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Monday, October 11, 2010

Raising Rusty

Some days I feel as if i am "Raising Rusty" instead of him being my fiance. Some days he acts as selfish as a 5 year old.. if its not "fun" he doesn't want to do it, if its work.. he doesn't want to do it.. if it doesn't include his friends.. he doesn't want to do it. He has to be told to do things that should be just done. Pick up clothes, wash your dirty dishes or even take them to the kitchen, clean up after yourself, help around the house, mow the yard without having to be told to mow the yard. Some days I really wonder how in the world did he make it to 28. So what happens.. oh I walk on egg shells and just do it myself.. it's not worth the argument of him getting mad, because he didn't do something. He is a good guy just sometimes he forgets that he is not 21 and he has a family to come home too.. it is sad very sad :( Can I deal with this forever? Can I walk away?? Do the good times make up for the bad? can I deal with the running away when upset instead of the talking through things like an adult would? I wish I felt more secure.. I did and then he talks about leaving.. for me I don't imagine that as an option. I love him. I told him I would spend my life with him. I am in the good bad and ugly. My heart physically pains when i think of him not being in my life. I just wish my best friend would appear again.. he seems to have lost his way and this Goober person is in his place. When he is Rusty he is amazing, thoughtful, funny, giving, caring and just fun to be around. He makes me giggle over the smallest things.. but when goober appears, this hard stubborn person appears. Its as if all normal logic goes flailing into the oblivion. Reason disappears and only whatever thought is in his head, keeps swimming around blocking all new thoughts from entering. He only hurts himself. He is just a sucky person when he is goober. My nice guy disappears.. I just do not get it.. If you had someone who managed the finances, cleaned the house, did the lawn, did the laundry, cooked, loved you even in your mad moods, handles every situational that comes up, always answers your calls or texts, who loves you and tells you regularly... would you give that all up, because you do not want to talk or deal with your own issues? I love him but I love myself.. he doesnt love himself.. and I wish I could help him. I try and try.. i am there.. just waiting for him to love himself enough to grow up and be that man I have seen him be. That stand up guy who made me fall in love with him. I miss him. I want him back. This working all week away, is definitely taking its toll. Hopefully he will grow up sooner rather than later. until then.. i smile, i nod and i am there.. because I am happy with me.. and I like being happy.. happy is good :)

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