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Monday, June 3, 2013

Post 69, 2013 Mantrums

I have been talking to friends lately, and all but one has a husband who throws temper tantrums on a regular basis. I find this comical. Are they raised that it is okay for them to act like this, or is this just how they are. I know some women do the same, but it seems like way more men do. In fact they seem to do it over the smallest things, that you are like whoaaaa, if you just had said something instead of throwing a tantrum, you could have avoided an argument.   Mine likes to do this and then he thinks he is punishing me, when he just punishes himself. Which makes me giggle.. after I get over wanting to beat him. (I refrain from the beating.. i swear!)
One person said, "My husband throws tantrums about hair in the sink, food not completely washed off the dishes or recycling, the children complaining, nobody listening to him, having to recheck the lights after he has locked up for the night and someone needed something downstairs and the cat getting under his feet.  This is just to name a few of the things that will start him to ranting and stomping about the house like an overgrown three year old."

Someone else, "My husband throw a big fit last week because I embarrassed him while he was on the phone with his friend. I mean WTH Really I embarrassed you. He went all out yelling at me, breaking stuff and some very hurtful things were said to be. All because I embarrassed him . And by the way, he was asking me questions while he was on the phone, and apparently my "tone" made his friend laugh. GRRR "

Another, "This is sooo great. My bf just kicked and broke our baby gate bc he was mad I step over it rather than unhooking it and I messed it up somehow. So now he kicked it and stripped it out of the wall in our brand new house."

There are tons of stories from women about this. I know I know women are guilty too, but we seem to be able to snap and get over it, and when we snap it seems to be because we are at the end of our rope, not over his laundry being on the bed and the wife not putting it up before she went to sleep, or the dog barking loud, or peeing on the floor, or the kid that talks to loud.  It is funny how different men and women are and how they deal with stress.  Definitely true that men would never make it through carrying a child and giving birth!

So when your man has a mantrum, if you can, ignore him, he will get over it.  If he is not talking to you, ignore him, he will eventually talk again. Try to keep a positive outlook and smile through his mantrum and know that just like with a child, it will end soon!

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