There is so much hate in this world. It amazes me every day, the things the media and people focus on. Things that really shouldn't matter. People's pasts being brought up to the future, and in return ruining lives. Two things lately have been driving me crazy.
#1 Paula Dean. Oh my goodness, she is from the south, at one point in time the word she said was a very prominent word. She even tells of the last time she can remember saying it and she was robbed at gunpoint, and that was the ENTIRE reason she used that word. Had it been a white person, she probably would have called them a cracker or white trash. Get over it! Everyone makes a mistake or says something they regret. Hers just happens to be YEARS ago. The poor woman has apologized over and over and over again. Have you never said something out of fear or anger? Get a freaking life people and move on. This has gotten completely out of hand and is completely ridiculous!!
#2, Gay marriage. For the love of Pete, why do you care if someone else gets married or not? I am really really really sick of hearing about this and the hate that is coming out of the people who are so called Christians. Does God not tell you to love everyone and not to judge? That is his job not yours. You are to love every sinner regardless of their sin. If you feel like gay marriage is a sin that is your prerogative, however, you are still to love and support them. I have a few people who are very close to me who really really really do not like gay marriage or the idea that someone is gay at all. I find this completely fascinating, as they are good people, it seems as if they almost are afraid of what they do not know. As if being gay makes you an alien or something. For me, why do I care what someone else does? If you love someone I do not care who it is, just treat them good. Do not throw the bible at me, because I will throw it right back at you, and say " you should love thy neighbor" no matter what or who they are. It is not the churches fight to keep people from getting married, nor is it yours. You should focus on things that you can change, like homeless people or poverty. Go volunteer at a homeless shelter or a foster kid camp. Do good in the world and stop being so hateful to those who are different from you. Different is not always bad. You need different to round you out. You need different to come up with new ideas. Embrace others, instead of pushing them away. Love everyone the same. So why is it so hard for Christians to do the same?
I red a good blog the other day, and this may help you open your mind a little more.
Stop hating, and just love others. Mind your businesses and stop worrying about others. Remember gossiping is a sin! Let God worry about the sins and you just focus on you and what you can do to make the world a better place. Focusing on hate, and changing others will do you no good. Make a difference in this world by shining your light, not by putting others lights out.
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