The best kitty ever was taken from me today. The sadness I feel is like an empty part in my soul. He saw me through college, many boys and roommates, loads of friends and helped me grow up, as well taught me patience. His love was evident with every purr and cuddle. He licked tears off my eyes, tried to get my attention instead of letting me read or play on computer. He was bossy, demanding at times, loved to cuddle tight and sunk Ito me once he fell asleep. He would sleep in the same position all night sometime. Didn't move when I got up in the middle of the night but waited for me to return. He shared my pillow, let me use him as a pillow, stretched out to make sure he always was touching me while he and I slept. WAtched me work out, followed me to the bathroom, he fetched and pawed at me to lay on my back so he could lay on top of me. He slept under the covers during the winter. He peed on things when mad, tried to sneak out daily as a kitten, was mischievous and playful, hated to be locked in or out of a room, hated the carrier so i took him to the vet with a harness and leash in my arms and he just laid there, in college he got taken everywhere with me, loved car rides (he would lay on my shoulders between my head and the headrest and watch out the window), as a kitten would crawl up my legs all the way to the towel on my head and watch me get ready, was a watch kitty who always alerted me when someone was in the house, loved loved catnip and was just a good kitty. He waited for me to find my love, my husband, and made sure he was the one for me as well gave B many talks for the past few weeks before night night time. He purred so loudly at night and had the cutest snore. He stuck his tongue out when he was happy and drooled as well. He took care of me when I was sick and I took care of him when he was sick. Which was rare. He was very vocal, pawed your shoulder so you would roll over, fetched as a kitten, came when you called him, loved the oddest food like grapes, loved to drink water from a glass or condensation from the outside of the glass. Stubborn and loving. There's no doubt in my love for him or his love for me. At least I was able to find him, before he passed, kiss him, hug him, life him, tell him I love him and that it was ok to let go if he needed too. I loved him for 16 years. He was heart and soul, my first animal, the one that taught me so much
Chance I will love you forever thanks for giving me so many years of happiness and love. You will be missed!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love mommy
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