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Friday, March 29, 2013

Post 44 -2013 Cooking

I love cooking.  Love love love it.  I would love it even more if I had a bigger kitchen and money to buy all of the things that would make cooking better but still I love cooking. I love figuring out in my head what will be cooked.  I love prepping the food before I begin (cutting, chopping, sorting). I love throwing things into a pan, adding more items by smell or taste until a masterpiece is formed. I love arraigning it out on a plate so it looks like perfection before anyone ever touches it. Presentation to me is just as important as the taste. I love colors! We got into a routine of  slacking. We have started going out to eat on a very regular basis.  Not good for the waist or the wallet. Well his wallet :D  See for us it is usually simpler if we go out to dinner. Everyone gets exactly what they want to eat. No one has to compromise. No one (me) has to cook or clean up. It is a win win for the most part. Except I get sad. I enjoy making a meal and having him say it is good or even great. Which by the way is fairly difficult for my husband. When we first moved in together, I would get a "it's fine" or "it's ok". WHAT? I spent the last hour to 2 hours slaving in the kitchen you ate two helpings and it is ok  WHAT?  By him saying that he meant he liked it, but that meant something totally different to me.  He has learned to tell me if he really likes it or not, because if I think you like it, you will get it again.   I only eat fish and he is a carnivore. So when I cook I try to make either really really yummy vegetarian meals (sans mushrooms as he hates them, which sucks for me because I love love love them) or like last night I made spaghetti  a sauce with meat for him and a sauce with veggies for me.  I got, :it was good.. you sure know how to cook meat".  Guess spaghetti is on the list of make it again :D

I feel like cooking gives me the total food experience. I get a work out by cooking, as I am moving pretty fast in the kitchen; I get to know exactly what goes in my food, so my calorie count is completely accurate. I know exactly how long it will take before i get to eat and I get to make an amazing meal (most times, I do fail at times) that is enjoyed by all who eat it. And well that.... that makes me smile and a very happy girl!

If you have never tried cooking, start basic. Use the pre-made sauces or even Campbells soups  once you get the hang of that move up, use a recipe site like BigOven whose recipes all come from users who have used them. They are usually non fail recipes.  Do not forget to have fun. Cooking is supposed to be fun and if you love food there is nothing better than enjoying a freshly made with love and lots of effort home cooked meal!


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Post 43 - 2013 Buddhism

Warning this is a long post but one that I feel is necessary   Lately I have had multiple conversations with Christians about Buddhism.  It amazes me how people can put down something they know very little about. How people can have such a closed mind to a belief that is so open to others.   It always amazes me when I get asked basic questions (in sometimes a derogatory manner).  So I thought I would use some of the questions I have gotten lately to help others understand Buddhism more.  Those who believe are not evil people and do not want to force your into changing your beliefs. We just want to live in harmony with all things. Sooooo here are some questions and answers that I hope will help enlighten you. 

 "Why would you worship a fat man?" Ummm I do not,  no one does.  Buddha was a man who just taught about enlightenment and his experiences  and how to live a good life, same as Jesus that you do worship. No one worships Buddha, they just follow his teachings and try to be the best version of themselves they can be.

"Then why do people have statues to worship."  Again, no one worships him, If they have a statue of him in their home, it is just for a reminder to live a good life and to constantly try to improve on yourself.  If someone bows the the statue it is out of gratitude for his teaching not in a worshiping way.

"Well I do not want to believe that I will come back as a piece of grass.. that is silly."  Well you are silly for  not researching before talking.  A gross misunderstanding of about Buddhism exists today, especially in the notion of reincarnation. T
his notion of the transmigration of the soul definitely does not exist in Buddhism.  The common misunderstanding is that a person has led countless previous lives, usually as an animal, but somehow in this life he is born as a human being and in the next life he will be reborn as an animal, depending on the kind of life he has lived.  No where does it say you will come back as a piece of grass. Buddha taught according to the mental and spiritual capacity of each individual. For the simple village folks living during the time of Buddha, the doctrine of reincarnation was a powerful moral lesson. Fear of birth into the animal world must have frightened many people from acting like animals in this life. If we take this teaching literally today we are confused because we cannot understand it rationally. If someone believes in reincarnation it is separate from their Buddhism beliefs. 

