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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Post 80, 2013. Awkward

This morning was that awkward moment where you are having breakfast with your love and you see someone that you really don't ever want to see that person who dated when you knew they were wrong for you.  You dated because a they stalked you until you conceded.  You broke up because you never should have been together and when you see them you hope they never see you so you don't have to say hi and be pleasant.  It's the person you should have blocked on Facebook years ago and never wanted to be that mean. I saw that person this morning. I avoided the situation thankfully just to have my husband tease me mercifully. As he found it hilarious.  We he saw this person he laughed and laughed as he said ' I was looking at the wrong person. I never would have thought you would have dated that person'. Thanks babe. Love you too, should we discuss some of your past choices??  

One thing for sure when your past shows up, it may be awkward but you sure do realize how much you love and appreciate your future!  I love how non jealous, loving and even teasing my husband is. I love that he loves me despite my past and despite me making him wait so long for me to settle down with him.  I love that he doesn't try to tame me but rather he holds on and tries to enjoy the ride.  He lets me be me and loves me even more for it!  It's a good feeling!  

So sometimes awkward moments lead to cherishing others!

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