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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Post 76, 2013 - Obesity a disease?

So I found this article today: and it is talking about the, A.M.A. Recognizes Obesity as a Disease.   I am not sure what to think about this. 

I am not sure it is so much a disease rather than lifestyle choices. Yes some poeple have underlying issues like thyroid disease that attribute to their obseity, but even with that, medicine is available to help keep that under control.  If your back is hurt and you cannot work out, there is still your diet that you can control. I really have a hard time swallowing that obesity is a disease.  Even with children  that are overweight, their lifestyle and their parents lifestyle directly effects that.   This article really makes me think. I almost feel like we are telling people it is okay to be obese, that even though being obese hurts them and drives up costs of Insurance for those of us who are not obese.   Why not just help them get back to a good place and weight? Why condone this lifestyle, when it has been proven over and over that you can change things, but finding out the underlying cause of the obesity?

Interesting none the less!

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