Lately I have seen a few friends and acquaintances stuck in the past. Something happened in their lives, either recently or years ago and they just keep reliving this over and over again. It makes them miserable to be around. I have tried ignoring it, offering comfort, just being normal to give them normalcy. In return I get nasty looks, back handed compliments or just plain ignored. This makes it really hard for me to deal with because I wish they could see they are the only ones with the power to make things better. What happened in the past sucks. For some of them it sucks really really bad. Unfortunately you cannot go back and change the past. Trust me, there are some things I wish I could erase for good, but I cannot. I can either choose to dwell on it or move forward. I chose to move forward and have NEVER regretted that decision. I wish I could help these people but I know only they can help themselves. It does make me a little sad that I cannot help them, then I get irritated, and have to remind myself I was them at one time in my life. I was once miserable to be around. I am very thankful for my friends who stuck by me, and thankful I was strong enough to pull myself out of it.
Remember when hard times hit, that they can be overcome. Keep a positive attitude (even if it seems like it is hard to do), try to look on the bright side, do not dwell on the past, think of ways to move forward, find your happy place as often as you need too and remember people love you and want you to be happy! Push past the pain to the future!!! Only you can pull yourself out of a funk! I know you can do it!
This blog has changed over the years. Growth is good. Growth is what I preach. Be a better person. I can help. I’m here to spread love, kindness, and some hard truths to help you and me be better people.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Post 83, 2013 Golden Rules for Living
I have no idea where I got this from, but this list is hanging on my desk and today I thought I would share it with you. As they seem simple, but most people do not think about doing these things. If everyone followed these rules, life would be a much happier peaceful place.
1. If you open it, close it.
2. If you turn it on, turn it off.
3. If you unlock it, lock it up.
4. If you break it, admit it.
5. If you can't fix it, call in someone who can.
6. If you borrow it, return it.
7. If you value it, take care of it.
8. If you make a mess, clean it up. (there are some in my house that need to learn this one, I am not mentioning names)
9. If you move it, put it back.
10. If it belongs to someone else, get permission to use it.
11. If you do no know how to operate it, leave it alone.
12. If it is none of your business, don't ask questions.
Easy right? I think so, once I started making sure I followed these, I became more organized and a much better roommate!!
1. If you open it, close it.
2. If you turn it on, turn it off.
3. If you unlock it, lock it up.
4. If you break it, admit it.
5. If you can't fix it, call in someone who can.
6. If you borrow it, return it.
7. If you value it, take care of it.
8. If you make a mess, clean it up. (there are some in my house that need to learn this one, I am not mentioning names)
9. If you move it, put it back.
10. If it belongs to someone else, get permission to use it.
11. If you do no know how to operate it, leave it alone.
12. If it is none of your business, don't ask questions.
Easy right? I think so, once I started making sure I followed these, I became more organized and a much better roommate!!
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Post 82, 2013 What I want
What do I want? I want world peace, people to not be judgmental of others lifestyles or color of their skin, to laugh daily, to have no debt, to have a healthy baby boy, to not have to work full time, to fly under the radar, to make a difference. Those are a few of the things I want. When it comes to a baby shower, I do not care. I am not one who likes to be center of attention. I do not like to ask for things. It makes me uncomfortable. Can I speak in front of a crowd? Yes, but it is not my favorite thing to do. If I really want something I will speak up. Otherwise It does not matter to me. It does not matter if I have 5 baby showers or none. I will be happy regardless. I do my best to try to not worry about what others want. If I see a need, I do it or ask if I can do it. If it is important to me then you will know. People worry too much about hurting others feelings and what they want or do not want to the point where they hurt themselves. If something is important to you speak up. Do something about it. You will never find a room of people who want the same things. So if it is important, do something about it. Most of what I want will never happen, but I can do what is in my power to strive to help make it happen or at least make it known that those are my wants. If I do nothing I will not be happy. My husband laughs at me and calls me a recluse, but it is because sometimes the best company I can think of is right in my house. He and my animals make me happy, I do not have to talk if I do not want too, I can do what i please without judgement, I can stay in my happy place. They annoy me sometimes but they always make me happy when they are around. If I really want to go somewhere I will speak up, otherwise I am happy to just hang out and not worry about what other want and just take care of me. If he really wants me to go somewhere he will speak up and I will go because it makes him happy and he spoke up about it. The world would be a better place if people took care of themselves first and figured out what makes them happy and spoke up when things were important and let the other things, slow by. Do not sweat the small stuff, enjoy what you can and speak up when it is important. That sums up what I want!
