity videos. WOW hard core for sure. Excited to see the transformation I will have in the next 59 days. I am sore already so YAY it is working.
Then work happened. I have been talked to rudely in person and via email. I have been asked so you said "xyz" is that true.. yes.. why else would I say it? I do not go around lying to people. crazy concept I know but true. Working around lunch schedules. I love love love the people who are considerate of others also needing to go to lunch. Yes we are not in high school, but we do need to cover phones and such, so it is nice when you work with considerate people, especially when some are not as considerate. I mean if 2 of us can manage... 5 of us surely can, right?
Then I feel bad, as we have two people who get talked about a lot. Nothing bad, and really it is of their own making. They have a secret relationship that is not so secret, yet they seem to think it is. I feel bad, because I know they feel like others are talking about them. In reality it is true they are, but not maliciously. I do not think one person thinks that them being together is bad. I think most people are just super annoyed at being lied too. If they are that deceptive with that, what else are they lying about, seems to be the consensus. I shake my head as I type this, as I want to pull them both aside and tell them. But is it my place? I was flat out lied too over what they each were doing for vacation (every time they go on vacation conveniently during the same exact time). Now either you think I am the dumbest person alive, or you think you are so smart that no one else knows. But do not lie to me. Do not tell me you are "camping" alone. When you are clearly not. I do not care what you do on your own time, but I do care that I am lied too. I have been lied too enough for this lifetime and do not respect anyone who lies to me even if there is a good reason for it. Really there is no good reason for it at this point. To me the fact you are lying to be means you are either ashamed, or do not trust me. They seem to avoid me and I in return avoid talking to them both as I do not want to be lied too. My filter is starting to get holes in it and before long I am just going to spew out tons of thoughts that should stay in my head. I hate that two people that I was so close too, have alienated me. My feelings are hurt and I really have a hard time looking them in the eyes. It is harder and harder every day to be nice to them. That is not me. I like to like people. I like to be nice (unless I am grumpy, then I totally warn you to stay away or I just do not talk to anyone). But for the most part, I like people. I want to want to like you. I want to do nice things for you. But when I am alienated, lied too and I hear that you talk about me and everyone else behind their backs, it is hard for me to be nice. When my past mistakes get thrown in my face over and over even after a LONG time has past, that annoys me. I have moved forward, why can you not. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone annoys others, everyone needs to improve on themselves. Some of us figure out earlier than others, and some never do. I am lucky enough that I figured it out. I am sorry for ever hurting someone, but I also forgave myself for being that girl and moved forward. I cannot continue to look back as my future is not written, my past is. In my future I can learn from my past, but not dwell in my past. So I hope they come out of the closet too, and hope that they do make each other happy, as they both seem miserable and I hate that. But I think he is what she needed, someone to pay attention to her, want to be around her and to make her feel special. I think she is what he needed. Someone who likes to take care of others, who wants to make someone feel special, laugh at their jokes etc. Make him less lazy. I just wish they would again come out of the closet for lack of a better turn.
Until then I will keep shaking my head at today and people. I feel like I live in a soap opera.. it is like Camp Days of our Lives. Without the cloning of people and such.
I started the day off with snuggles with my fave boys. Then day 2 of Insanity videos. WOW hard core for sure. Excited to see the transformation I will have in the next 59 days. I am sore already so YAY it is working.
Then work happened. I have been talked to rudely in person and via email. I have been asked so you said "xyz" is that true.. yes.. why else would I say it? I do not go around lying to people. crazy concept I know but true. Working around lunch schedules. I love love love the people who are considerate of others also needing to go to lunch. Yes we are not in high school, but we do need to cover phones and such, so it is nice when you work with considerate people, especially when some are not as considerate. I mean if 2 of us can manage... 5 of us surely can, right?
