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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Post 98, 2013 You cannot fix stupid

This week there has been an overabundance of not so smart things either said to me or done by others that just leaves my head shaking. Now I am not the smartest girl around, I do okay. I do try to think things through before talking or asking a question, or even see if I can use my old trusty friend Mr. Google and find the answer. I really try not to take some of these people and their actions personally, as I think it is just their personality. But some seem to just have started acting like this, which leads me to believe it is personal, as others saw this in their behavior a long time ago and I am just seeing it. Either it is personal or I am just blind.. naive.. whatever.  I do like to see the best in people.  I have tried for weeks even months at this point to be very nice, answer questions and not let them get to me. Today I hit my breaking point and realized I cannot fix stupid or rude people. It is their issue not mine. I need to not take it personally and realize whatever they have going on seems to over take their ability to think for themselves and not be rude to others. I kind of feel bad for them. I never want to be a rude person or a person who cannot think for myself. I want to see my faults so I can work on them. I am not perfect nor will I ever be but at least I know that and can work on being a better person. If you think that you are perfect then you are very wrong and go under the "stupid" category.

Always seek to improve yourself and if multiple people have the same issue with you, let me give you a hint.. it is not them.. it is YOU!

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