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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Post 65, 2013 - No one likes a Negative Nelly

Wow at the negative nellie's lately. I know I know bad things keep happening in this world.   People shooting people, mother nature devastating cities, child abuse, child slavery, sex slavery, the list goes on and on.  You have the power to let it effect you or not. I choose not. I see these things and yes they are sad, but I do not let that make me sad. It is not my life and all I can do is help them by staying positive and doing something to help. Talking about it over and over again, saying your life is so bad because of it, is not helping at all. So you have bad health or cannot keep a job, okay I get it, it sucks. You still have a choice to drown in it, or to motivate others to help with research, or get up and work out even though it may hurt like hell or keep putting in resumes and when you finally get a job do the best you can to keep it.

You have the power to make a difference in your life. If you think negative thoughts like "this day is gong to be a bad one" Then you know what?  it will.  If you think " Today is going to be great!"  You have already set yourself up to deal with whatever comes your way with grace, dignity and the power of positivity. Life isn't about always being happy.  It is about rolling with the punches and making the best at what comes your way. If you are always getting the crappy end of the deal, look at how you can change that. There is only one common denominator there.. YOU. I know some of you do not like reading that, but it is the truth and sometimes the truth hurts. I can say it because I used to be that girl who complained constantly.  It was always something. Now I can honestly say, that there really isn't much worth complaining about. Anything can be changed, if you try.

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