Anytime I do not trust my instincts, something goes wrong or I get myself into trouble.
When I was single it was that voice in the back of my head that said, "uhhh he is not a nice guy", or "there is something off about this, get out of the situation". One time that voice hit me before i went on a date, I meta-crawled (before googling was big.. showing my age huh?) the guy and he has been arrested for date rape. Yeah I canceled that date. Crazy to think what could have happened to me. So single girls, listen to yourself! And for the love of Pete DO NOT get hammered on a first date!
Or when you get that feeling like you need to talk to a friend, just to call h to find out they are going through something and really need you.. that is your instinct. Do not ignore it, pick that phone up.
Mamas when it comes to your babies, TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS! You get a funny feeling about daycare, look into it; You think the baby is fine sleeping through the night but the hubs doesn't, trust yourself; You do not like your child's friend, trust yourself.
Life would be way better if we trusted ourselves.
So after beginning this post and not finishing yet (as per my usual) I saw this article which also states "trust your instincts"
Since I've rambled and walked Away from this several times. I will end this post since I don't remember all I intended to write. But seriously. Trust you instincts!
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