I woke up this morning to being tagged in this pic below (7 lovely logics) since it made my dear friend think of me and how I do try to stay positive and send out happy thoughts. (I try.. I fail some days but I try everyday) . I loved this so much I figured, 'why not blog about it?':
#1 What happened, happened. We do not have time traveling machines, to change things. And really do you really really want to change things? Yes I know that some days you wish you could zap away certain people and memories from your life. (TRUST ME I KNOW THIS) however, those people and memories helped make up who you are today. I would love to be at the place I am now, in my 20's but I had to go through ALL that I went through to be the person I am today. So do not regret, just learn from your mistakes and make them not happen again. Otherwise you will never enjoy what lies ahead. You must let go to move forward.
#2 Who cares what someone else thinks. There will ALWAYS be naysayers and haters. Let them hate. let them talk crap about you. It only makes them look STUPID! They do not know what you have been through. They are not in your shoes. Everyone goes through bad spots and life. Do not let people who cannot forget who you were and not see who you have become, keep you down by letting them get to you when they try to remind you of who you were. Just know that you are not that person anymore and it is their loss for not recognizing that!!! BELIEVE IN YOU! Remember haters are like crickets.. they chirp all day until you walk up on them, then they get really quiet.
#3 Time does heal things. The further away from the hurt, the less it hurts. The more you remember the good and let go of the bad. Time does make all the difference in the world. Time not only heals hurts, but sometimes brings you back things you lost at the RIGHT TIME in your life.
#4 Oh this is one that I wish I had learned YEARS ago. Would have kept me from worry about #1 so much and would have made me realize #3 sooner. NO ONE can make YOU happy but YOU. If you depend on someone else or something else for your happiness. You will be miserable over and over again . I cannot say that enough times. I hate seeing my friends happiness being based on a boy or an item. You have to figure out what makes you happy. You have to know how to pull yourself out of a funk and get back to a happy place. I love that I can be in a bad mood, and pull MYSELF back to my happy place. It may take a day or two, but I am the one that does it. My happiness is based on me and my life. I love B, but he only extends my happiness, with how happy he is with himself. I do not let his moods get me down. I am in control of me and you are in control of YOU. Do not depends on others for happiness. Figure out how to get happy from within. This will save you tons of heartache!
#5 Comparing yourself to others or wanting what the Jones have is like comparing apples to oranges. Everyone has lived a different life. Sometimes what you love so much about someone else's life, is built on lies they have told you. You are not present to see the inner workings of their life. You have no idea what they did to get that new house or car. Your life is COMPLETELY different then anyone else's. Every step you take is different, so do not waste your time worrying about what they have, you do not have, etc. Worry is a misuse of your imagination. Be thankful for who you are and where you are (see #4).
#6 Some people over think EVERYTHING. Seriously, you do not have to know everything. Somethings you will figure out at the exact time you need too. Some tings, you just need to learn on your own and do not need others telling you how to do it or what it means. Trust yourself. If you are an over thinker, you wear yourself out. You replay things so many times in your head you do not know what is real or not real. Sit back, breathe, and observe, listen, absorb. The answers you need to know will come when they are supposed too. Plus you will annoy yourself and others with 50000 questions :)
#7 Smile... your smile is contagious. I say, fake it until you make it. If you smile enough, it becomes who you are. Smile through the pain. Smile because it makes you look pretty. Smile because you cannot change anyone but you. Focus on you and the rest really does fall into place. Smile to make someone else smile (that is my favorite, I love seeing someone light up because I smile at them). Smile when you look in the mirror. It will change your perspective on most things. Smiling and laughing are two very powerful tools that we have. Use them to help you become a better you!
Thanks for reading my nonsense and I hope everyone has an amazing day. Do not forget to smile!
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