Then I feel bad, as we have two people who get talked about a lot. Nothing bad, and really it is of their own making. They have a secret relationship that is not so secret, yet they seem to think it is. I feel bad, because I know they feel like others are talking about them. In reality it is true they are, but not maliciously. I do not think one person thinks that them being together is bad. I think most people are just super annoyed at being lied too. If they are that deceptive with that, what else are they lying about, seems to be the consensus. I shake my head as I type this, as I want to pull them both aside and tell them. But is it my place? I was flat out lied too over what they each were doing for vacation (every time they go on vacation conveniently during the same exact time). Now either you think I am the dumbest person alive, or you think you are so smart that no one else knows. But do not lie to me. Do not tell me you are "camping" alone. When you are clearly not. I do not care what you do on your own time, but I do care that I am lied too. I have been lied too enough for this lifetime and do not respect anyone who lies to me even if there is a good reason for it. Really there is no good reason for it at this point. To me the fact you are lying to be means you are either ashamed, or do not trust me. They seem to avoid me and I in return avoid talking to them both as I do not want to be lied too. My filter is starting to get holes in it and before long I am just going to spew out tons of thoughts that should stay in my head. I hate that two people that I was so close too, have alienated me. My feelings are hurt and I really have a hard time looking them in the eyes. It is harder and harder every day to be nice to them. That is not me. I like to like people. I like to be nice (unless I am grumpy, then I totally warn you to stay away or I just do not talk to anyone). But for the most part, I like people. I want to want to like you. I want to do nice things for you. But when I am alienated, lied too and I hear that you talk about me and everyone else behind their backs, it is hard for me to be nice. When my past mistakes get thrown in my face over and over even after a LONG time has past, that annoys me. I have moved forward, why can you not. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone annoys others, everyone needs to improve on themselves. Some of us figure out earlier than others, and some never do. I am lucky enough that I figured it out. I am sorry for ever hurting someone, but I also forgave myself for being that girl and moved forward. I cannot continue to look back as my future is not written, my past is. In my future I can learn from my past, but not dwell in my past. So I hope they come out of the closet too, and hope that they do make each other happy, as they both seem miserable and I hate that. But I think he is what she needed, someone to pay attention to her, want to be around her and to make her feel special. I think she is what he needed. Someone who likes to take care of others, who wants to make someone feel special, laugh at their jokes etc. Make him less lazy. I just wish they would again come out of the closet for lack of a better turn.
Until then I will keep shaking my head at today and people. I feel like I live in a soap opera.. it is like Camp Days of our Lives. Without the cloning of people and such.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Day 175 - 2012 Insanity
Today is D day.. today is the day I do my Insanity fit test and tomorrow is the day I begin my regime. I am so freaking excited.
This is the fit test:
Hope I do well but excited to see how far I will go in 15 days :D
Wish me luck!
This is the fit test:
Hope I do well but excited to see how far I will go in 15 days :D
Wish me luck!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
Day 173 - 2012 Lies, Changes and moving forward
Life brings you tons of changes. You can either go with the flow, and hope the changes help you become a better you or you can decide to resist the changes and stay the same. No one really likes change. Change means learning new things, and sometimes having to leave behind things you love in hopes that the changes bring you something better.
Lots of changes have been happening in my life. Some are a little scary. Some are making me change my happy little life in hopes that the life with be even happier. That is a hard one for me. I love my life the way it is, and some of the changes/compromises are hard to swallow. I am one that resists change when I feel like things are going good. Though lately the change is due to something even better happening, soooooo I suck it up and change.
I am also reminded of what happens when people do not grasp on to changes. I was reminded this weekend that a person who I thought was my friend, really is not. She pretends to be my friend but when it comes down to it, I am really not a friend to her. She constantly lies to me and talks about me behind my back. Now I have made a lot of changes since we were close. I have stopped drinking (she has not). I have stopped partying (she has not). I have worked hard and taken on extra things to get promoted (her job is stagnant). I am able to tell people about my relationship (she hides hers). I lost weight by working out and watching what I eat (she has not). The list goes on and on. I hate that we are not close. I hate that I am past the point of wanting to confront her, since I feel like I cannot trust her anyway. I hear about what all she says about me, and others. I hear things from her mouth what I know are lies and think "wow when did she become that person?" When really, she probably was that person all along, I just never saw it. I am not even sure if she realizes she does it. I was her once. I would gossip thinking no one was getting hurt, when I was told but someone that what i was doing was in fact hurting people. It took a lot to change, but I did it so that I would not longer hurt people or be thought of as the person who talks about people behind their back. My stance is now, there is nothing I will say that I will not say to your face. That way I know I will never be put in a bad spot. I try to filter things now, (yes I know crazy). I miss my friend and the laughs/good times that have been shared, but I also know sometimes change is good. Maybe me changing and her not was the change needed for me to see those things and to let go. Still not easy to do. I still wish and hope she will come around. I still cling to some small hope that she will see the light.
Changes happen.. lies will always come from peoples mouths, you can either accept and move forward or resist and cling to what was..... I chose to move forward.. what will you choose?
Lots of changes have been happening in my life. Some are a little scary. Some are making me change my happy little life in hopes that the life with be even happier. That is a hard one for me. I love my life the way it is, and some of the changes/compromises are hard to swallow. I am one that resists change when I feel like things are going good. Though lately the change is due to something even better happening, soooooo I suck it up and change.