" Is Buddhism a Religion?" Well this is a little more tricky. You can go to a Buddhist church but really Buddhism goes beyond religion and is more of a philosophy of the way you live your life. Philosophy 'means love of wisdom' and the Buddhist path has 3 parts (1) to lead a moral life, (2) to be mindful and aware of thoughts and actions, and  (3) to develop wisdom and understanding.

"I am not coming over to your hippie Buddhist ways." No one asked you too. Buddhism is also a belief system which is tolerant of all other beliefs/religions. Buddhism can actually work with what you believe   Buddhism agrees with the moral teachings of other religions.  Real Buddhism is very tolerant and not concerned with labels like 'Christian', 'Muslim', 'Hindu' or 'Buddhist'; that is why there have never been any wars fought in the name of Buddhism.   Other religions try to force people to covert and pressure them, you will never see a person who believes in Buddhism try to force you into believing what they do.  It is a way of life. It is a way of thinking not something you can force on someone else. That is why Buddhists do not preach and try to convert, only explain if an explanation is sought.

"Well why would you follow what Buddha taught? "  Hmm pot calling kettle black much?  You following blindly on faith with some fairly crazy stories (virgin birth, rose from dead anyone).  Buddha did not ask his followers to follow blindly, but asked them to try and test out his teachings. Buddhism depends on more of understanding than on faith. 

"Well then what did this Buddha teach?" Well the basic concepts can be summed up in 4 Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold path.

The first truth is that life is suffering i.e., life includes pain, getting old, disease, and ultimately death. We also endure psychological suffering like loneliness frustration, fear, embarrassment, disappointment and anger. This is an irrefutable fact that cannot be denied. It is realistic rather than pessimistic because pessimism is expecting things to be bad.  Buddhism instead explains how suffering can be avoided and how we can be truly happy. Happiness comes from within.

The second truth is that suffering is caused by craving and aversion. We will suffer if we expect other people to conform to our expectation, if we want others to like us, if we do not get something we want,etc. In other words, getting what you want does not guarantee happiness. Rather than constantly struggling to get what you want, try to modify your wanting. Wanting/craving deprives us of contentment and happiness. A lifetime of wanting and craving and especially the craving to continue to exist, creates a powerful energy which causes the individual to be born. So craving leads to physical suffering because it causes us to be reborn.

The third truth is that suffering can be overcome and happiness can be attained; that true happiness and contentment are possible. lf we give up useless craving and learn to live each day at a time (not dwelling in the past or the imagined future) then we can become happy and free. We then have more time and energy to help others. This is Nirvana.

The fourth truth is that the Noble 8-fold Path is the path which leads to the end of suffering.
The Noble 8-fold Path is  being moral (what we say and how we live our life), focusing the mind on being fully aware of our thoughts and actions, and developing wisdom by understanding the Four Noble Truths and by developing compassion for others.

"Okay so what is karma?"  I am so glad you asked.  It is kind of like your 'do unto others'
Karma is the law that every cause has an effect,  Karma underlines the importance of all individuals being responsible for their past and present actions.

Buddhism teaches that wisdom should be developed with compassion.  Compassion includes qualities of sharing, readiness to give comfort, sympathy, concern, caring. In Buddhism, we can really understand others, when we can really understand ourselves, through wisdom.  If you are at one extreme you could be a goodhearted fool and at the other extreme, you could attain knowledge but have no emotion. Buddhism uses the middle path to develop both. True wisdom is not simply believing what we are told but instead experiencing and understanding truth and reality. Wisdom requires an open, objective, unbiased mind. to follow a  Buddhist path requires  patience, courage, flexibility and intelligence.

