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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 116 -2012 Control

When I get stressed I look to what I can control. Usually it begins with cleaning. I will clean, declutter, purge, do anything I can to get control over some part of my life. It works out well. My stress level stays low and I get a clean house. It's a win win :-). It helps me stay smiling and not let the stress of life get to me. Right now I need that control. For the first time in a long time. My love life is in chaos without me ever wanting a love life, work life is in chaos without me wanting changes and there is a possibility of me moving my life to somewhere else, which is scary and exciting all at once. I like being happy with me and knowing how to control my stress. It feels good to know that I have control over me. For the longest time, I had no control and was such an unhappy girl. Feels good to know even during a very chaotic time in my life. I'm able to control parts and keep myself a very happy girl without needing to lean on anyone else. Yay for control and happiness

Have a great day!!!!

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