This blog has changed over the years. Growth is good. Growth is what I preach. Be a better person. I can help. I’m here to spread love, kindness, and some hard truths to help you and me be better people.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Post 68, 2013 Best Choice - when you wake up a few hours early
A lot of my friends have insomnia.. I feel bad for them. like really bad.
One friend just cannot sleep. She spends hours watching infomercials, playing the Wii, reading, exercising, anything she can to keep herself occupied. I feel horrible for her. Sleep meds do not work.
I have had two friends lately tell me they woke up at 5 and could not go back to sleep. Friend one decided to just go to the gym and work out a little longer than usual. Friend two decided to make breakfast for the office. I would have worked out too. To me if my mind is already awake, then the best thing I can do is work out and try to tire it a bit. Plus extra work out for me YAY! Neither persons choice was bad. One choice is definitely a healthier choice than the other. They both got up and did something they loved.
Whatever your reason is for not sleeping, try to figure out why you are not sleeping, it is your mind is racing, you have to pee (that is me) your environment, etc. Then do some research on the best ways to go back to sleep. Now if you want up an hour early, do not fight it, get up, do some jumping jacks or your fave work out, then make some breakfast for others if that is your niche.. and then go to work. But definitely do something active. The more active you are during the day, the better you were sleep and the less likely you are to wake up without a full nights rest!
Post 67, 2013 - Mind your own business.
The biggest fool is one who minds the business of others rather than minding their own. Gossip hurts you and those you talk about. Only they know the path they have walked. Until you have walked that path, mind your own business. You can do more good when you stop focusing on other peoples lives and focus on your own and be happier too!
“Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.”
― Socrates
I love that quote as it is true. The people who want to walk about others, I tend to shy away from. If you are going to talk about others to me, then that means you will talk about me to others. It irritates me when people think life is a soap opera. It is not and if you think it is, please stay away from me. At one point in my life i got caught up in gossip. I loved to hear it and loved to tell it. Thankfully I grew out of that, but not before hurting people unintentionally. I never gossiped out of spite. I felt like I was sharing info. I tried to not say anything I would not want that person to hear. It doesn't matter.
“Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.”
― Socrates
I love that quote as it is true. The people who want to walk about others, I tend to shy away from. If you are going to talk about others to me, then that means you will talk about me to others. It irritates me when people think life is a soap opera. It is not and if you think it is, please stay away from me. At one point in my life i got caught up in gossip. I loved to hear it and loved to tell it. Thankfully I grew out of that, but not before hurting people unintentionally. I never gossiped out of spite. I felt like I was sharing info. I tried to not say anything I would not want that person to hear. It doesn't matter.
Besides if you mind your own business and mind your own life. You will make yourself much much happier! And you find much better and sometimes way funnier things to talk about!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Post 66, 2013- 8 Tricks to keep you energized all day!
8 Tricks to keep you energized all day!
Now I overcome my afternoon slump with a quick lunchtime walk and a few other easy but surprising tips based on the latest research on sleep, metabolism, stress, and chronobiology (the fancy term for your body's daily sleep-wake rhythms). These eight strategies ensure you will wake up refreshed and recharged, remain alert throughout the day, and wind down just in time for a good night's sleep.
Make your morning a true power hour.
1. When to Wake Up
Instead of: Sleeping in
Try: Getting up at the same time and bathing yourself in light
This enables your circadian rhythms, which are governed by your body's "master clock" in the hypothalamus gland, to stay in sync with the 24-hour day. In the absence of light, your body's sleep-wake cycle wants to delay by an average of 12 minutes every day and work on a 24.2-hour rhythm. (Scientists don't understand why but think it may relate to the sun's seasonal shifts.) That means your body wants to keep pushing your bedtime to later, but if you let that happen and still have to get up at the same time every day, you're going to be tired.
To keep your circadian rhythms in time with the 24-hour day (when they get out of whack, you feel like you're jet-lagged), aim for 30 minutes of light first thing, even on a Saturday when you've decided to sleep in. An easy way to get it is to go for a half-hour stroll outdoors or have your breakfast by a sunny window. If your schedule requires you to rise when it's dark outside, crank up the lights indoors-every little bit may help.
Tired all the time? Find the real reason why you might be dragging.