So pleas help stop the  hating on Buddha and help others learn about him. He was a good person (just like Jesus was a good man who taught many good lessons) who taught many good lessons and left a legacy that has been around FAR longer than Christianity.  Christianity is one of the newest forms of religions.  Buddhism has been around before there were organized religious groups.  Not everyone has to believe the same things.  Why not take a step back from  biased and sometimes judgmental bigoted way of thinking and be open to the possibility that people can believe in  Christian beliefs and believe in the teachings of Buddhism as well.  They do not have to be separate but rather work together to be the best version of you for what you believe.

Hope this has helped clear up some of the misconceptions and opened your mind to more possibilities.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Post 42 - 2013 Man Periods and Complainers

Man periods are not fun, but they are quite comical.  My husband had one last night.  I got a good laugh out of it. He got so mad at something that had nothing to do with me, yet still slept on the couch because "I am comfy" LOL His panties got in a wad over work and the dogs. So in his stubborn fit of being bad, he punished himself by sleeping on the couch. I got a good laugh out of this.   Today I have been dealing with someone who constantly complains.  Sweetest person but constantly complains about something. I find this comical too.  In both instances, I think, "just let it go".  To me nothing is worth getting that upset over. I used to be that girl, but I am not that girl any more.  I like the fact I can let things go. I like that I do not have to share my complaint and I like the fact that if I think a negative thought, I try to follow it up with a positive one.   Yes the dogs suck and have broken the fence again, but they love us and show remorse or at least guilt for being bad. No reason to dwell.  Make a plan to stop it again and move forward   That is my motto today, "Move forward."  Moving forward is good and healthy, dwelling and complaining not so much.

Try to think happy positive thoughts and before long, it will become a habit. I am proof of that!

****Update: it was over the same morning I wrote the post.  Poor guy had  HORRIBLE day at work and the dogs just added to his day.  So at least it did not last long and I got my sweet man back :D

Monday, March 25, 2013

Post 41- 2013 Mud Run

I love Mud Runs. I love Mud Runs wayyyy more than a regular 5k.  Why?  Well multiple reasons.  You feel like a kid again.  You push yourself through obstacles that might scare you or totally disgust you. You get a break in running, as you do the obstacle, though sometimes come out of the obstacle totally out of breath.  You push yourself as far as you can, with no preconceived notion of what your time should be. You have fun!  Even if you do it alone, you meet people who help push you through.  You laugh at yourself as you are feeling exhausted and are completely filthy.  Loads of fun, a huge challenge and you feel like a kid again.. What's not to love?

This one I did with my best friend SL.  We had sooo much fun.  It was her first one and she had a blast, was super sore the next day but still had soo much fun. I was sore the day of, from the jousting my body took, but recovered by the next day thankfully!  If you have never done one, grab the next groupon/living social deal and do one. That way you can participate super cheap and if you hate it (which I doubt you will) you will not feel like you wasted money. I totally made back my entry fee with the giveaways that this one gave out. Plus I will saw the Muckfest was the BEST mud run I have done to date!.. Great volunteers, great giveaways, organized, lots to do, and they gave out food to participants which is always a plus!  Fun times and great memories!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Post 40 - 2013 Paula's Choice and Bright Therapy

I have a confession to make.  As a teen I suffered from cystic acne.  I had to be on Retna-a my entire high school career.  Finally when I hit my 20's my face cleared up like it was magic. I rarely washed my face at night, I would sleep in make up, my nutrition was horrible, I got lots of sun but still my face was clear and pretty.

