Yeah I sooo forgot to blog.. see a theme here?
so in the past week what has happened.. not too much i feel as if im getting sick.. trying not too though.. ps blogging everyday is work.. a lot of work and since i am talking to no one.. there is really no reason for me to blog everyday. so i need to stop feeling so guilty for not sharing my life with no one... that is just silly
So I have a date tomorrow night. A very nice guy.. who planned the who afternoon.. who knew that could happen? not me that is for sure. He even called to see how i was feeling.. I thought that was super nice :)
I am ready for a nice guy... i am tired of dating assholes.. Assholes always seem so fun, but then the fun ends when the assholeness shows itself. then im so wrapped up I am like a cracked out crackhead and just want more.. its sick.. i hope that i have outgrown that needs for crack.. lol oy i am comparing love to crack.. That is just fabulous
Now on that note.. i am going to take some more Nyquill and put myself in a Nyquill coma
night night
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