2. What to Eat
Instead of: Loading up on carbs
Try: Limiting them to make room for more protein
Although they can provide a burst of "quick burn" fuel, carbohydrates are an energy drain if you consume too many. Women who reduced the amount of carbohydrates in their diets and raised the amount of protein reported feeling more energetic, in recent research done by Donald K. Layman, PhD, a professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois.
Keep your daily intake of healthy carbs below 150 grams best apportioned like this: five servings of vegetables; two servings of fruit; and three or four servings of starchy (preferably whole grain) carbohydrates such as bread, rice, pasta, and cereal. For instance:
* Breakfast: one slice of bread or half of an English muffin, one egg, a slice each of ham and cheese, and a glass of milk
* Lunch: open-faced sandwich of one slice of bread, 2 to 3 ounces of meat, and 1 ounce of cheese; two servings of vegetables; and an apple
* Dinner: 6 ounces of lean meat, three servings of vegetables, one serving of fruit, and one or two servings of starchy carbs
Feast on these high-energy foods.
3. When to Drink Coffee
Instead of: Downing your Joe first thing
Try: Having a latte later in the day
That's when you'll really need it. Caffeine keeps you operating at a high level by blocking the effects of adenosine, a sleep-inducing brain chemical that accumulates as the day wears on. By the time adenosine builds up to the point where you start feeling sleepy-generally, late in the afternoon-the effects of your morning caffeine will have worn off, to experts at the Sleep Disorders Service and Research Center at Rush University Medical Center. Having 1/2 to 1 cup of coffee or its caffeine equivalent during the late afternoon, when the pressure to sleep is high, will keep you energized. But if you're super sensitive to caffeine's effects, push your break back to early afternoon so you don't have difficulty falling asleep at night.
Common health mistakes you might be making - and how to fix them.
4. Time Your Meals
Instead of: Grazing all day long
Try: Eating your meals at the same time every day
Your body's caloric needs are closely tied to its other daily rhythms, including when you get up and go to bed and when you expend the most energy (during your late-day fitness walk, for example). What will make you tired: skipping a 7 a.m. breakfast or a noontime lunch if your body expects it. Chaotic eating leads to greater hunger and overeating.
Prepare breakfast the night before so you're sure to start the day with a boost even if you're running late. Pack a lunch to take to work in case you can't get away from your desk midday. On the weekend, make and freeze several meals that you can quickly heat up so you and your family eat dinner at the same time every night.
Try these hour-by-hour tips for a perfect day of healthy eating.
5. Relieve Stress
Instead of: Meditating for 20 minutes
Try: Shorter, more frequent sessions
Even in the span of 3 minutes, meditation can decrease the stress hormones that tense your muscles and constrict your blood vessels according to Judith Roof, MD, a psychiatrist at UCLA and author of Positive Energy. It increases endorphins too. Quick time-outs throughout your workday are also easier to fit into a busy schedule than a longer one at day's end.
Find a quiet place where you won't be interrupted, even if that means hiding out in the bathroom for a few minutes. Sit down and close your eyes. Listen to your breath as you slowly inhale and exhale, and when thoughts intrude, imagine that they're like clouds floating by in the sky. Then visualize something or someone who makes you happy. It could be someplace you've been on vacation, someone you love, or something you love doing (like lounging in a bath or swimming in the ocean).
Unleash the power of meditation and reap its health rewards.
6. Beat an Afternoon Slump
Instead of: A power nap
Try: A walk outdoors
Just as it does in the early morning, light later in the day may blunt an afternoon energy dip, which often comes on like clockwork. Step outside into revitalizing sunlight for a short walk. Vary your routine by taking a different path every day, doing a short errand, or catching up with a friend on your cell phone. If you can't get outside, plant yourself next to a window, open the shades wide, and look out.
Try this workout to rev your energy and help flatten your abs.
7. Get Pumped Before a Workout
Instead of: A light snack
Try: Music
Exercise is a prime energy booster, but what if you're too tired to workout? Put in your earphones while you lace up your walking shoes: Music will help you forget you're whipped. Volunteers who worked out for 30 minutes while listening to tunes felt they weren't exerting themselves as much as when they exercised without music, Japanese researchers reported in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness.
Load your iPod or make a CD with your favorite up-tempo tunes. If you're the literary type, an audiobook can also help distract you from feelings of fatigue.
See how music helps you feel energized, think smarter and fight disease.
