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Saturday, October 4, 2014

Post 18-2014 date nights are important

Tonight was our first date night out on the town in 10 months without little bit. We had fun though it was odd not having him with us. My hubby was in such a great mood and so was I.  Lots of laughs were had and he got to meet some friends for the first time in person.  It was nice to reconnect as a couple.  We have so many fun memories of just us and just us and animals, but it's sometimes hard to remember days before he had little bit. Those memories seem so far away.  Tonight we made new memories, got to act like we were childless for a few hours but came home to our sweet energizer bunny.  

Date nights are good for your relationship.  They help remind you of the couple you were pre child.   They spice up your sexy time and much more.  we know this but it's so hard to find the time and energy to do this. We have made a commitment to have more date nights.   We have another one in two weeks and I'm excited. I can tell you my hubby was excited all day about the idea of having alone time with me.  Usually we do date night in, which is fun and our way to reconnect after little bit goes to bed. So don't think you always need to go out. Making time in or out of the house work, doesn't matter how, just matters that you do it.  Date nights are important!

What are some of your favorite date night ideas??

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