I am also reminded of what happens when people do not grasp on to changes. I was reminded this weekend that a person who I thought was my friend, really is not. She pretends to be my friend but when it comes down to it, I am really not a friend to her. She constantly lies to me and talks about me behind my back. Now I have made a lot of changes since we were close. I have stopped drinking (she has not). I have stopped partying (she has not). I have worked hard and taken on extra things to get promoted (her job is stagnant). I am able to tell people about my relationship (she hides hers). I lost weight by working out and watching what I eat (she has not). The list goes on and on. I hate that we are not close. I hate that I am past the point of wanting to confront her, since I feel like I cannot trust her anyway. I hear about what all she says about me, and others. I hear things from her mouth what I know are lies and think "wow when did she become that person?" When really, she probably was that person all along, I just never saw it. I am not even sure if she realizes she does it. I was her once. I would gossip thinking no one was getting hurt, when I was told but someone that what i was doing was in fact hurting people. It took a lot to change, but I did it so that I would not longer hurt people or be thought of as the person who talks about people behind their back. My stance is now, there is nothing I will say that I will not say to your face. That way I know I will never be put in a bad spot. I try to filter things now, (yes I know crazy). I miss my friend and the laughs/good times that have been shared, but I also know sometimes change is good. Maybe me changing and her not was the change needed for me to see those things and to let go. Still not easy to do. I still wish and hope she will come around. I still cling to some small hope that she will see the light.
Changes happen.. lies will always come from peoples mouths, you can either accept and move forward or resist and cling to what was..... I chose to move forward.. what will you choose?
Friday, August 3, 2012
Day 172 - 2012 Wedding Weekend
Excited for a very busy weekend. Not the busy part so much, but all the celebrations. Today is my little niece in towns 1st birthday. So excited to be spending tomorrow morning celebrating her! She has grown into such a sweet, cute bubbly personality, smart, beautiful baby. I cannot wait to see what the next year holds for her.
I start tomorrow off by volunteering with Junior League! Then head to the beach for the birthday celebrations. Then get to head to GA for a fun wedding of a dear friend who deserves all the happiness she is feeling at the moment.
Now am I excited for my day to be completely filled.. a boy who is none so thrilled taht he will be dragged along and put on display.. ehhhh not so much. But am super excited for all the happiness, fun and laughter that will be shared tomorrow!
Here is to a completely packed, emotionally charged, giving back, fun weekend!
I start tomorrow off by volunteering with Junior League! Then head to the beach for the birthday celebrations. Then get to head to GA for a fun wedding of a dear friend who deserves all the happiness she is feeling at the moment.
Now am I excited for my day to be completely filled.. a boy who is none so thrilled taht he will be dragged along and put on display.. ehhhh not so much. But am super excited for all the happiness, fun and laughter that will be shared tomorrow!
Here is to a completely packed, emotionally charged, giving back, fun weekend!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Day 171 - 2012 Hate and Tolerance
Lately there has been a little issue with a certain company, that I honestly believe was used as a marketing tool to get customers in the door. This company's CEO is very anti gay marriage. He has stated he supports the “the biblical definition of the family unit.” Everyone has a right to support what they will. Gay supporters have called for a boycott of this fast food restaurant. What happned in return was an apprecaition day was held and this store broke records for the amount of sales. Now if you want to go particiate and wait in those long lines, that is your choice.
What is not alright is the hate some of these people who claim to be Christians have been spewing out of their mouths. Who cares if you do not agree with the way someone lives their life? it is THEIR life. You are not going to make them un-gay just because you eat at a restaurant. You are not going to make them un-gay but not allowing them to get married.
Seriously people, is your life so bad or so perfect that you now have to mess with others. Mind your own business. If you do not like something then do not do or or participate in it, but let others live the way they want too if they are not hurting anyone. Gay marriage is not hurting you or your marriage. In fact most gay couples stay together longer than straight couples. In fact the bible that you are preaching about Gay marriage not being a biblical family uniit, doesnt believe in divorce either. Yet the divorce rate in the US is the highest in ALL of the world and 50% of marriages end in divorce... hmmmmmmm. Maybe straight people should look at themselves before casting stones upon others. It does state in the bible not to cast stones.. doesn't it? These so called christians are why people shy away from the church and organized religion. These people are why, others would just rather live a good life, take in the teachings of amazing men like Jesus and Buddha and try to live their lives by believing in karma and doing unto others as they would want to be done to themselves. If your god could talk to you, do you think he would agree with how some of these people are acting? I think he would be disgusted. I think he would tell you to love one another and stop being so hateful and judgmental. I honestly hope some of these hate spewing "Christians" end up with children who are gay. That would teach them love and acceptance of others. Why can we not be tolerant of others, mind our own business, stop gossiping (another sin that most "christians" ignore) and just be nice and accepting of those who are different. Hate is evil. Stop worrying about others and just live your life and let others live theirs. Justice and Freedom for all!
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