As I hit my 30's that dreadful acne appeared again. I looked like a pimply teen and was SOOO embarrassed.   That is when my sister turned me on to Paula's Choice. She had terrible acne even with through Acutane, just to continue with acne. Paula's was the one company that seemed to help her.  There are tons of products and companies now that focus on adult acne which is fabulous! Some are a direct sale to sale (where you can only get from someone who is selling and they directly benefit from you buying those products.  Which is great if you want to help them out, but you tend to spend more than most people can afford on a regular basis.  Paula's Choice is online and she even gives you choices to buy OTHER products that are comparable with hers, if you cannot afford hers and gives tons and tons of discounts including samples of all her products.  Crazy I  know, but awesome.  It is one of the reasons I decided to try it. They also always have specials which makes it easy to afford.  All of her products are fragrance free and amazing. Though they did not work alone.  It was when I started using BrightTherapy Sonic Professional Waterproof Face & Body Skin Cleansing System when I started to see the best results.  I think mainly because I have such deep pores that just washing my face alone was not getting my face clean enough for the products to penetrate and work the way they should.  Since I have been using the sonic brush to wash my face twice a day. (side note, I have VERY sensitive skin and this works really well on  me.)  I still go back and forth between my Paula's Acne face wash and Olay Sensitive Face wash and use the sonic brush. I wash with it in the shower ( it is water proof YAY), then I apply my normal products that I have been using from Paula, or Paula recommended.  My skin is so smooth, my pores have diminished and my zits are basically non existent.  I have thought about investing in the Bright Therapy BT-SR09A Pimple Remover. Uses Heat & Blue LED Light Therapy just for when the pesky pimples that may pop up from time to time, as I know my hormones play a HUGE part in my acne problem. But now I rarely wear make up, I may throw on some mineral foundation but that is it. Paula's Choice has an amazing money back guarantee and people standing by to help you figure out exactly what you need to make you the best version of you.   I use the acne and the anti aging products. They go well hand in hand and I love the results I have.  

Now you are thinking what is she getting from this?  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I do not get paid, I do not sell for them, I just love love love their products and wanted to share in case any of you suffer from what I have and are need of products that are less expensive than others and easy to get your hands on.! if you want to know more please feel free to message me. I am more happy to share my experience with you!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Post 39 - 2013 Should've, Could've, Would've

Should've, Could've, Would've are words that only hurt you.  I should have done xyz; I could have done xyz, If I had know ____ I would have done xyz.  I catch myself saying these sometimes and then I think to one of my dear friends who said,"Should've, Could've, Would've only hurt you and make you feel worse."  She is right.  The choices you made then, made you who you are now.  Looking back, sure you see things clearer and differently.  At least you should.  You should have learned from your past mistakes. If you cannot look back and have a 'Should've, Could've, Would've' moment, then you do not own your mistakes. Owning them hurts sometimes. But hopefully you learned from them as well.

Yesterday I had a friend tell me that another friend asked about my husband and if he was a good person.  She said she told the person, "yes, as soon as you meet B, you know he is the one for her. He is a good guy, adores her, is funny and just a really good match."  The other person apparently commented at my lack of good judgment in the previous relationship.  To which I commented, 'Yes I made a terrible choice, I was in a bad place in my life, I was miserable with me and I clung to a guy for my happiness, which only made me more unhappy, as he was not the guy he claimed to be or wanted to be.  He tried but he just was not a good person. I hung on for my own selfish reasons. I also learned a lot from that relationship."

I learned that only I can make me happy.
 I learned that I cannot depend on anyone else for happiness.
 I learned that I cannot follow a crowd, that I am much better off doing my own thing and being my own person.
I learned that it doesn't matter what others think, as they have not lived my life and have no right to judge my decisions.  
I have learned that people lie even when they claim to love you.
I have learned a leopard cannot change its spots.
 I have learned to stand up for myself. I have learned self confidence comes from within and NO ONE can take that away from you if you do not let them.
 I have learned complete honesty and open communication is the foundation of any relationship. I have learned that I should love a person for who they are and not what they may be, as they may actually never be that person.
 I have learned I cannot change someone, nor should I try, I must love the person in spite of their faults. I have learned to trust my instincts.
 I have learned that how a man treats his mother is how he will treat me (if he lies to her constantly, than he will do it to me).
I have learned to date someone that you would be proud to have a son like.
I have learned never to co-sign on a loan for someone when you have nothing to gain.
I have learned I am an amazing partner and deserve someone who recognizes that and can be just as amazing back to me as I am to them.
I learned what makes me happy.
I learned how to deal with a teenager, in a grown mans body.
I learned who I was again and I well I  really love her.
I learned that my past is not who I am, but a part of who I was, and that I am constantly changing for the better.
I learned that I love to laugh and do not care who is annoyed with my laughter.
I learned to not worry about what the Jones' have and focus on me.
I learned that money is not important, happiness is.
I learned to smile through the pain, as there is always something to smile about.
I learned to stand up for myself and that I am much stronger than I ever thought I was.
I learned that I am a much better version of me than I ever was with him.
I learned to keep my heart open to others and not let my past mistakes sneak into future relationships.
I learned that if I am not proud of who I am dating, than I should not be dating them.

