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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Post 85, 2013 Taking things personally

Lately, I have been around people who take a lot of thing personally, that should not. Some of them make things up in their heads, some think people are out to get them, some just do not like to work or are not comfortable when they do not know the answer and some just cannot have an argument about something non personal without taking it personal. For me if I disagree with your opinion or we have a spat, it is over the moment we are done, I do not dwell on it. No reason too, the moment has past.  The only thing that happens with dwelling on things is you get angry, and hostile.

I personally want neither of those things in my life. You do not want to say good morning back, that is okay that is your issue. You do not want to say goodbye back, or thank you, again that is your issue.  We all go through things in life that others have no clue about and frankly most of us do not really want to know of others woes. All we want is for people to be respectful to us. I love my husband so much because we have those days where we have a disagreement or mis-communication that ends in a tift, once it is over it is over, we do not bring it up again, we are back to normal, we were able to say our peace and be done with it. One of the guys at the office is like that too, we get in some knock down drag outs, but once it is over, it is over. It was about something work related and has nothing to do with us personally. We will be joking around 30 mins later (sometimes earlier).   You will never agree with someone 100% of the time, so as long as they are not personally attacking you, then do not take it personally. We all have things to learn,we all have things we do not understand, we all see things in a different way. So to get mad at someone for that is silly, to get mad at them because you had a heated moment is silly.  To get mad at them for something you have not even told them they did or said, is silly.  Mis-communications happen all the time. Just because you think something, doesn't mean the other person does. Brush it off, smile and just enjoy your day. Letting others effect you is again silly!  No one should effect you but you!  If you feel a surge of anger, push it back down. When someone apologizes, accept it and move on, if something thanks you, say you are welcome and move on, when someone says hello or good bye even if you cannot stand the sight of them, say it back ad move on. You not liking them is your issue, not theirs. And if you find yourself not liking a lot of people, you might want to look internally, as usually the issue is you.

So smile, brush off things, do not take things personally and just be happy!

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