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Friday, May 10, 2013

Post 60 - 2013 Positivity

I love this as it is all so very true.  It is amazing how much different life is when you just smile and try to stay positive. Everything starts with your thoughts. YOU have the power to change YOU!.  It is hard at first especially if you re in a very bad place, but each time you feel a negative thought creep up, push it out and think of a counteracting positive thought.  Pretty soon, those negative thoughts will stay out of your head.

Also, do not vent, every time you re-tell a story of your bad day, or bad moment,you relive it and it becomes real again. You think by venting you are getting it out, but all you are doing is making it fester, as well as alienating the people around you. As no one wants to be around someone who constantly complains.  Trust me I have lost great people in my life during  a time that I 'vented' too much. Once I realized that venting only made me more angry, did i start trying to let it go.  Some one asks how my day was.. 'it was ok'  Want to talk about it?  'Nope not really.. but thanks'  It became simple to say that and I was able to let what happened that day, go, I looked to the future and to a new day.   YOU control YOU.  You have the power to be a good positive influence on yourself and others or you have the power to be a negative influence..Which will you choose?  I choose positive!

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