I have learned so much more.  I could go on and on.  If I focused on the 'Should've, Could've, Would've' I would have missed all of those lessons and at one point I did miss those lessons. I had to go back for a 2nd round before I learned my lessons. I could dwell on that or realize that I did learn, even if it took me a bit. I finally learned. I may have lost respect from so called friends, but that is okay, as they were not my real friends.  My real friends stood by me, knowing I would eventually learn my lesson. They praised me when I woke up from my drunken coma and started on my quest to be a better version of me.  They supported my choices instead of criticizing me for my choices. They watched me grow as a person and a friend. They watched as I lost tons of weight, got back to 'me', and helped others with their fitness goals.   They loved watching me so happy, and they loved it when I met someone who made me even happier than I already was. They immediately saw what I saw in B and agreed he was the one for me. They loved that I finally was able to commit to my soul mate, my one true love. I am so thankful for my lessons and mistakes. Should've, Could've, Would've, would only have changed the path I was on and without that path, I may never have married B.  Though is he far from perfect, he is perfect for me. He supports me and loves me more than I could ever have imagined. I am thankful for my past as they help me create an amazing future.

There will always be "Should've, Could've, Would've" just remember your past happened for a reason.  Embrace it, learn from it and move forward.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Post 38 - 2013 Circle of Life

Today I was able to spend my lunch with my friend who just had a sweet baby girl.  She is only one week old yet already have stolen the hearts of so many, including myself. It is amazing how sweet  and innocent babies of all kinds are, and how quickly those who come in contact with them fall in love with them. From kittens, puppies to babies, one look and it is love.  Makes me smile, remembering how fast I fell in love with Chance.  One look at that rambunctious kitten and I was in love.  I never looked back.  Cannot wait for my next baby, whether it be furbaby or real, I know the love will be there immediately!   the circle of life....

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Post 37 2013 Things that Perplex me

There are some things that perplex me on a regular basis.  One of the main things, is we have some girl in this office building (I say girl in hopes that it is not more than one) that cannot flush the toilet   It is the same stall this happens in on a regular basis.  I am not talking pee. I am talking crap.  They poo and apparently do not wipe as there is ONLY poo left in the toilet.  One day I walked in, opened the stall to find poop in the toilet, no toilet paper in the toilet ANDDDDDD poop on the floor.

 First, how does no toilet paper in the toilet with poop happen?  Do you not wipe?  Did you wipe, have to go again then not wipe again? Do you think that  pinching one off is good hygiene  Are you afraid of public toilet paper and of flushing?  This is confusing.  I do not understand it at all.  I was always taught to courtesy flush.  Flush before you even begin wiping to ensure no poop is left in the toilet in case of an over flow.  As no one likes poop on the floor, but this person.  This person has no issues leaving poop on the floor.  Now how does one do this?  Do you hover as you are pooping, miss the toilet do not realize that you missed, or do you miss realize and are too selfish and nasty to clean it up yourself?  Do you think you are better than everyone else and that is why you think others should see and/or clean your poop?   The poor cleaning guy works hard for us minimum wage, why would you leave that for him to clean up?  It is your poop.. not his.

