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Thursday, May 25, 2017


Today is the day I heard the words that would forever alter my life. The words that made my heart stop beating for a moment. The words the would bring tears to fill my eyes. The words that made me hold my babies tight as I cried. The words that would cause me insomnia. The words that  fill me with dread. The words that would take so much from me, yet would give me so much in return. The words that make any sane person dread hearing. The words that when said, make someones face immediately go sad.  The words that bring an instant knot to my stomach that just sits there. The words that made me feel like I was beginning a new life within my existing life.  The words that made me learn medical terms. The words that allowed people to reach out and show how much I mean to them and how very much they mean to me. The words that brought old friends back into my life. The words that brought new friends into my life. The words that helped repair relationships, bring people closer together. The words that change my vision of this past year in ways I could never have imagined. The words that made me emergency wean my kids, before they or I were ready too. The words that showed me how fierce a mothers love is. The words that helped non emotional people show emotion. The words that humbled me. The words that made me see other sides of the coin. The words that made me completely sure that living each day to the fullest is the way to go. The words that reinforced, that I have a choice to be happy despite what is happening to me. The words that hearing, well.. it sucks. The words I wouldn't wish anyone to have to hear. The words that still make me sad when I hear someone else hearing the  same words.  The words, that the doctor said with calmness, steadiness, a bit of sadness, "Jamie I am so sorry to tell you this, we got the biopsy results and it is malignant. We need you to have an MRI asap and get into a surgeon."

From there this year has been one non stop roller coaster. It has had highs and lows, lots of tears yet lots of laughs too. It has taught me so much about who I am and who I want to be. It has taught me the endless amounts of love that still exist in this world! Thank you to all who have stood by me and loved me!  Your support has been incredible!  I have an appt tomorrow (we have been pushed back a week.. no clue why) but should only have 2 more treatments!  I will never know which day I went into remission but today is the day I started fighting to be in remission!  Thank you, thank you, thank you for being there for me and my family!  Much love to you all!

#fightinglikeagirl #wegotthis #byebyecancer #inremission #operationwatchbabiesgrowup

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