8. Unwind Before Bed
Instead of: Catching up on Facebook status updates
Try: Reading a book or watching TV
Studies show that very bright light-the equivalent to outdoor early morning light-will increase brain activity. Some scientists believe that the light emitted by a computer monitor late at night can confuse your body's sleep-wake cycle.
Wind down by watching television instead. Most people sit far enough away (at least 15 feet) from a TV set to be unaffected by its brightness. Better yet, read a book or magazine. Just make sure the light you use doesn't exceed 60 watts. And log off your computer at least an hour before bed.
Find out what else could be keeping you from getting a good night's rest.Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Post 65, 2013 - No one likes a Negative Nelly
Wow at the negative nellie's lately. I know I know bad things keep happening in this world. People shooting people, mother nature devastating cities, child abuse, child slavery, sex slavery, the list goes on and on. You have the power to let it effect you or not. I choose not. I see these things and yes they are sad, but I do not let that make me sad. It is not my life and all I can do is help them by staying positive and doing something to help. Talking about it over and over again, saying your life is so bad because of it, is not helping at all. So you have bad health or cannot keep a job, okay I get it, it sucks. You still have a choice to drown in it, or to motivate others to help with research, or get up and work out even though it may hurt like hell or keep putting in resumes and when you finally get a job do the best you can to keep it.
You have the power to make a difference in your life. If you think negative thoughts like "this day is gong to be a bad one" Then you know what? it will. If you think " Today is going to be great!" You have already set yourself up to deal with whatever comes your way with grace, dignity and the power of positivity. Life isn't about always being happy. It is about rolling with the punches and making the best at what comes your way. If you are always getting the crappy end of the deal, look at how you can change that. There is only one common denominator there.. YOU. I know some of you do not like reading that, but it is the truth and sometimes the truth hurts. I can say it because I used to be that girl who complained constantly. It was always something. Now I can honestly say, that there really isn't much worth complaining about. Anything can be changed, if you try.
You have the power to make a difference in your life. If you think negative thoughts like "this day is gong to be a bad one" Then you know what? it will. If you think " Today is going to be great!" You have already set yourself up to deal with whatever comes your way with grace, dignity and the power of positivity. Life isn't about always being happy. It is about rolling with the punches and making the best at what comes your way. If you are always getting the crappy end of the deal, look at how you can change that. There is only one common denominator there.. YOU. I know some of you do not like reading that, but it is the truth and sometimes the truth hurts. I can say it because I used to be that girl who complained constantly. It was always something. Now I can honestly say, that there really isn't much worth complaining about. Anything can be changed, if you try.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Post 64, 2013 Bestie time
I love seeing my besties. They make me laugh, always have my back and love me for me!
Saturday was a beach day with my high school bestie and her two daughters and another friend. So much fun watching the girls play in the ocean and seeing which traits are just like their moms. Plus it was good to catch up with friends!!
Then Sunday was my birthday beach day with S. I love her. We have this tradition of celebrating each others birthdays instead of giving gifts. We have done it for years and I treasure the memories so much. One year we went sky diving for hers. Super fun. This year for mine, we got up had breakfast at this place called Beach Diner.. so yummy! Then went to Micklers landing and enjoyed a peaceful morning at the beach. Then we went paint shopping for paint for my bedroom :D OOH and we got ice cream! Super fun day with loads of memories.
I love the memories I make with my besties! Would not trade them for anything in this world.
Saturday was a beach day with my high school bestie and her two daughters and another friend. So much fun watching the girls play in the ocean and seeing which traits are just like their moms. Plus it was good to catch up with friends!!
Then Sunday was my birthday beach day with S. I love her. We have this tradition of celebrating each others birthdays instead of giving gifts. We have done it for years and I treasure the memories so much. One year we went sky diving for hers. Super fun. This year for mine, we got up had breakfast at this place called Beach Diner.. so yummy! Then went to Micklers landing and enjoyed a peaceful morning at the beach. Then we went paint shopping for paint for my bedroom :D OOH and we got ice cream! Super fun day with loads of memories.
I love the memories I make with my besties! Would not trade them for anything in this world.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Post 62- 2013 The Big D.