This really perplexes me.  I do not understand it and cannot wrap my mind around it.  Just like when I saw the episode of hoarders where the guy was pooping in a bag, and just slinging it into the bathroom  because he had not running water.  At what point is it okay to sling a bag of crap anywhere but the trash?  I mean I guess if your house is nothing but a big trashcan from years of not cleaning it is okay to you but wow wow wow.  Pooping in bags and slinging it where ever, is not okay no matter who you are. Even people in 3rd world countries without running water take better care of themselves.

Today's moral. If you poop, flush before wiping, then flush after wiping. If you poop on the floor clean it up.  Be nice to others.  No one wants to walk into a stall filled with poop.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Post 36 2013. Sad but good

Today I buried my first love, the cat that taught me patience, how to love, forgiveness and so much more. I have cried because I miss him but have smiled at all of the amazing memories I have of him and us. He brought so much joy into my life as well as others. Sweet kitty!  Sweet kitty who broke out of kennels, loved to be in my arms.  Meowed loudly when he wanted something. (very demanding)... sooo many great memories.  I should write them all down in detail. I never want to forget a moment that we had together even the bad.  Though soooo many more good than bad.  Very good kitty!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Post 35 2013- R.I.P. Chance 3-13-13

The best kitty ever was taken from me today. The sadness I feel is like an empty part in my soul. He saw me through college, many boys and roommates, loads of friends and helped me grow up, as well taught me patience. His love was evident with every purr and cuddle. He licked tears off my eyes, tried to get my attention instead of letting me read or play on computer. He was bossy, demanding at times, loved to cuddle tight and sunk Ito me once he fell asleep. He would sleep in the same position all night sometime. Didn't move when I got up in the middle of the night but waited for me to return. He shared my pillow, let me use him as a pillow, stretched out to make sure he always was touching me while he and I slept. WAtched me work out, followed me to the bathroom, he fetched and pawed at me to lay on my back so he could lay on top of me. He slept under the covers during the winter. He peed on things when mad, tried to sneak out daily as a kitten, was mischievous and playful, hated to be locked in or out of a room, hated the carrier so i took him to the vet with a harness and leash in my arms and he just laid there, in college he got taken everywhere with me, loved car rides (he would lay on my shoulders between my head and the headrest and watch out the window), as a kitten would crawl up my legs all the way to the towel on my head and watch me get ready, was a watch kitty who always alerted me when someone was in the house, loved loved catnip and was just a good kitty. He waited for me to find my love, my husband, and made sure he was the one for me as well gave B many talks for the past few weeks before night night time. He purred so loudly at night and had the cutest snore. He stuck his tongue out when he was happy and drooled as well. He took care of me when I was sick and I took care of him when he was sick. Which was rare. He was very vocal, pawed your shoulder so you would roll over, fetched as a kitten, came when you called him, loved the oddest food like grapes, loved to drink water from a glass or condensation from the outside of the glass. Stubborn and loving. There's no doubt in my love for him or his love for me. At least I was able to find him, before he passed, kiss him, hug him, life him, tell him I love him and that it was ok to let go if he needed too. I loved him for 16 years. He was heart and soul, my first animal, the one that taught me so much

Chance I will love you forever thanks for giving me so many years of happiness and love. You will be missed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love mommy

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Post 34 - 2013 Can't we all just get along

Why can we as humans, not find common ground with every person we come in contact with?  Why do girls have to act catty?  Why do boys have to act like girls and get their feelings hurt?  Why do people judge others based on a glance or first impression?  Why can we just not get along?  Is it greed? Jealousy? Hubris?  Narcissism? We as humans tend to look at others and try to find something wrong, instead of looking for a redeeming quality.   Some days I am the offender.  When I do, I try to counter act with finding the good in that person.  Everyone has to have a little good, well all but "the governor" from The walking dead.. that guy is pure evil!

