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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 171 - 2012 Hate and Tolerance

Lately there has been a little issue with a certain company, that I honestly believe was used as a marketing tool to get customers in the door. This company's CEO is very anti gay marriage.  He has stated he supports the “the biblical definition of the family unit.”  Everyone has a right to support what they will.   Gay supporters have called for a boycott of this fast food restaurant.  What happned in return was an apprecaition day was held and this store broke records for the amount of sales.  Now if you want to go particiate and wait in those long lines, that is your choice. 

What is not alright is the hate some of these people who claim to be Christians have been spewing out of their mouths.  Who cares if you do not agree with the way someone lives their life?  it is THEIR life.  You are not going to make them un-gay just because you eat at a restaurant.  You are not going to make them un-gay but not allowing them to get married. 

Seriously people, is your life so bad or so perfect that you now have to mess with others.  Mind your own business.  If you do not like something then do not do or or participate in it, but let others live the way they want too if they are not hurting anyone.  Gay marriage is not hurting you or your marriage.  In fact most gay couples stay together longer than straight couples.  In fact the bible that you are preaching about Gay marriage not being a biblical family uniit,  doesnt believe in divorce either.  Yet the divorce rate in the US is the highest in ALL of the world and 50% of marriages end in divorce... hmmmmmmm. Maybe straight people should look at themselves before casting stones upon others.      It does state in the bible not to cast stones.. doesn't it?  These so called christians are why people shy away from the church and organized religion.  These people are why, others would just rather live a good life, take in the teachings of amazing men like Jesus and Buddha and try to live their lives by believing in karma and doing unto others as they would want to be done to themselves. If your god could talk to you, do you think he would agree with how some of these people are acting?  I think he would be disgusted. I think he would tell you to love one another and stop being so hateful and judgmental.    I honestly hope some of these hate spewing "Christians" end up with children who are gay.  That would teach them love and acceptance of others.   Why can we not be tolerant of others, mind our own business, stop gossiping (another sin that most "christians" ignore) and just be nice and accepting of those who are different.  Hate is evil.  Stop worrying about others and just live your life and let others live theirs.  Justice and Freedom for all!

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