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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 19

Today has been a good day. I woke up, went running, washed clothes and relaxed Yesterday was tiring. I have done a lot of reflecting today.

First I have realized, the puppy has gas.. bad smell gas.. he is very gassy.. so maybe.. some of what I blamed on grumpy.. was actually the puppy. It is possible.

Two... Some people say they want advice and want your honest opinion.. but trust me THEY DO NOT.. they only get mad. I'm just saying. do not ask me something unless you want to know the truth, because I will tell you.. It may not be pretty, it may not be what you want to hear, but I promise i will tell you the truth. If you want to know if that dress is pretty and it is not.. i will tell you. if you want to know why you cannot lose weight..i will tell you (you are not exercising and you are not watching what you eat ALL the time.. doing it 1 out of 7 days a week.. doesn't bode well for the "diet"), you want to know why you are single.. oh yeah I will tell you that also.. just ask :) but be very careful that you REALLY want the answer!

Three.. i really like being alone. i enjoy alone time. I love being able to do what i want when i want. I am starting to LOVE my sundays.. and I know I have had them for awhile but I really love waking up by myself, being able to slowly start moving by watching tv. it's grand

Four... my weight loss is directly related to my decreased calories and increase in physical activity.. it's not difficult.. i work hard and i still find time for it. even if its 10 mins.. its still 10 more than i did.. and the no drinking alcohol i am sure is helpful.. hello you drink.. so you eat crappy.. you wake up and feel crappy so you eat crappy.. its easy to add all that up. a one night binger could easily become 1000 calories on just alcohol plus 1600 from McDonalds (late night snack and breakfast).. I will admit I am becoming a little OCD.. (a little like my father.. it's a little scary actually) but it is helping me keep the weight off and I feel fabulous. I have so much energy, I feel sexy, and alive.

Five.. I am a bad ass.. i fixed the wii remotes.. (they wouldn't sync.. took a bit but i finaly go it) so now i get to sit back and relax while watching Bones.. ahhhhh life is good!

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