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Wednesday, January 4, 2017


I am very very anxious about tomorrow. I have been so sick, and I know that could mess with anesthesia. I am nervous of how I will look without Thelma and Louise.  I am nervous about not seeing my boys. I am nervous about leaving my boys. I am nervous about recovery. I am nervous about this house being a mess. I am nervous of how this is effecting dear husband (DH) and the kids, but mainly  DH. He is so worried about me, that he opens up then closes right back up. It is sweet and annoying. I feel as though I am staying so strong for everyone else that eventually I am going to collapse. Every morning I wake up and choose to be strong, choose to be happy and choose to push past this nervousness. Some days I flounder. Some days I fail. Every day, I choose. So right now, I am anxious and trying to push through. I am writing letters to my babies, and trying to get the house in order. I am going to watch Thelma and Louise movie tonight and prepare for waking up tomorrow to go to sleep tomorrow night as a flat chested woman. No nipple, no nothing. My body will forever change. I will no longer look in the mirror and see what I am used to seeing. I will see a stranger. I will have to adapt to a new me, again. New hair, new chest, same smile! Today, I am nervous and anxious and not hungry. Today I breath slowly and try to not think too much. Today I am a little sad and weepy.

Have a great one!
#fightinglikeagirl #wegotthis #breathe

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