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Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 177 - 2012 Pushing past the impossible

The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke (1917 - )

I am of the mindset that nothing is impossible.  It may be hard, difficult, not fun, but definitely not impossible. Sometimes you need to think outside the box in order to push past what you thought was impossible.

One point in our lives, people thought  cars, flying, or space exploration impossible.. now it is possible.  Someone pushed past their limits and made it possible.

These past two weeks with B, have been pretty good.  I mean they could have been much worse. We have worked through some of the growing pains, we have communicated well and we both are growing. I fall more and more in love with him every day.  We now have weekly "date nights" which I am thrilled about.  He came up with it all on his own. He seems to know exactly what to do to make me happy.  He supports me completely.  I would have said 10 years ago that was impossible, yet I have proven that theory wrong.

With work and in life, things seem impossible.  But they rarely are.  Sometimes you need to step back, sometimes walk away, then return with fresh eyes in order to view the problem in a different light and come up with a solution.   I was always taught not to go to my boss for a solution, but to bring them a solution.  It astonishes me how so many people do not think the same way. They feel like their boss should tell them what to do, instead of them taking the initiative and showing their boss they are not a trained monkey. If something is wrong, do not go to your boss with the issue unless you can give them a solution. Otherwise you just appear to be the complainer in the group and well no one wants to be that person (at least I do not.. been there.. got the t-shirt, was not so fun).

I saw someone post this and it made me giggle and sad.. as it is so true.  Our new generation asks "what do I get?" instead of "what can I give?"  It is a sad state of affairs that we have such selfish people in the world now.

Get out there and make something you thought was impossible.. POSSIBLE!  You have it in you, you just have to dig down and find it.  NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!

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