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Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 173 - 2012 Lies, Changes and moving forward

Life brings you tons of changes.  You can either go with the flow, and hope the changes help you become a better you or you can decide to resist the changes and stay the same. No one really likes change.  Change means learning new things, and sometimes having to leave behind things you love in hopes that the changes bring you something better.

Lots of changes have been happening in my life.  Some are a little scary.  Some are making me change my happy little life in hopes that the life with be even happier.  That is a hard one for me.  I love my life the way it is, and some of the changes/compromises are hard to swallow. I am one that resists change when I feel like things are going good.  Though lately the change is due to something even better happening, soooooo I suck it up and change.

I am also reminded of what happens when people do not grasp on to changes.  I was reminded this weekend that  a person who I thought was my friend, really is not.  She pretends to be my friend but when it comes down to it, I am really not a friend to her.  She constantly lies to me and talks about me behind my back.  Now I have made a lot of changes since we were close.  I have stopped drinking (she has not). I have stopped partying (she has not).  I have worked hard and taken on extra things to get promoted (her job is stagnant).  I am able to tell people about my relationship (she hides hers).  I lost weight by working out and watching what I eat (she has not).   The list goes on and on.  I hate that we are not close.  I hate that I am past the point of wanting to confront her, since I feel like I cannot trust her anyway.   I hear about what all she says about me, and others.  I hear things from her mouth what  I know are lies and think "wow when did she become that person?"  When really, she probably was that person all along, I just never saw it. I am not even sure if she realizes she does it.  I was her once.  I would gossip thinking no one was getting hurt, when I was told but someone that what i was doing was in fact hurting people.  It took a lot to change, but I did it so that I would not longer hurt people or be thought of as the person who talks about people behind their back.  My stance is now, there is nothing I will say that I will not say to your face.  That way I know I will never be put in a bad spot. I try to filter things now, (yes I know crazy).   I miss my friend and the laughs/good times that have been shared, but I also know sometimes change is good.  Maybe me changing and her not was the change needed for me to see those things and to let go.  Still not easy to do.  I still wish and hope she will come around.  I still cling to some small hope that she will see the light.

Changes happen.. lies will always come from peoples mouths, you can either accept and move forward or resist and cling to what was..... I chose to move forward.. what will you choose?

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