I read a blog post the other day about mean girls. You know the type, they were mean to you in school, called you names, picked on you because you were not like them etc. The blog talked about how some of them grew up and still were mean girls, that are now mean moms teaching their girls to be mean girls. The cycle never breaks. I really loved that post because it is so true. Not all mean girls grow up to be mean moms, but there are a few that do. Or the few that cannot get over high school. For whatever reason they are still holding a grudge on something that you may or may not remember even happening. You may not even know you upset them or made them feel a certain way. I know back in high school I always tried to be nice to people but if I felt threatened or uncomfortable I just didn't talk to that person. I wasn't mean but I wasn't nice either. It wasn't until I was comfortable in my own skin that I did not let how I perceived them effect me. If you do not smile at me, I am still going to smile at you. If you do not say hello, that is okay I am still going to say hello. I like to believe that everyone has changed for the better, and that we grow out of our pettiness. I have learned that is not true, but I still hope it is and still believe that it may happen. I do not get holding grudges, especially for something that may or may not have happened 20 plus years ago. Why not give the person a benefit of the doubt and see if they have changed into a better person. Or maybe that person just was shy or like me didn't know how to act, so they did nothing at all, yet you perceived it as them being mean or whatever. Maybe you listened to a rumor that was untrue and that person has no idea why you are mad. And really you are still mad? Let go of the past and look to the future. Teach your kids to let go and move forward. Holding grudges does nothing but bring you down and make YOU miserable. It does not effect the other person at all. I can tell you if you hold a grudge against me, I probably have no idea, nor woudl I care. I will still treat you nicely. Your attitude or perception does not effect me in the least!
Forgive, let go and move forward.. you will be happier because of it and a weight will be lifted!!!!
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