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Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 201- 2012 Happy Happy Happy

People spend a lifetime searching for peace and happiness in other things and other people, hoping to fill the emptiness they feel. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within! When you are content to be simply yourself you find the happiness you were seeking!

I was one of those people at one point in my life. I was always looking for things that would make me happy.  I have learned over the years that they more I simplify my life and look inward, the happier I am.   The more I stopped looking at what Mrs. Jones has and comparing myself to someone that I am nothing alike, the happier I am.  That person who has it all,  may not. They may be up to their eyeballs in credit card debit, they may have had  a rich family member leave them money, they may be barely making it and are just keeping up appearances.   Never compare yourself to others. You are you, you are unique, you are the only person that can make you happy.  Not a spouse, not taking the quick way to lose weight, not having new clothes, car, house etc.  You have the ability within to make you happy.  A little overweight?  that is ok.. love yourself and prove to yourself you love you  but working out and eating right.  Want a new car, save up the money and buy one.  Want to go on vacation, work a 2nd job to make the money to do it.  Want to stop being negative, consciously stop yourself when you have a negative thought.  replace the negative with a positive   Keep it up until you automatically look at the glass as half full.   It is hard. but I promise it and you are worth the effort!

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