So my morale today, is try to see others in good light, even if they make it really really difficult for you to do so.  Do not stoop to their level and just try to get along!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Post 33, 2013 People Change

Most everyone changes in some way over the course of their lives.  Some people change for the better, some not so much.  Some people are constantly changing. Some people cut people out of their lives for changing.  I think change is good, if you are constantly trying to improve yourself.  It took me a long time to realize that only I can make me happy. I went through years of being a miserable person and making others around me miserable.  I feel HORRIBLE about this, as at the time I had no idea. It took a sweet friend pointing it out, and many many  months years of me consciously  thinking about what i was saying or how I was acting, to begin to change myself. It took even longer for me to realize I would never be the person I wanted to be if I kept comparing my life to others and what others had.  My life is not their life.  I do not know the trials and tribulations they go through, and really people did not need to know mine. I went from the person who shared EVERYTHING, to someone who kept her mouth shut and listened. It was hard.  It was a very long process.  Eventually I was able to not share that horrible thing that happened and to be that graceful, gracious, positive person I wanted to be.  I found that if I did not talk about the bad things that happened in my day, then I did not relive them and the negativity no longer festered and got worse.  The negativity, slowly faded away, along with the memory of the day.  I do have my slip ups. I am not perfect.  But I do feel like I do a better job every day.  My goal is to be that person I see myself as before I have kids. I want them to grow up with a mom that is poised, gracious, fun, and positive.

I hope that as my life goes on, those I have hurt or offended,  whether it was intentional or not, realize that I have changed. I hope I get a second chance to prove that I am a better person than I once was. I hope that if those who offended or hurt me, if they have changed and come back into my life that I as well, will be open to giving them a second chance. That I will be gracious and give them kudos for changing and being a better person than they once were.  I hope that I am able to help others who need to change, be a better version of themselves.  Life is so much better, when you enjoy  yourself, and are just happy to be alive.  it is hard not to let others influence you some days, but most days, you can rise above and show them what it means to be truly happy.  Your light will shine and they have a choice to shine theirs or hide in the darkness.  I prefer the light!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Post 32 - 2013 Do I feel married?

I have been getting the "How does it feel to be married" question a lot lately.  My answer, the same.  Most people do not like that answer. But it is the truth and well I like to speak the truth. "Not really.."  I think it would be different, had we not known each other so long, or already had been living together for quite some time.  Everything is the same expect we have two new rings on our hands.  I love seeing all the pics and wonderful comments  but I feel no different.  I am still getting used to saying "husband" and hearing "wife".  But do I feel married?  No, mainly because we have been living that way for quite some time. Do I love this man even more?  Yes. Am I excited to spend the rest of my life with him? YES!    But for us, our life is the same.  We left to get married together, we came back together. We both already had committed to each other in our hearts a long time ago and just made it official  Now when I get back the license and have to change my name, then.. then I might feel married.  As for now, it is life as usual :D

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Post 31 - 2013 tired

Wow I am tired and so is B.  It seems we had wayyyyy too much excitement this past weekend.  We also seem to be getting old.  Both of our backs hurt from being in cars so much.  I am loving getting more pics in every day.  The day went by so fast.  It is nice seeing pics, especially the candid ones of us looking soo happy and smiling so big.  Great day even if we are tired.  I would do it again in a heartbeat!  Now ask me that again in 10 years :D

Monday, March 4, 2013

Post 30, 2013 perfect day

Saturday was a perfect day! We had an AMAZING time with our families! The day was chilly but oh so sunny. The nieces looked adorable. My sis looked beautiful! My husband was so handsome and I was told I was a stunning bride. The venue was perfect. The food was perfect and we had so much fun! It was truly my fairy tale wedding and a day I will remember for all time. Wow. I'm a wife. I have such a sweet husband. We both are so lucky to have such a loving supportive family.

My mom outdid herself. The wedding was so pretty, with table cloths that were white, silver and aqua, hurricane lamp shades filled with aqua candles surrounded with sea shells on top of a cedar wood piece that B's dad cut for us.

Mom G. Made us an amazing 3 tiered cake, white frosting, hydrangea bouquets in aqua, gray and navy blue, topped with the tardis and bride and groom.

It was a perfect day!!!