Today I heard that a friend who has been married for 11 years is getting divorced. This makes me sad. It is not that this person did not try or put forth effort. It is that their spouse decided to cheat instead of working on the marriage. I get why the spouse was unhappy, I do not get why they cheated instead of talked. Would it not be less hurtful to say, "hey, I am unhappy with you not keeping yourself up, why don't we start working out together", instead of cheating? My husband teases me if I ever get big those are grounds for divorce. I know he is teasing me, as I am not the one that we have to worry about. I work out daily I do not have a sweet tooth and I am able to control my food intake. I also monitor my weight religiously He however, does not work out regularly, will let laziness overcome him (understandable with his crazy work week) and has a major sweet tooth. But 11 years.. wow.. I hear this over and over.. 8-20 years just gone because someone decided to end the relationship instead of remembering why they fell in love and working on repairing the issues. Maybe I am naive in my thinking. I know even some days I feel like what did i get myself into, but then I see him and know why. I remember why I love him and overlook my minor annoyances or the major one for the day. Some times he doesn't even realize why i am annoyed and I know i annoy him regularly. We are two very independent people who are stuck in our ways but are trying to live together and make this family work.
I know that marriage is 100%/100% not 50/50 like some people think. Sometimes one partner will pick up the slack for the other and vice versa. But both must be committed to making the marriage work. For me it is easier to bite my tongue after I have spoken my peace without changes happening. I know that I do things differently and I am not going to change my partner. I must learn to let things go and move on, and pick my battles. The dishes in the sink are not a battle that I care to fight. It takes less energy to put them in the dishwasher and go about my day. Someone once told me that in every relationship there is a garden and a gardener. There is always that one person who is willing to water the garden and tend to the garden while the other person reaps the benefits. Two gardens would never work, as they would wither and die. Two gardeners would be fabulous but that rarely happens. There is always one person who tends to the marriage and other person more, they are the gardener. The other person is the garden. I have dated gardeners before and I am not good with them. I feel inadequate. I like being the gardener and when my garden actually does some watering it makes me even happier. Everyone has a purpose and a job in the marriage. But both must tend to their jobs or things fade, wither, and sometimes die. It takes 100/100 percent from both parties. Marriage is hard work, it is not for the faint of heart and definitely not worth going into just for the sake of being married.
The big D scares me and saddens me. I feel for those going through it and I think constantly at what I can do to keep from going down that road. I will continue to keep my friend in my thoughts and continue to love my hubby and make him feel appreciated, so that we do not go down that road ourselves.
Here is too many years of happiness from our family to yours!
ps here is a great article about sex in the marriage:
I know that marriage is 100%/100% not 50/50 like some people think. Sometimes one partner will pick up the slack for the other and vice versa. But both must be committed to making the marriage work. For me it is easier to bite my tongue after I have spoken my peace without changes happening. I know that I do things differently and I am not going to change my partner. I must learn to let things go and move on, and pick my battles. The dishes in the sink are not a battle that I care to fight. It takes less energy to put them in the dishwasher and go about my day. Someone once told me that in every relationship there is a garden and a gardener. There is always that one person who is willing to water the garden and tend to the garden while the other person reaps the benefits. Two gardens would never work, as they would wither and die. Two gardeners would be fabulous but that rarely happens. There is always one person who tends to the marriage and other person more, they are the gardener. The other person is the garden. I have dated gardeners before and I am not good with them. I feel inadequate. I like being the gardener and when my garden actually does some watering it makes me even happier. Everyone has a purpose and a job in the marriage. But both must tend to their jobs or things fade, wither, and sometimes die. It takes 100/100 percent from both parties. Marriage is hard work, it is not for the faint of heart and definitely not worth going into just for the sake of being married.
The big D scares me and saddens me. I feel for those going through it and I think constantly at what I can do to keep from going down that road. I will continue to keep my friend in my thoughts and continue to love my hubby and make him feel appreciated, so that we do not go down that road ourselves.
Here is too many years of happiness from our family to yours!
ps here is a great article about sex in the marriage:
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Post 61 - 2013. Relaxation and love
Our honeymoon weekend has been amazingly relaxing. Long strolls on the beach, yummy food, sun, water and lots of laughs. Then for my birthday l get a homemade cake yummy and Delish. I'm a happy girl!
Friday, May 10, 2013
Post 60 - 2013 Positivity

I love this as it is all so very true. It is amazing how much different life is when you just smile and try to stay positive. Everything starts with your thoughts. YOU have the power to change YOU!. It is hard at first especially if you re in a very bad place, but each time you feel a negative thought creep up, push it out and think of a counteracting positive thought. Pretty soon, those negative thoughts will stay out of your head.
