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Monday, November 18, 2013

Post 105 - 2013 Life Changes

My life has changed.  It has changed for the better. I gave birth to a sweet 8lb 10.5oz 21.5 inches long boy.  His entrance into this world started off with a blowing a hole in his lung and having to be separated from me for 2 long days.  Since he's been back in my arms it is really hard to let him go.  I know I should put him down so he sleeps without me holding him but it's so hard to actually do.  His warmth makes my heart smile.  His little grunts. Snores and even hearing him breath makes my heart smile. Even his cries makes me happy.  It means he is healthy.  Plus he sounds like a monkey.  He's by far the best thing his daddy and I have ever done.  He's perfect to us.  He's already stubborn and independent. It's cute to watch but also let's me see our future. I can't stop kissing and smelling him.  I'm a little obsessed.  

I've gone from 2 showers a day to 1; Ralph perfume to au lait perfume; make up to none; yoga pants and tanks as an everyday style; a baby on my hip/chest/arms; cleaning while a baby naps; napping when I can; eating when I can; using the bathroom with a baby in my arms; washing hair once a week (who am I kidding that's normal).

my heart is filled with so much love, more than I ever thought was possible. I am thankful I have the opportunity to spend this time with him while he is so small. I cannot get enough of him. My life has changed (for the better) and I honestly cannot remember my life before him.

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