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Post 81, 2013. Newest masterpiece
My masterpiece!
Post 80, 2013. Awkward
This morning was that awkward moment where you are having breakfast with your love and you see someone that you really don't ever want to see that person who dated when you knew they were wrong for you. You dated because a they stalked you until you conceded. You broke up because you never should have been together and when you see them you hope they never see you so you don't have to say hi and be pleasant. It's the person you should have blocked on Facebook years ago and never wanted to be that mean. I saw that person this morning. I avoided the situation thankfully just to have my husband tease me mercifully. As he found it hilarious. We he saw this person he laughed and laughed as he said ' I was looking at the wrong person. I never would have thought you would have dated that person'. Thanks babe. Love you too, should we discuss some of your past choices??
One thing for sure when your past shows up, it may be awkward but you sure do realize how much you love and appreciate your future! I love how non jealous, loving and even teasing my husband is. I love that he loves me despite my past and despite me making him wait so long for me to settle down with him. I love that he doesn't try to tame me but rather he holds on and tries to enjoy the ride. He lets me be me and loves me even more for it! It's a good feeling!
So sometimes awkward moments lead to cherishing others!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Post 79, 2013 Laughter and letting go!

I love that pic and that quote. Laughter is good for you. It soothes the soul, it makes you happy instantly, good endorphins flow through you and it makes others smile too. I get teased that I have a big loud laugh from my hubby. I ignore this. I understand some may not like my laugh, but it is who i am and for everyone who doesn't like it, there are 2 more who love it! I get complimented on my laugh wayyyy more than I get told to use my inside laugh. I cannot help it. The laugh comes from the belly and has a mind of its own. I am okay with that. I will not apologize for being a happy girl. I will apologize when i have done something wrong, or hut someone even unintentionally. Unintentional hurt is the worst. It was never meant, something was taken the wrong way, or I acted in a way that was taken badly and that makes me sad. I am quick to apologize as i never ever want to hurt anyone. I have done enough of that in my lifetime. I have also let go of the past and look towards the future. Sometimes the past creeps up and makes you remember things you thought were gone, you thought you let go of and the feeling us worthlessness and hurt flood in to the present. It takes work to stop those thoughts and remember that I am not that person anymore. That person that was insecure, a drunk, selfish, that person is who made me the caring, selfless, sober person I am today. I cannot change who I was, but I can learn from her and let go of her. I can remember that I am a different better person who is constantly looking to be better and do more for others to make up for past mistakes and hurts. I cannot change what happened in my past, but I can learn from it and let go of it to make room for a new future.
So laugh when you can, apologize when you should and let go of things you cannot change! Your life will be better for it!
Monday, July 8, 2013
Post 71 - Peeing in your pants is cool
So funny story. We were walking home from dinner friday night and of course I have to pee and pretty badly, par for the course lately. We get home and I see the babygate to the bedrooms is open. We keep it closed because one of our dogs loves to lay on the bed and eat the cats food. I say "oh no" so B heads back there and so do I to see Roscoe had, had some fun in our bed.. the bed is completely unmade on his side (it was made before dinner) and he had just rolled around in it like someone had had sex in it. Well i am laughing and laughing and laughing, so much bc B is livid and calling Roscoe in there to say bad dog that I peed my pants :) not much but enough to say I did.. true story Luagh it up, just remember peeing in your pants is cool!
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Post 70, 2013 - Expectations
Today has made me laugh. Most holidays, the day before our CEO let's us off. MOST, not all. I laugh at the people who bank on this, when it does not always happen and they know it does not always happen. The plans are made, and then the expected email doesn't arrive. I am literally sitting here giggling at those who are complaining that we have not gotten the email. It is 2 hours of work, and the ones that are complaining, are probably not going to work anyway, so really is it that big of deal? If it is, then take a half day. That is what I do.. Sure it sucks that i am charged two hours on the off chance we do get off early but I would rather do that then be annoyed.
So while they are disappointed I will go get a pedicure for my lunch.. that sounds like a perfect idea!
Make sure the expectations you have for something are reasonable, otherwise you are in for disappointment and well no one likes to be disappointed.
So while they are disappointed I will go get a pedicure for my lunch.. that sounds like a perfect idea!
Make sure the expectations you have for something are reasonable, otherwise you are in for disappointment and well no one likes to be disappointed.
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