Also, do not vent, every time you re-tell a story of your bad day, or bad moment,you relive it and it becomes real again. You think by venting you are getting it out, but all you are doing is making it fester, as well as alienating the people around you. As no one wants to be around someone who constantly complains. Trust me I have lost great people in my life during a time that I 'vented' too much. Once I realized that venting only made me more angry, did i start trying to let it go. Some one asks how my day was.. 'it was ok' Want to talk about it? 'Nope not really.. but thanks' It became simple to say that and I was able to let what happened that day, go, I looked to the future and to a new day. YOU control YOU. You have the power to be a good positive influence on yourself and others or you have the power to be a negative influence..Which will you choose? I choose positive!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Post 59 - 2013 Things are Changing
Wow this year has been a whirlwind of a year. I fell back in love with the love of my life. He drives me nuts and crazy all at once. He asked me to marry him, I said yes. Today I go get my new license that has my new last name. That is super crazy! We head out for our honeymoon this week, cannot wait to get away. It is long over due. Though I am less than motivated to pack for it or to clean for our wonderful house/dog sitter.
We got an great check up at the OB this week and all is normal for our genetic testing. Which is awesome! Super excited about that as well. Crazy how much life has changed in a year. Some days I think I am dreaming and will wake up and find out that reality is different than what I have thought I have been living. I mean, can I possibly have figured out how to make me happy by myself and be solid enough in me to be married the love of my life, be expecting and have the house coming together finally? My only real loss is my sweet kitty who left after knowing Mom was super happy and in a good place in life. Sometimes I feel like what did I do to deserve all of this? When really i just let go, let go of what I thought i wanted and the idea that others have a perfect life, and just started living for me. My life is far from perfect and some days i want to beat my husband but I love our crazy life and our crazy animal house and this crazy journey we are on. Would not trade a day for the world. Nothing beats him reaching over in the middle of the night to pull me close, even if it is for a second. I feel his love in every touch! Crazy whirlwind year but oh what a good year it has been!
We got an great check up at the OB this week and all is normal for our genetic testing. Which is awesome! Super excited about that as well. Crazy how much life has changed in a year. Some days I think I am dreaming and will wake up and find out that reality is different than what I have thought I have been living. I mean, can I possibly have figured out how to make me happy by myself and be solid enough in me to be married the love of my life, be expecting and have the house coming together finally? My only real loss is my sweet kitty who left after knowing Mom was super happy and in a good place in life. Sometimes I feel like what did I do to deserve all of this? When really i just let go, let go of what I thought i wanted and the idea that others have a perfect life, and just started living for me. My life is far from perfect and some days i want to beat my husband but I love our crazy life and our crazy animal house and this crazy journey we are on. Would not trade a day for the world. Nothing beats him reaching over in the middle of the night to pull me close, even if it is for a second. I feel his love in every touch! Crazy whirlwind year but oh what a good year it has been!
Friday, May 3, 2013
Post 58 - 2013 - Trophy Wife
I would make an amazing Trophy wife. Yesterday I had a very early start to my day as I had a major project which caused me to get up at 5 am, work out, get ready and be at work by 6:45. By getting to work that early, I was able to then leave work around 3, go to the store, pick up items for dinner, that i would never have enough time to cook on a normal nightly basis and come home and cook. I not only cooked but was able to get some cleaning done as well and be ready for bed by 7 (yes I know very early but I like to lay in bed, watch tv and read.. it is my 'me' time, while my hubby gets his 'me' time in the living room. Though last night he surprised me and came and watched tv with me for a bit. Very unusual but I think he was grateful that I made his fave.. honey baked ham, like I added the honey and brown sugar before baking, not this store bought ready to go stuff.
So it made me realize that I could totally get up, do my work out, get breakfast cooked, kids out the door, do charity work and still come home and do household duties. I would be the perfect Trophy wife, if only we could afford it. Guess we need to win that lotto!
So it made me realize that I could totally get up, do my work out, get breakfast cooked, kids out the door, do charity work and still come home and do household duties. I would be the perfect Trophy wife, if only we could afford it.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Post 57 2013. Sweet unexpected moments
I love those sweet unexpected moments that happen. The unexpected snuggle with a sweet child. Unexpected heart to heart with your spouse. The smile from a stranger. The random call or stop by from a long lost friend. I love and cherish these moments. They make my heart smile.
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